Function Reference


Retrieves information about the specified named pipe

#include <NamedPipes.au3>
_NamedPipes_GetNamedPipeInfo ( $hNamedPipe )


$hNamedPipe Handle to the named pipe instance. The handle must have GENERIC_READ access to the named pipe

Return Value

Success: an array with the following format:
    $aInfo[0] - True if handle refers to server end, otherwise client end
    $aInfo[1] - True for a message pipe, otherwise byte pipe
    $aInfo[2] - Size of the buffer for outgoing data, in bytes
    $aInfo[3] - Size of the buffer for incoming data, in bytes
    $aInfo[4] - Maximum number of pipe instances that can be created
Failure: sets the @error flag to non-zero.

See Also

Search GetNamedPipeInfo in MSDN Library.