Variables and Conversions functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the functions available in AutoIt. Click on a function name for a detailed description.


Function Description
Asc Returns the ASCII code of a character.
AscW Returns the unicode code of a character.
Assign Assigns a variable by name with the data.
Binary Returns the binary representation of an expression.
BinaryLen Returns the number of bytes in a binary variant.
BinaryMid Extracts a number of bytes from a binary variant.
BinaryToString Converts a binary variant into a string.
Chr Returns a character corresponding to an ASCII code.
ChrW Returns a character corresponding to a unicode code.
Dec Returns a numeric representation of a hexadecimal string.
Eval Return the value of the variable defined by a string.
FuncName Returns the name of a function stored in a variable.
Hex Returns a string representation of an integer or of a binary type converted to hexadecimal.
HWnd Converts an expression into an HWND handle.
Int Returns the integer (whole number) representation of an expression.
IsAdmin Checks if the current user has full administrator privileges.
IsArray Checks if a variable is an array type.
IsBinary Checks if a variable or expression is a binary type.
IsBool Checks if a variable's base type is boolean.
IsDeclared Check if a variable has been declared.
IsDllStruct Checks if a variable is a DllStruct type.
IsFloat Checks if the value of a variable or expression has a fractional component.
IsFunc Checks if a variable or expression is a function type.
IsHWnd Checks if a variable's base type is a pointer and window handle.
IsInt Checks if the value of a variable or expression has no fractional component.
IsKeyword Checks if a variable is a keyword (for example, Default).
IsMap Checks if a variable is a Map type.
IsNumber Checks if a variable's base type is numeric.
IsObj Checks if a variable or expression is an object type.
IsPtr Checks if a variable's base type is a pointer.
IsString Checks if a variable is a string type.
Number Returns the numeric representation of an expression.
Ptr Converts an expression into a pointer variant.
String Returns the string representation of an expression.
StringToBinary Converts a string into binary data.
UBound Returns the size of array dimensions or the number of keys in a map.