GuiHeader user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <GuiHeader.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_GUICtrlHeader_AddItem Adds a new header item
_GUICtrlHeader_ClearFilter Clears the filter
_GUICtrlHeader_ClearFilterAll Clears all of the filters
_GUICtrlHeader_Create Creates a Header control
_GUICtrlHeader_CreateDragImage Creates a semi-transparent version of an item's image for use as a dragging image
_GUICtrlHeader_DeleteItem Deletes a header item
_GUICtrlHeader_Destroy Delete the Header control
_GUICtrlHeader_EditFilter Starts editing the specified filter
_GUICtrlHeader_GetBitmapMargin Retrieves the width of the bitmap margin
_GUICtrlHeader_GetImageList Retrieves the handle to the image list
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItem Retrieves information about an item
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemAlign Retrieves the item text alignment
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemBitmap Retrieves the item bitmap handle
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemCount Retrieves a count of the items
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemDisplay Returns the item display information
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemFlags Returns the item flag information
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemFormat Returns the format of the item
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemImage Retrieves the index of an image within the image list
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemOrder Retrieves the order in which the item appears
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemParam Retrieves the param value of the item
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a given item
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemRectEx Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a given item
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemText Retrieves the item text
_GUICtrlHeader_GetItemWidth Retrieves the item's width
_GUICtrlHeader_GetOrderArray Retrieves the current left-to-right order of items in a header control
_GUICtrlHeader_GetUnicodeFormat Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control
_GUICtrlHeader_HitTest Tests a point to determine which item is at the specified point
_GUICtrlHeader_InsertItem Inserts a new header item
_GUICtrlHeader_Layout Retrieves the correct size and position of the control
_GUICtrlHeader_OrderToIndex Retrieves an index value for an item based on its order
_GUICtrlHeader_SetBitmapMargin Sets the width of the margin, specified in pixels, of a bitmap
_GUICtrlHeader_SetFilterChangeTimeout Sets the filter change timeout interval
_GUICtrlHeader_SetHotDivider Changes the hot divider color
_GUICtrlHeader_SetImageList Assigns an image list
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItem Sets information about an item
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemAlign Sets the item text alignment
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemBitmap Sets the item bitmap handle
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemDisplay Returns the item display information
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemFlags Returns the item flag information
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemFormat Sets the format of the item
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemImage Sets the index of an image within the image list
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemOrder Sets the order in which the item appears
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemParam Sets the param value of the item
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemText Sets the item text
_GUICtrlHeader_SetItemWidth Sets the item's width
_GUICtrlHeader_SetOrderArray Sets the current left-to-right order of items
_GUICtrlHeader_SetUnicodeFormat Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control