DeviceContext user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <WinAPIGdiDC.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC Creates a memory device context compatible with the specified device
_WinAPI_DeleteDC Deletes the specified device context
_WinAPI_DrawEdge Draws one or more edges of rectangle
_WinAPI_DrawFrameControl Draws a frame control of the specified type and style
_WinAPI_DrawIcon Draws an icon or cursor into the specified device context
_WinAPI_DrawIconEx Draws an icon or cursor into the specified device context
_WinAPI_DrawText Draws formatted text in the specified rectangle
_WinAPI_EnumDisplayDevices Obtains information about the display devices in a system
_WinAPI_FillRect Fills a rectangle by using the specified brush
_WinAPI_FrameRect Draws a border around the specified rectangle by using the specified brush
_WinAPI_GetBkColor Retrieves the current background color for the specified device context
_WinAPI_GetBkMode Returns the current background mix mode for a specified device context
_WinAPI_GetDC Retrieves a handle of a display device context for the client area a window
_WinAPI_GetDCEx Retrieves a handle to a device context (DC) for the client area of a specified window
_WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps Retrieves device specific information about a specified device
_WinAPI_GetTextColor Retrieves the current text color for the specified device context
_WinAPI_PrintWindow Copies a visual window into the specified device context
_WinAPI_ReleaseDC Releases a device context
_WinAPI_RestoreDC Restores a device context (DC) to the specified state
_WinAPI_SaveDC Saves the current state of the specified device context (DC) by copying data describing selected objects and graphic modes to a context stack
_WinAPI_SetBkColor Sets the current background color to the specified color value
_WinAPI_SetBkMode Sets the background mix mode of the specified device context
_WinAPI_SetTextColor Sets the current text color to the specified color value
_WinAPI_TwipsPerPixelX Returns the width of a pixel, in twips
_WinAPI_TwipsPerPixelY Returns the height of a pixel, in twips