; !!! VERSION 1.0 BETA 9 - NOT COMPLETE !!! #include-once #include #include #include ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: SFTP ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Functions that assist with SFTP using psftp from PuTTY package. ; Author(s) .....: Lupo73 ; Notes .........: Function names and parameters inspired by FTPEx.au3 ; Exe(s) ........: psftp.exe ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== Global $__gsLocalDir_SFTP, $__gsRemoteDir_SFTP ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_SFTP_Close ;_SFTP_Connect ;_SFTP_DirCreate ;_SFTP_DirDelete ;_SFTP_DirGetContents ;_SFTP_DirGetCurrent ;_SFTP_DirGetCurrentLocal ;_SFTP_DirPutContents ;_SFTP_DirSetCurrent ;_SFTP_DirSetCurrentLocal ;_SFTP_FileDelete ;_SFTP_FileExists ;_SFTP_FileGet ;_SFTP_FileGetInfo ;_SFTP_FileGetSize ;_SFTP_FileMove ;_SFTP_FilePut ;_SFTP_ListToArray ;_SFTP_ListToArrayEx ; <<<<<<<<<<< time not updated with timezone offset ;_SFTP_Open ;_SFTP_ProgressDownload ; <<<<<<<<<<< not complete ;_SFTP_ProgressUpload ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ;__MonthToNumber ;__WinAPI_GetFullPathName ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_Close ; Description ...: Closes the _SFTP_Open session. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_Close ( $hSession ) ; Parameters ....: $hSession - as returned by _SFTP_Open(). ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - Fails to close the session ; Author ........: Lupo73, IgneusJotunn ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Open ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_Close($hSession) If ProcessExists($hSession) = 0 Then Return 1 EndIf StdinWrite($hSession, "bye") ProcessClose($hSession) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_Close ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_Connect ; Description ...: Connects to a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_Connect ( $hSession, $sServerName [, $sUsername = "" [, $sPassword = "" [, $iServerPort = 0]]] ) ; Parameters ....: $hSession - as returned by _SFTP_Open(). ; $sServerName - Server name/ip. ; $sUsername - Optional, Username. ; $sPassword - Optional, Password. ; $iServerPort - Optional, Server port ( 0 is default (22) ) ; Return values .: Success - Returns an identifier ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The session is closed ; |2 - Access denied ; |3 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73, trainer ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Open ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_Connect($hSession, $sServerName, $sUsername = "", $sPassword = "", $iServerPort = 0) If ProcessExists($hSession) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If $iServerPort = 0 Then $iServerPort = "" EndIf Local $sLine, $sStringSplit, $iWaitKeySaving = 0, $bSaveKey = True StdinWrite($hSession, 'open ' & $sServerName & ' ' & $iServerPort & @CRLF) While 1 $iWaitKeySaving += 1 If $iWaitKeySaving >= 500 And $bSaveKey Then StdinWrite($hSession, 'y' & @CRLF) $bSaveKey = False EndIf $sLine = StdoutRead($hSession) If ProcessExists($hSession) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "login as:") Then StdinWrite($hSession, $sUsername & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hSession) If ProcessExists($hSession) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop 2 ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "password:") Then StdinWrite($hSession, $sPassword & @CRLF) ExitLoop 2 EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd If $sLine <> "psftp>" Then ; Connection With User And Password. While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hSession) If ProcessExists($hSession) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Access denied") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; The Password Is Required Again. EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd EndIf If StringInStr($sLine, "Remote working directory is") Then $sStringSplit = StringSplit($sLine, @CRLF) $__gsRemoteDir_SFTP = StringTrimLeft($sStringSplit[1], 28) EndIf If $__gsRemoteDir_SFTP = 0 Then $__gsRemoteDir_SFTP = _SFTP_DirGetCurrent($hSession) EndIf Return $hSession EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_Connect ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_DirCreate ; Description ...: Makes a Directory on a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_DirCreate ( $hConnection, $sRemoteDir ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteDir - The remote Directory to create. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Creation probably failed because the Directory already exists ; |3 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_DirCreate($hConnection, $sRemoteDir) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $sLine StdinWrite($hConnection, 'mkdir "' & $sRemoteDir & '"' & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, $sRemoteDir & ": OK") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, $sRemoteDir & ": failure") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_DirCreate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_DirDelete ; Description ...: Deletes a Directory on a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_DirDelete ( $hConnection, $sRemoteDir ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteDir - The remote Directory to be deleted. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Directory not found ; |3 - Directory probably contains not removable files ; |4 - Failed listing Directory ; |5 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect, _SFTP_FileDelete, _SFTP_ListToArrayEx ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_DirDelete($hConnection, $sRemoteDir) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $aFileList = _SFTP_ListToArrayEx($hConnection, $sRemoteDir) If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndIf If $aFileList[0][0] > 0 Then For $A = 1 To $aFileList[0][0] If StringLeft($aFileList[$A][2], 1) <> "d" Then _SFTP_FileDelete($hConnection, $sRemoteDir & "/" & $aFileList[$A][0]) Else _SFTP_DirDelete($hConnection, $sRemoteDir & "/" & $aFileList[$A][0]) EndIf If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf Next EndIf Local $sLine StdinWrite($hConnection, 'rmdir "' & $sRemoteDir & '"' & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, $sRemoteDir & ": OK") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "no such file or directory") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, $sRemoteDir & ": failure") Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_DirDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_DirGetContents ; Description ...: Get a folder from a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_DirGetContents ( $hConnection, $sRemoteFolder [, $sLocalFolder = "" [, $fFailIfExists = False [, $fRecursiveGet = 1]]] ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteFolder - The remote folder i.e. "/website/home". ; $sLocalFolder - Optional, The local folder (or use the source name if not defined) i.e. "c:\temp". ; $fFailIfExists - Optional, True: do not overwrite existing (default = False) ; $fRecursiveGet - Optional, Recurse through sub-dirs: 0 = Non recursive, 1 = Recursive (default) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Local folder exists and $fFailIfExists = True ; |3 - Remote folder not found ; |4 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_DirGetContents($hConnection, $sRemoteFolder, $sLocalFolder = "", $fFailIfExists = False, $fRecursiveGet = 1) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If $sLocalFolder <> "" Then $sLocalFolder = __WinAPI_GetFullPathName($sLocalFolder) If FileExists($sLocalFolder) Then If $fFailIfExists Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf $sLocalFolder = ' "' & $sLocalFolder & '"' EndIf Local $sLine If $fRecursiveGet Then $sLine = '-r ' EndIf StdinWrite($hConnection, 'get ' & $sLine & '-- "' & $sRemoteFolder & '"' & $sLocalFolder & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "=> local:") Then ContinueLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "no such file or directory") Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_DirGetContents ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_DirGetCurrent ; Description ...: Get current remote Directory of a SFTP connection. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_DirGetCurrent ( $hConnection ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; Return values .: Success - Remote Directory ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_DirGetCurrent($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If $__gsRemoteDir_SFTP <> 0 Then Return $__gsRemoteDir_SFTP EndIf Local $sLine StdinWrite($hConnection, 'pwd' & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Remote directory is") Then ExitLoop ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return StringTrimLeft($sLine, 20) EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_DirGetCurrent ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_DirGetCurrentLocal ; Description ...: Get current local Directory of a SFTP connection. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_DirGetCurrentLocal ( $hConnection ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; Return values .: Success - Local Directory ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_DirGetCurrentLocal($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If $__gsLocalDir_SFTP <> 0 Then Return $__gsLocalDir_SFTP EndIf Local $sLine StdinWrite($hConnection, 'lpwd' & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Current local directory is") Then ExitLoop ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return StringTrimLeft($sLine, 27) EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_DirGetCurrentLocal ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_DirPutContents ; Description ...: Puts a folder on a SFTP server. Recursively if selected. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_DirPutContents ( $hConnection, $sLocalFolder [, $sRemoteFolder = "" [, $fRecursivePut = 1]]] ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sLocalFolder - The local folder i.e. "c:\temp". ; $sRemoteFolder - Optional, The remote folder (or use the source name if not defined) i.e. "/website/home". ; $fRecursivePut - Optional, Recurse through sub-dirs: 0 = Non recursive, 1 = Recursive (default) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Local folder does not exists ; |3 - Remote folder cannot be created ; |4 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_DirPutContents($hConnection, $sLocalFolder, $sRemoteFolder = "", $fRecursivePut = 1) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If $sRemoteFolder <> "" Then $sRemoteFolder = ' "' & $sRemoteFolder & '"' EndIf Local $sLine If $fRecursivePut Then $sLine = '-r ' EndIf StdinWrite($hConnection, 'put ' & $sLine & '-- "' & $sLocalFolder & '"' & $sRemoteFolder & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "=> remote:") Then ContinueLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "unable to open") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Cannot create directory") Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_DirPutContents ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_DirSetCurrent ; Description ...: Set current remote Directory of a SFTP connection. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_DirSetCurrent ( $hConnection [, $sRemoteDir = ""] ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteDir - Optional, The remote Directory (or use the original Directory if not defined) i.e. "/website/home". ; Return values .: Success - Remote Directory ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Directory not found ; |3 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_DirSetCurrent($hConnection, $sRemoteDir = "") If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $sLine StdinWrite($hConnection, 'cd "' & $sRemoteDir & '"' & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Remote directory is now") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "no such file or directory") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd $__gsRemoteDir_SFTP = StringTrimLeft($sLine, 24) Return $__gsRemoteDir_SFTP EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_DirSetCurrent ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_DirSetCurrentLocal ; Description ...: Set current local Directory of a SFTP connection. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_DirSetCurrentLocal ( $hConnection, $sLocalDir ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sLocalDir - The local Directory i.e. "c:\temp". ; Return values .: Success - Local Directory ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Directory not found ; |3 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_DirSetCurrentLocal($hConnection, $sLocalDir) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $sLine StdinWrite($hConnection, 'lcd "' & $sLocalDir & '"' & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "New local directory is") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "unable to") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd $__gsLocalDir_SFTP = StringTrimLeft($sLine, 23) Return $__gsLocalDir_SFTP EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_DirSetCurrentLocal ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_FileDelete ; Description ...: Deletes a file on a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_FileDelete ( $hConnection, $sRemoteFile ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteFile - The remote file to be deleted. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - File not found ; |3 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect, _SFTP_DirDelete ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_FileDelete($hConnection, $sRemoteFile) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $sLine StdinWrite($hConnection, 'del "' & $sRemoteFile & '"' & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, $sRemoteFile & ": OK") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "no such file or directory") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_FileDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_FileExists ; Description ...: Checks if a file or folder exists on a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_FileExists ( $hConnection, $sRemoteFile ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteFile - The remote file. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Directory not found ; |3 - Directory is empty ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_FileExists($hConnection, $sRemoteFile) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $aStringSplit, $aFileList, $iExists = 0, $sRemoteDir = "" $aStringSplit = StringSplit($sRemoteFile, "/") If $aStringSplit[0] > 1 Then $sRemoteDir = StringTrimRight($sRemoteFile, StringLen($aStringSplit[$aStringSplit[0]]) + 1) $sRemoteFile = $aStringSplit[$aStringSplit[0]] EndIf $aFileList = _SFTP_ListToArray($hConnection, $sRemoteDir) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf If $aFileList[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf For $A = 1 To $aFileList[0] If $sRemoteFile = $aFileList[$A] Then $iExists = 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $iExists EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_FileExists ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_FileGet ; Description ...: Get a file from a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_FileGet ( $hConnection, $sRemoteFile [, $sLocalFile = "" [, $fFailIfExists = False]] ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteFile - The remote file. ; $sLocalFile - Optional, The local file (or use the source name if not defined). ; $fFailIfExists - Optional, True: do not overwrite existing (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Local file exists and $fFailIfExists = True ; |3 - Remote file not found ; |4 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_FileGet($hConnection, $sRemoteFile, $sLocalFile = "", $fFailIfExists = False) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If $sLocalFile <> "" Then $sLocalFile = __WinAPI_GetFullPathName($sLocalFile) If FileExists($sLocalFile) Then If $fFailIfExists Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf $sLocalFile = ' "' & $sLocalFile & '"' EndIf Local $sLine StdinWrite($hConnection, 'get -- "' & $sRemoteFile & '"' & $sLocalFile & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "=> local:") Then ContinueLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "no such file or directory") Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_FileGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_FileGetInfo ; Description ...: Get info of a file or folder from a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_FileGetInfo ( $hConnection, $sRemoteFile ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteFile - The remote file. ; Return values .: Success - returns an Array containing file info. ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Directory not found ; |3 - Directory is empty ; |4 - File not found ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: Array[0] Filename ; Array[1] Filesize ; Array[2] Permissions ; Array[3] File Modification datetime ; Array[4] Owner/Group ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect, _SFTP_ListToArrayEx ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_FileGetInfo($hConnection, $sRemoteFile) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $aArray[5], $aStringSplit, $aFileList, $sRemoteDir = "" $aStringSplit = StringSplit($sRemoteFile, "/") If $aStringSplit[0] > 1 Then $sRemoteDir = StringTrimRight($sRemoteFile, StringLen($aStringSplit[$aStringSplit[0]]) + 1) $sRemoteFile = $aStringSplit[$aStringSplit[0]] EndIf $aFileList = _SFTP_ListToArrayEx($hConnection, $sRemoteDir) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf If $aFileList[0][0] = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf For $A = 1 To $aFileList[0][0] If $sRemoteFile = $aFileList[$A][0] Then For $B = 0 To 4 $aArray[$B] = $aFileList[$A][$B] Next Return $aArray EndIf Next Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_FileGetInfo ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_FileGetSize ; Description ...: Get the filesize of a file from a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_FileGetSize ( $hConnection, $sRemoteFile ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteFile - The remote file. ; Return values .: Success - Filesize ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Remote directory not found ; |3 - Remote directory is empty ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect, _SFTP_ListToArrayEx ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_FileGetSize($hConnection, $sRemoteFile) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $aStringSplit, $aFileList, $iSize = 0, $sRemoteDir = "" $aStringSplit = StringSplit($sRemoteFile, "/") If $aStringSplit[0] > 1 Then $sRemoteDir = StringTrimRight($sRemoteFile, StringLen($aStringSplit[$aStringSplit[0]]) + 1) $sRemoteFile = $aStringSplit[$aStringSplit[0]] EndIf $aFileList = _SFTP_ListToArrayEx($hConnection, $sRemoteDir, 2) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf If $aFileList[0][0] = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf For $A = 1 To $aFileList[0][0] If $sRemoteFile = $aFileList[$A][0] Then $iSize = $aFileList[$A][1] ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $iSize EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_FileGetSize ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_FileMove ; Description ...: Move/Rename a file on a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_FileMove ( $hConnection, $sSourceFile, $sDestinationFile ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sSourceFile - The source file to move/rename. ; $sDestinationFile - The destination file to move/rename. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - File not found ; |3 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_FileMove($hConnection, $sSourceFile, $sDestinationFile) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $sLine StdinWrite($hConnection, 'mv "' & $sSourceFile & '" "' & $sDestinationFile & '"' & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, $sSourceFile & " -> ") Then ContinueLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "no such file or directory") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_FileMove ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_FilePut ; Description ...: Puts a file on a SFTP server. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_FilePut ( $hConnection, $sLocalFile [, $sRemoteFile = ""] ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sLocalFile - The local file i.e. "c:\temp". ; $sRemoteFile - Optional, The remote file (or use the source name if not defined) i.e. "/website/home". ; $fRecursivePut - Optional, Recurse through sub-dirs: 0 = Non recursive, 1 = Recursive (default) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Local file does not exists ; |3 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_FilePut($hConnection, $sLocalFile, $sRemoteFile = "") If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $sLine If $sRemoteFile <> "" Then $sRemoteFile = ' "' & $sRemoteFile & '"' EndIf StdinWrite($hConnection, 'put -- "' & $sLocalFile & '"' & $sRemoteFile & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "=> remote:") Then ContinueLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "unable to open") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_FilePut ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_ListToArray ; Description ...: Get names of files/folders into defined remote directory. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_ListToArray ( $hConnection [, $sRemoteDir = "" [, $ReturnType = 0]] ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteDir - Optional, The remote Directory (or use current remote Directory if not defined). ; $ReturnType - Optional, 0 = Both Files and Folders (default), 1 = Folders, 2 = Files. ; Return values .: Success - returns an Array containing the names. Array[0] contain the number of found entries. ; Failure - Array[0] = 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Remote directory not found ; |3 - Error splitting the list of files ; |4 - Wrong ReturnType value ; |5 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73, TCR ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_ListToArray($hConnection, $sRemoteDir = "", $ReturnType = 0) Local $aArray[1] = [0] If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $aArray) EndIf If $ReturnType < 0 Or $ReturnType > 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, $aArray) EndIf Local $sLine, $aStringSplit, $aSubStringSplit If $sRemoteDir <> "" Then $sRemoteDir = ' "' & $sRemoteDir & '"' EndIf StdinWrite($hConnection, 'ls' & $sRemoteDir & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine &= StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $aArray) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Unable to open") Then Return SetError(2, 0, $aArray) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Multiple-level wildcards") Or StringInStr($sLine, ": canonify: ") Then Return SetError(5, 0, $aArray) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd $aStringSplit = StringSplit(StringStripCR($sLine), @LF) If IsArray($aStringSplit) = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, $aArray) EndIf ReDim $aArray[$aStringSplit[0] + 1] For $A = 1 To $aStringSplit[0] If ($ReturnType = 1 And StringLeft($aStringSplit[$A], 1) <> "d") Or ($ReturnType = 2 And StringLeft($aStringSplit[$A], 1) <> "-") Then ContinueLoop EndIf $aSubStringSplit = _StringExplode(StringStripWS($aStringSplit[$A], 7), " ", 8) If UBound($aSubStringSplit) < 9 Then ContinueLoop EndIf $aArray[0] += 1 $aArray[$aArray[0]] = $aSubStringSplit[8] Next ReDim $aArray[$aArray[0] + 1] Return $aArray EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_ListToArray ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_ListToArrayEx ; Description ...: Get names, sizes, attributes and times of files/folders into defined remote directory. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_ListToArrayEx ( $hConnection [, $sRemoteDir = "" [, $ReturnType = 0 [, $fTimeFormat = 1]]] ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteDir - Optional, The remote Directory (or use current remote Directory if not defined). ; $ReturnType - Optional, 0 = Both Files and Folders (default), 1 = Folders, 2 = Files. ; $fTimeFormat - Optional, type on the date strings: 1 = YYYY/MM/DD[ HH:MM] (default), 0 = MM/DD/YYYY[ HH:MM]. ; Return values .: Success - returns a 2D Array, see remarks. ; Failure - Array[0][0] = 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Remote directory not found ; |3 - Error splitting the list of files ; |4 - Wrong ReturnType value ; |5 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73, TCR ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: Array[0][0] = number of found entries ; Array[x][0] Filename ; Array[x][1] Filesize ; Array[x][2] Permissions ; Array[x][3] File Modification datetime ; Array[x][4] Owner/Group ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_ListToArrayEx($hConnection, $sRemoteDir = "", $ReturnType = 0, $fTimeFormat = 1) Local $aArray[1][5] $aArray[0][0] = 0 If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $aArray) EndIf If $ReturnType < 0 Or $ReturnType > 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, $aArray) EndIf Local $sLine, $sTime, $aStringSplit, $aSubStringSplit If $sRemoteDir <> "" Then $sRemoteDir = ' "' & $sRemoteDir & '"' EndIf StdinWrite($hConnection, 'ls' & $sRemoteDir & @CRLF) While 1 $sLine &= StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $aArray) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Unable to open") Then Return SetError(2, 0, $aArray) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Multiple-level wildcards") Or StringInStr($sLine, ": canonify:") Then Return SetError(5, 0, $aArray) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd $aStringSplit = StringSplit(StringStripCR($sLine), @LF) If IsArray($aStringSplit) = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, $aArray) EndIf ReDim $aArray[$aStringSplit[0] + 1][5] For $A = 1 To $aStringSplit[0] If ($ReturnType = 1 And StringLeft($aStringSplit[$A], 1) <> "d") Or ($ReturnType = 2 And StringLeft($aStringSplit[$A], 1) <> "-") Then ContinueLoop EndIf $aSubStringSplit = _StringExplode(StringStripWS($aStringSplit[$A], 7), " ", 8) If UBound($aSubStringSplit) < 9 Then ContinueLoop EndIf $aArray[0][0] += 1 $aArray[$aArray[0][0]][0] = $aSubStringSplit[8] $aArray[$aArray[0][0]][1] = 0 If StringLeft($aSubStringSplit[0], 1) <> "d" Then ; Is A File. $aArray[$aArray[0][0]][1] = $aSubStringSplit[4] EndIf $aArray[$aArray[0][0]][2] = $aSubStringSplit[0] $sTime = "" $aSubStringSplit[6] = StringRight("0" & $aSubStringSplit[6], 2) If StringInStr($aSubStringSplit[7], ":") Then ; Is A Time. $sTime = " " & $aSubStringSplit[7] $aSubStringSplit[7] = @YEAR If _DateDiff('n', $aSubStringSplit[7] & "/" & __MonthToNumber($aSubStringSplit[5]) & "/" & $aSubStringSplit[6] & $sTime, _NowCalc()) < 0 Then $aSubStringSplit[7] -= 1 EndIf EndIf If $fTimeFormat = 1 Then $aArray[$aArray[0][0]][3] = $aSubStringSplit[7] & "/" & __MonthToNumber($aSubStringSplit[5]) & "/" & $aSubStringSplit[6] & $sTime Else $aArray[$aArray[0][0]][3] = __MonthToNumber($aSubStringSplit[5]) & "/" & $aSubStringSplit[6] & "/" & $aSubStringSplit[7] & $sTime EndIf ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< it may needs to update time based on timezone offset $aArray[$aArray[0][0]][4] = $aSubStringSplit[2] & " " & $aSubStringSplit[3] Next ReDim $aArray[$aArray[0][0] + 1][5] Return $aArray EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_ListToArrayEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_Open ; Description ...: Opens a SFTP session. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_Open ( [$sPath = 'psftp.exe'] ) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - Optional, The local path of the psftp executable i.e. "c:\temp\psftp.exe". ; Return values .: Success - Handle to internet session to be used in _SFTP_Connect(). ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73, trainer ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect, _SFTP_Close ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_Open($sPath = 'psftp.exe') Local $hSession = Run($sPath & " -load null", "", @SW_HIDE, $STDIN_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $sLine While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hSession) If ProcessExists($hSession) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd $__gsLocalDir_SFTP = _SFTP_DirGetCurrentLocal($hSession) Return $hSession EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_Open ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_ProgressDownload ; Description ...: Downloads a file and shows a Progress window or by Calling a User defined Function. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_ProgressDownload ( $hConnection, $sRemoteFile [, $sLocalFile = "" [, $fFailIfExists = False [, $fRecursiveGet = 1 [, $FunctionToCall = ""]]]] ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sRemoteFile - The remote file. ; $sLocalFile - Optional, The local file (or use the source name if not defined). ; $fFailIfExists - Optional, True: do not overwrite existing (default = False) ; $fRecursiveGet - Optional, Recurse through sub-dirs: 0 = Non recursive, 1 = Recursive (default) ; $FunctionToCall - Optional, A function which can update a ProgressBar and react on UserInput like Click on Abort or Close App. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Local folder exists and $fFailIfExists = True ; |3 - Remote folder not found ; |4 - Download aborted by PercentageFunc and Return of Called Function ; |5 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect, _SFTP_ProgressUpload, _SFTP_FileGetSize ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_ProgressDownload($hConnection, $sRemoteFile, $sLocalFile = "", $fFailIfExists = False, $fRecursiveGet = 1, $FunctionToCall = "") If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If $sLocalFile <> "" Then $sLocalFile = __WinAPI_GetFullPathName($sLocalFile) If FileExists($sLocalFile) Then If $fFailIfExists Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf $sLocalFile = ' "' & $sLocalFile & '"' EndIf If $FunctionToCall = "" Then ProgressOn("SFTP Download", "Downloading " & $sRemoteFile) EndIf Local $iSize = _SFTP_FileGetSize($hConnection, $sRemoteFile) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 0 for folders Local $sLine, $iInitialBytes, $iReadBytes, $iError If $fRecursiveGet Then $sLine = '-r ' EndIf StdinWrite($hConnection, 'get ' & $sLine & '-- "' & $sRemoteFile & '"' & $sLocalFile & @CRLF) $iReadBytes = ProcessGetStats($hConnection, 1) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< it may needs to load from another stat $iInitialBytes = $iReadBytes[3] While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then $iError = 1 ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "=> local:") Then ContinueLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "no such file or directory") Then $iError = 3 ExitLoop ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then $iError = 5 ExitLoop EndIf $iReadBytes = ProcessGetStats($hConnection, 1) If $FunctionToCall = "" Then ProgressSet(($iReadBytes[3] - $iInitialBytes) / $iSize * 100) Else If Call($FunctionToCall, ($iReadBytes[3] - $iInitialBytes) / $iSize * 100) <= 0 Then ProcessClose($hConnection) $iError = 4 ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd If $FunctionToCall = "" Then ProgressOff() EndIf If $iError Then Return SetError($iError, 0, 0) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_ProgressDownload ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SFTP_ProgressUpload ; Description ...: Uploads a file and shows a Progress window or by Calling a User defined Function. ; Syntax.........: _SFTP_ProgressUpload ( $hConnection, $sLocalFile [, $sRemoteFile = "" [, $fRecursivePut = 1 [, $FunctionToCall = ""]]] ) ; Parameters ....: $hConnection - as returned by _SFTP_Connect(). ; $sLocalFile - The local file. ; $sRemoteFile - Optional, The remote file (or use the source name if not defined). ; $fRecursivePut - Optional, Recurse through sub-dirs: 0 = Non recursive, 1 = Recursive (default) ; $FunctionToCall - Optional, A function which can update a ProgressBar and react on UserInput like Click on Abort or Close App. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error ; |1 - The connection is closed ; |2 - Remote folder not found ; |3 - Cannot create directory ; |4 - Download aborted by PercentageFunc and Return of Called Function ; |5 - Other error ; Author ........: Lupo73 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _SFTP_Connect, _SFTP_ProgressDownload ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SFTP_ProgressUpload($hConnection, $sLocalFile, $sRemoteFile = "", $fRecursivePut = 1, $FunctionToCall = "") If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If $sRemoteFile <> "" Then $sRemoteFile = ' "' & $sRemoteFile & '"' EndIf If $FunctionToCall = "" Then ProgressOn("SFTP Upload", "Uploading " & $sLocalFile) EndIf Local $iSize If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sLocalFile), "D") Then $iSize = DirGetSize($sLocalFile) Else $iSize = FileGetSize($sLocalFile) EndIf Local $sLine, $iInitialBytes, $iReadBytes, $iError If $fRecursivePut Then $sLine = '-r ' EndIf StdinWrite($hConnection, 'put ' & $sLine & '-- "' & $sLocalFile & '"' & $sRemoteFile & @CRLF) $iReadBytes = ProcessGetStats($hConnection, 1) $iInitialBytes = $iReadBytes[3] While 1 $sLine = StdoutRead($hConnection) If ProcessExists($hConnection) = 0 Then $iError = 1 ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "psftp>") Then ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "=> remote:") Then ContinueLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "unable to open") Then $iError = 2 ExitLoop ElseIf StringInStr($sLine, "Cannot create directory") Then $iError = 3 ExitLoop ElseIf $sLine <> "" Then $iError = 5 ExitLoop EndIf $iReadBytes = ProcessGetStats($hConnection, 1) If $FunctionToCall = "" Then ProgressSet(($iReadBytes[3] - $iInitialBytes) / $iSize * 100) Else If Call($FunctionToCall, ($iReadBytes[3] - $iInitialBytes) / $iSize * 100) <= 0 Then ProcessClose($hConnection) $iError = 4 ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd If $FunctionToCall = "" Then ProgressOff() EndIf If $iError Then Return SetError($iError, 0, 0) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ; ==>_SFTP_ProgressUpload ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __MonthToNumber ; Description ...: Converts the name of the Month into the month number. ; Syntax.........: __MonthToNumber ( $sMonth ) ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: ; Author ........: ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __MonthToNumber($sMonth) Switch $sMonth Case 'Jan' $sMonth = '01' Case 'Feb' $sMonth = '02' Case 'Mar' $sMonth = '03' Case 'Apr' $sMonth = '04' Case 'May' $sMonth = '05' Case 'Jun' $sMonth = '06' Case 'Jul' $sMonth = '07' Case 'Aug' $sMonth = '08' Case 'Sep' $sMonth = '09' Case 'Oct' $sMonth = '10' Case 'Nov' $sMonth = '11' Case 'Dec' $sMonth = '12' Case Else Return SetError(1, 0, "00") EndSwitch Return $sMonth EndFunc ;==>__MonthToNumber ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __WinAPI_GetFullPathName ; Description....: Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file. ; Syntax.........: __WinAPI_GetFullPathName ( $sFile ) ; Parameters.....: $sFile - The name of the file. ; Return values..: Success - The drive and path. ; Failure - Empty string and sets the @error flag to non-zero. ; Author.........: Yashied (WinAPIEx.au3) ; Modified.......: ; Remarks........: The _WinAPI_GetFullPathName() merges the name of the current drive and directory with a specified file name to ; determine the full path and file name of a specified file. This function does not verify that the resulting ; path and file name are valid, or that they see an existing file on the associated volume. ; Related........: ; Link...........: @@MsdnLink@@ GetFullPathName ; Example........: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __WinAPI_GetFullPathName($sFile) Local $Ret = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'dword', 'GetFullPathNameW', 'wstr', $sFile, 'dword', 4096, 'wstr', '', 'ptr', 0) If (@error) Or (Not $Ret[0]) Then Return SetError(1, 0, '') EndIf Return $Ret[3] EndFunc ;==>__WinAPI_GetFullPathName