Color user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <WinAPIGdi.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_WinAPI_ColorAdjustLuma Changes the luminance of a RGB value
_WinAPI_ColorHLSToRGB Converts colors from hue-luminance-saturation (HLS) to RGB format
_WinAPI_ColorRGBToHLS Converts colors from RGB to hue-luminance-saturation (HLS) format
_WinAPI_CreateColorAdjustment Creates $tagCOLORADJUSTMENT structure specifies the color adjustment
_WinAPI_GetBValue Retrieves an intensity value for the blue component of a 32-bit RGB value
_WinAPI_GetColorAdjustment Retrieves the color adjustment for the specified device context (DC)
_WinAPI_GetDeviceGammaRamp Gets the gamma ramp on direct color display boards that support downloadable gamma ramps in hardware
_WinAPI_GetGValue Retrieves an intensity value for the green component of a 32-bit RGB value
_WinAPI_GetRValue Retrieves an intensity value for the red component of a 32-bit RGB value
_WinAPI_GetUDFColorMode Retrieves the current color mode for WinAPIEx UDF library
_WinAPI_InvertColor Inverts (negative) the specified color
_WinAPI_RGB Creates a RGB color value based on red, green, and blue components
_WinAPI_SetColorAdjustment Sets the color adjustment for a device context (DC)
_WinAPI_SetDeviceGammaRamp Sets the gamma ramp on direct color display boards that support downloadable gamma ramps in hardware
_WinAPI_SetUDFColorMode Sets the color mode for the WinAPIEx library
_WinAPI_SwitchColor Converts a color from BGR to RGB and vice versa