Func LoginProcess() LogWrite("Entered LoginProcess()") ; References to HTML elements in the login process local $_UserNameBoxName = "type:text" local $_PasswordBoxName = "type:password" local $_WebFormName = "loginForm" ; BlockAllInput() ; Check if there is a certificate Error If (IsCertificateErrorPage($g_IEInstance)) Then ContinueOnCertificateError($g_IEInstance) EndIf ; Make IE visible to user _IEAction($g_IEInstance, "visible") ; ------------------ ; Handle login here (User Name, Password and Address are in the Relevant Parameters) ; Insert the Login Steps for the Connection Component ; Use $TargetUserName for the User Name ; Use $TargetPassword for the Users Password, ext. ; If more parameters are needed, edit the FetchSessionProperties Function below ; ------------------ ; Using Non-Form based Login parameters ;~ ================================== ; _IELoadWait($g_IEInstance,$g_pIELoadWait_Delay,$g_pIELoadWait_Timeout) Dim $oLoginForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($g_IEInstance, $_WebFormName) ; Login form not found If ($oLoginForm = 0) Then MsgBox(0, StringFormat("Can't find requested form named [%s] (Extra details: %d, %d)", $_WebFormName, -1004) EndIf local $oUser = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oLoginForm, $_UserNameBoxName) local $oPass = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oLoginForm, $_PasswordBoxName) _IEFormElementSetValue($oUser, $g_pTargetUsername) _IEFormElementSetValue($oPass, $g_pTargetPassword) ; Login local $hndl = _IEPropertyGet($g_IEInstance, "hwnd") WinActivate($hndl) Send("{Enter}") LogWrite("finished LoginProcess() successfully") UnblockAllBlockProhibited() EndFunc