Keyword Reference


Contains information on a treeview item change, sent with $TVN_ITEMCHANGED and $TVN_ITEMCHANGING notifications

Global Const $tagNMTVITEMCHANGE = $tagNMHDR & ";uint Changed;handle hItem;uint StateNew;uint StateOld;lparam lParam;"


$tagNMHDR Contains information about a notification message
Changed Specifies the attribute. Changed must always have the following value:
    TVIF_STATE - The change is the state attribute.
hItem Handle to the changed tree-view item.
StateNew Flag that specifies the new item state.
StateOld Flag that specifies the item's previous state.
lParam Reserved for application specific data. For example, a value to associate with the item.


This notification is only present on Windows Vista and later.