Processes user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <WinAPIProc.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_WinAPI_AdjustTokenPrivileges Enables or disables privileges in the specified access token
_WinAPI_AssignProcessToJobObject Assigns a process to an existing job object
_WinAPI_AttachConsole Attaches the calling process to the console of the specified process
_WinAPI_AttachThreadInput Attaches the input processing mechanism of one thread to that of another thread
_WinAPI_CreateJobObject Creates or opens a job object
_WinAPI_CreateProcess Creates a new process and its primary thread
_WinAPI_CreateProcessWithToken Creates a new process and its primary thread in the security context of the specified token
_WinAPI_DuplicateTokenEx Creates a new primary or impersonation access token that duplicates an existing token
_WinAPI_EmptyWorkingSet Removes as many pages as possible from the working set of the specified process
_WinAPI_EnumChildProcess Enumerates a child processes that belong to the specified process
_WinAPI_EnumDeviceDrivers Retrieves the load address for each device driver in the system
_WinAPI_EnumProcessHandles Enumerates a handles that belong to the specified process
_WinAPI_EnumProcessModules Retrieves a handle and name for each module in the specified process
_WinAPI_EnumProcessThreads Enumerates a threads that belong to the specified process
_WinAPI_EnumProcessWindows Enumerates a windows that belong to the specified process
_WinAPI_FatalAppExit Displays a message box and terminates the application
_WinAPI_GetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID Retrieves the application-defined, explicit Application User Model ID for the current process
_WinAPI_GetCurrentProcessID Returns the process identifier of the calling process
_WinAPI_GetCurrentThread Retrieves a pseudo handle for the calling thread
_WinAPI_GetCurrentThreadId Returns the thread identifier of the calling thread
_WinAPI_GetDeviceDriverBaseName Retrieves the base name of the specified device driver
_WinAPI_GetDeviceDriverFileName Retrieves the path available for the specified device driver
_WinAPI_GetExitCodeProcess Retrieves the termination status of the specified process
_WinAPI_GetGuiResources Retrieves the count of handles to graphical user interface (GUI) objects in use by the specified process
_WinAPI_GetModuleFileNameEx Retrieves the fully-qualified path for the file containing the specified module
_WinAPI_GetModuleInformation Retrieves information about the specified module
_WinAPI_GetPriorityClass Retrieves the priority class for the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessAffinityMask Obtains the affinity masks for the process and the system
_WinAPI_GetProcessCommandLine Retrieves the command-line string for the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessFileName Retrieves the fully-qualified path of the executable file for the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessHandleCount Retrieves the number of open handles that belong to the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessID Retrieves the process identifier of the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessIoCounters Retrieves accounting information for all I/O operations performed by the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessMemoryInfo Retrieves information about the memory usage of the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessName Retrieves the name for the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessTimes Retrieves timing information for the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessUser Retrieves the user and domain name for the specified process
_WinAPI_GetProcessWorkingDirectory Retrieves the current working directory for the specified process
_WinAPI_GetThreadDesktop Retrieves a handle to the desktop assigned to the specified thread
_WinAPI_GetThreadErrorMode Retrieves the error mode for the calling thread
_WinAPI_IsElevated Determines whether the current process is elevated
_WinAPI_IsProcessInJob Determines whether the process is running in the specified job
_WinAPI_IsWow64Process Determines whether the specified process is running under WOW64
_WinAPI_OpenJobObject Opens an existing job object
_WinAPI_OpenProcess Returns a handle of an existing process object
_WinAPI_OpenProcessToken Opens the access token associated with a process
_WinAPI_QueryInformationJobObject Retrieves limit and job state information from the job object
_WinAPI_SetInformationJobObject Sets limits for a job object
_WinAPI_SetPriorityClass Sets the priority class for the specified process
_WinAPI_SetProcessAffinityMask Sets a processor affinity mask for the threads of a specified process
_WinAPI_SetThreadDesktop Assigns the specified desktop to the calling thread
_WinAPI_SetThreadErrorMode Controls whether the system will handle the specified types of serious errors or whether the calling thread will handle them
_WinAPI_SetThreadExecutionState Prevents the system from entering sleep or turning off the display while the current application is running
_WinAPI_TerminateJobObject Terminates all processes currently associated with the job
_WinAPI_TerminateProcess Terminates the specified process and all of its threads
_WinAPI_UserHandleGrantAccess Grants or denies access to a handle to a User object to a job that has a user-interface restriction
_WinAPI_WriteConsole Writes a character string to a console screen buffer