#include #include ;This script returns (if lyrics is found) an array: ;$return[0] = a number (if 1 then only lyrics returned if 2 also youtube link returned ;$return[1] = lyrics ;$return[2] = Youtube Link ;What this does is search for the title and then look at the links artist. If the $sArtist matches the link artist it gets the lyrics... ;sometimes the youtube video is not available. Then the $return[0] is set to 1 and $return[2] doesn't exist... ;Enjoy! $input = InputBox('Lycris Find', 'Please enter title and artist', 'title - artist', '', 100, 100, -1, -1) if $input = '' then Exit $p = StringSplit($input, ' - ', 1) if $p[0] < 2 then exit $l = _FindLyrics($p[1], $p[2]) if $l <> -1 then if $l[0] <> 1 Then ShellExecute($l[2]) msgbox(32, 'Found it!', $l[1]) ClipPut($l[1]) Else msgbox(0, 'did not find that song..', 'try a different title') EndIf Func _FindLyrics($sTitle, $sArtist) $source = _INetGetSource('http://www.lyrics.com/search.php?what=lyric&keyword='&$sTitle&'&x=35&y=13') $p1 = StringSplit($source, '

Search results for songs: '&$sTitle&' (', 1) if $p1[0] < 2 then return -1 $p2 = StringSplit($p1[2], ' results)', 1) $results = $p2[1] if $results = 0 then return -1 $p3 = StringSplit($source, ' results)', 1) $p4 = StringSplit($p3[2], '', 1) $got = StringReplace($p4[1], @TAB, '') $tog = StringSplit($got, '', 1) $tog[0] -= 1 For $i = 1 to $tog[0] $bet = _StringBetween($tog[$i], '">', '') $tk = StringSplit($bet[$bet[0]], '>', 1) $artist = $tk[$tk[0]] $slk = StringSplit($tog[$i], @CRLF, 1) $fl = StringSplit($slk[$slk[0]-2], '', 1) $link = $fk[1] if StringInStr($artist, $sArtist) then $nu = _INetGetSource($link) $kjg = StringSplit($nu, ' ', 1) $kf = StringSplit($kjg[2], '', 1) $ftr = StringSplit($kf[1], 'document.write("', 1) if $ftr[0] < 2 then $3 = 'No lyrics' Else $ve = StringSplit($ftr[2], '")', 1) $1 = StringReplace($ve[1], '
', '') $2 = StringReplace($1, '
', @CRLF) $3 = StringReplace($2, '
', @CRLF) EndIf $yg = StringSplit($nu, '', 1) $fv = StringSplit($yg[2], '
', 1) $kl = StringSplit($fv[1], '', 1) $youtubelink = $hf[1] if $youtubelink <> '&autoplay=1' then global $text[3] $text[0] = 2 $text[1] = $3 $text[2] = $youtubelink Else global $text[2] $text[0] = 1 $text[1] = $3 EndIf return $text EndIf Next return -1 EndFunc ;==> _FindLyrics