This file contains instructions on submitting code for AutoIt, it helps me if code is submitted like this due to my lack of free time at the moment. Code submitted like this will take precedence over any code that I need to windiff or think about! Note, try and keep code in the same style as the existing sources, taking note of naming, layout and style conventions - even if you disagree with the conventions ;) Consistancy is everything! 1. Create a text file containing all the changes to the source files you have made (See Code_Specification_Example.txt for an example by Larry). Try and use the latest version of the sources as a comparision to aid me. 2. Modify/create the relevant html help pages 3. Compile your code into AutoIt3-test.exe 4. Create a test.au3 script that demonstrates the new/changed feature 5. Create a zipfile called "" that contains: - AutoIt3-test.exe - test.au3 - all modified script files (script.cpp, script_misc.cpp, etc.) - Changes.txt (as per the Code_Specification_Example.txt above) - Modified/created html files 6. send to "support at hiddensoft com" titled "AutoIt Code Submission" If you don't get a reply with a week then send a reminder. It's hard keeping track of all the emails I get and I'm a little busy with RL/Work stuff these days :( Thanks, Jon.