#include"_CSVLib.au3" #include ; open a csv file $File = FileOpenDialog('Open csv', @ScriptDir & '\', 'Csv files (*.csv)', 1, 'TestCSVFile.csv') ; get records separated by | $Records = _CSVGetRecords ($File, -1, -1, 1) _ArrayDisplay($Records, 'Your file with "|" as delimiter') ; get recrords separated by , $Records = _CSVGetRecords ($File, -1, -1, 0) _ArrayDisplay($Records, 'Your file with "," as delimiter') ; get single column $Column = _CSVGetColumn ($File, 2, -1, -1, 0) _ArrayDisplay($Column, 'The second column') ; get single field $Field = _CSVGetField ($File, 3, 2, -1, -1, 0) MsgBox(0, 'field in col 3 row 2', $Field) ; get an array of fields of record 5 $FieldsInRecord = _CSVRecordToFields ($Records[5], -1, -1, 0) _ArrayDisplay($FieldsInRecord, 'fields in Record 5')