Function Reference


Notifies the Shell that an image in the system image list has changed

#include <WinAPIShellEx.au3>
_WinAPI_ShellUpdateImage ( $sIcon, $iIndex, $iImage [, $iFlags = 0] )


$sIcon The fully qualified path of the file that contains the icon.
$iIndex The 0-based index of the icon.
$iImage The 0-based index in the system image list of the icon that is being updated.
$iFlags [optional] The flags that determine the icon attributes. It can be 0 or a combination of the following values.

Return Value



If you do not know the index in the system image list of the icon that you want to update, use the
_WinAPI_ShellGetFileInfo() function with the $SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX flag set.

To use this function, you must call _WinAPI_FileIconInit() at application launch.


_WinAPI_FileIconInit, _WinAPI_ShellGetFileInfo

See Also

Search SHUpdateImage in MSDN Library.