#include-once #cs Function Name: _MySQLConnect Description: Initiate a connection to a MySQL database. Parameter(s): $username - The username to connect to the database with. $password - The password to connect to the database with. $Database - Database to connect to. $server - The server your database is on. $driver (optional) the ODBC driver to use (default is "{MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}" Requirement(s): Autoit 3 with COM support Return Value(s): On success returns the connection object for subsequent functions. On failure returns 0 and sets @error @Error = 1 Error opening connection @Error = 2 MySQL ODBC Driver not installed. Author(s): cdkid #ce Func _MySQLConnect($sUsername, $sPassword, $sDatabase, $sServer, $sDriver = "{MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}", $iPort=3306) Local $v = StringMid($sDriver, 2, StringLen($sDriver) - 2) Local $key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers", $val = RegRead($key, $v) If @error or $val = "" Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf $ObjConn = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") $Objconn.open ("DRIVER=" & $sDriver & ";SERVER=" & $sServer & ";DATABASE=" & $sDatabase & ";UID=" & $sUsername & ";PWD=" & $sPassword & ";PORT="&$iPort) If @error Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $ObjConn EndIf EndFunc ;==>_MySQLConnect #cs Function name: _Query Description: Send a query to the database Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $query - The query to execute Return Value(s):On success returns the query result. On failure returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Requirement(s):Autoit3 with COM support Author(s): cdid #ce Func _Query($oConnectionObj, $sQuery) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then Return $oConnectionobj.execute ($sQuery) EndIf If @error Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Query #cs Function name: _MySQLEnd Description: Closes the database connection (see notes!) Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - The connection object as returned by _MySQLConnect() Requirement(s):Autoit 3 with COM support Return Value(s):On success returns 1. On failure returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Author(s): cdkid #ce Func _MySQLEnd($oConnectionObj) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $oConnectionObj.close Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_MySQLEnd #cs Function name: _AddRecord Description: Adds a record to the specified table Note(s): to add to multiple columns use an array with one blank element at the end as the $sColumn, and $value parameter Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQL Connect. $sTable - The table to put the record in $row - The row to put the record in. $value - The value to put into the row $vValue - OPTIONAL default will be default for the column (will not work with array, see notes) Requirement(s): Autoit 3 with COM support Return value(s): On success returns 1. If the connectionobj is not an object returns 0 and sets @error to 2. If there is any other error returns 0 and sets @error to 1. Author(s): cdkid #ce Func _AddRecord($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $vRow, $vValue = "") If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $query = "INSERT INTO " & $sTable & " (" If IsArray($vRow) Then For $i = 0 To UBound($vRow, 1) - 1 If $i > 0 And $i <> UBound($vRow, 1) - 1 Then $query = $query & "," & $vRow[$i] & "" ElseIf $i = UBound($vRow, 1) - 1 And $vRow[$i] <> "" Then $query = $query & "," & $vRow[$i] & ") VALUES(" ElseIf $i = 0 Then $query = $query & "" & $vRow[$i] & "" ElseIf $vRow[$i] = "" Then $query = $query & ") VALUES(" EndIf Next EndIf If Not IsArray($vRow) And Not IsArray($vValue) And Not IsInt($vValue) Then $oConnectionobj.execute ("INSERT INTO " & $sTable & " (" & $vRow & ") VALUES('" & $vValue & "')") return 1 ElseIf IsInt($vValue) And Not IsArray($vRow) And Not IsArray($vValue) Then $oconnectionobj.execute ("INSERT INTO " & $sTable & " (" & $vRow & ") VALUES(" & $vValue & ")") return 1 EndIf If IsArray($vValue) Then For $i = 0 To UBound($vValue, 1) - 1 If $i > 0 And $i <> UBound($vValue, 1) - 1 And Not IsInt($vValue[$i]) Then $query = $query & ",'" & $vValue[$i] & "'" ElseIf $i = UBound($vValue, 1) - 1 And $vValue[$i] <> "" And Not IsInt($vValue[$i]) Then $query = $query & ",'" & $vValue[$i] & "');" ElseIf $i = 0 And Not IsInt($vValue[$i]) Then $query = $query & "'" & $vValue[$i] & "'" ElseIf $vValue[$i] = "" Then $query = $query & ");" ElseIf IsInt($vValue[$i]) And $vValue[$i] <> "" Then $query = $query & "," & $vValue[$i] EndIf Next EndIf If StringRight($query, 2) <> ");" Then $query = $query & ");" EndIf $oconnectionobj.execute ($query) EndIf If Not IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf If @error And IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then Return 0 SetError(1) Else Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_AddRecord #cs Function name: _DeleteRecord Description: Deletes a record from the specified table Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - The table to delete from. $sColumn - The column to check value (see the example in the next post) $vRecordVal - The value to check in $sColumn (see example). $iLimit (optional) - the max number of record to delete if multiple match the criteria (default 1) Return Value(s): On success returns 1. If there $oConnectionObj is not an object returns 0 and sets @error to 1. If there are any other errors returns 0 and sets @error to 2 Requirement(s): Autoit 3 with COM support #ce Func _DeleteRecord ($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn, $vRecordVal, $iLimit = 1) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not IsInt($vRecordVal) Then $oconnectionobj.execute ("DELETE FROM " & $sTable & " WHERE " & $sColumn & " = '" & $vRecordVal & "' LIMIT " & $iLimit & ";") ElseIf IsInt($vRecordVal) Then $oconnectionobj.execute ("DELETE FROM " & $sTable & " WHERE " & $sColumn & " = " & $vRecordVal & " LIMIT " & $iLimit & ";") If Not @error Then Return 1 ElseIf Not IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then SetError(1) Return 0 ElseIf @error And IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DeleteRecord #cs Function name: _CreateTable() Description: Creates a table Parameters: $oConnectionObj - as returned by _MySQLConnect, $sTbl - The name of the table to create, $sPrimeKey - The name of the primary key column. $keytype - The datatype of the primary key (default is integer), $sNotNull - "yes" = must be filled out whenever a record is added "no" does not need to be filled out ("yes" default). $keyautoinc - "yes" = Auto incrememnts "no" = does not. $sType - The table type (default is InnoDB) Requirements: Autoit V3 with COM support Return value(s): on success returns 1 on failure sets @error to 1 and returns 0 Author: cdkid #ce Func _CreateTable($oConnectionObj, $sTbl, $sPrimeKey, $keytype = "INTEGER", $sNotNull = "yes", $keyautoinc = "yes", $sType = "InnoDB") If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then $str = "CREATE TABLE " & $sTbl & " " & "(" & $sPrimeKey & " " & $keytype & " UNSIGNED" If $sNotNull = "yes" Then $str = $str & " NOT NULL" EndIf If $keyautoinc = "yes" Then $str = $str & " AUTO_INCREMENT," EndIf $str = $str & " PRIMARY KEY (" & $sPrimeKey & " )" & " ) " & "TYPE = " & $sType & ";" $oConnectionObj.execute ($str) Return 1 ElseIf @error Then Return 0 SetError(1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CreateTable #cs Function Name: _CreateColumn Description: Creates a column in the given table Requirements: AutoitV3 with COM support Parameters: $oConnectionObj - as returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - the name of the table to add the column to. $sAllowNull - if 'yes' then does not add 'NOT NULL' to the SQL statement (default 'yes') $sDataType - The data type of the column default('VARCHAR(45)'). $sAutoInc - if 'yes' adds 'AUTO_INCREMENT' to the MySQL Statement (for use with Integer types) default('no'). $sUnsigned - if 'yes' adds 'UNSIGNED' to the MySQL statement. default('no') $vDefault - the default value of the column default('') Author: cdkid #ce Func _CreateColumn($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn, $sAllowNull = "no", $sDataType = "VARCHAR(45)", $sAutoInc = "no", $sUnsigned = "no", $vDefault = '') If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then $str = "ALTER TABLE `" & $sTable & "` ADD COLUMN `" & $sColumn & "` " & $sDataType & " " If $sAllowNull = "yes" Then $str = $str & "NOT NULL " EndIf If $sAutoInc = 'yes' Then $str = $str & "AUTO_INCREMENT " EndIf If $sUnsigned = 'yes' Then $str = $str & "UNSIGNED " EndIf $str = $str & "DEFAULT '" & $vDefault & "';" $oConnectionObj.execute ($str) Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CreateColumn #cs Function Name: _DropCol() Description: Delete a column from the given table Requirements: AutoitV3 with COM support Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect(). $sTable - The name of the table to delete the column from $sColumn - THe name of the column to delete Author: cdkid #ce Func _DropCol($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) & Not @error Then $oConnectionObj.execute ("ALTER TABLE " & $sTable & " DROP COLUMN " & $sColumn & ";") Return 1 ElseIf @error Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DropCol #cs Function Name: _DropTbl() Description: Deletes a table from the database Requirements: AutoitV3 with COM support Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - The name of the table to delete Author: cdkid #ce Func _DropTbl($oConnectionObj, $sTable) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then $oConnectionObj.execute ("DROP TABLE " & $sTable & ";") Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DropTbl #cs Function name: _CountRecords() Description: Get the number of records in the specified column Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - The name of the table that the column is in $value - If not = "" then it is put in the select statement in the WHERE clause (default "") Return value(s): On success returns the number of records. On failure sets @error to 1 and returns 0 Author: cdkid #ce Func _CountRecords($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn, $vValue = '') If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then If $sColumn <> "" And $vValue <> "" And Not IsInt($vValue) Then $constr = "SELECT " & $sColumn & " FROM " & $sTable & " WHERE " & $sColumn & " = '" & $vValue & "'" ElseIf $sColumn <> "" And $vValue = '' And Not IsInt($vValue) Then $constr = "SELECT " & $sColumn & " FROM " & $sTable ElseIf IsInt($vValue) And $sColumn <> '' And $vValue <> '' Then $constr = "SELECT " & $sColumn & " FROM " & $sTable & " WHERE " & $sColumn & " = " & $vValue EndIf $sql2 = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset") $sql2.cursorlocation = 3 $sql2.open ($constr, $oConnectionObj) With $sql2 $ret = .recordcount EndWith $sql2.close Return $ret Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CountRecords #cs Function name: _CountTables Description: Counts the number of tables in the database Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect Return value(s): if error - returns 0 and sets @error to 1. on success returns the number of tables in the database Author: cdkid #ce Func _CountTables($oConnectionObj) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW TABLES;") $i = 0 With $quer While Not .EOF $i = $i + 1 .MoveNext WEnd EndWith Return $i EndIf If @error Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CountTables #cs Function name: _GetColNames Description: Get's the names of all columns in a specified table Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - The name of the table to get the column names from Return values: On success returns an array where $array[0] is the number of elements in the array and all the rest are column names. On failure returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetColNames($oConnectionObj, $sTable) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then Dim $ret[1], $rs $rs = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " & $sTable & ";") With $rs While Not .EOF ReDim $ret[UBound($ret, 1) + 1] $ret[UBound($ret, 1) - 1] = $rs.Fields (0).Value .MoveNext WEnd EndWith $ret[0] = UBound($ret, 1) - 1 Return $ret EndIf If @error Then Return 0 SetError(1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetColNames #cs Function name: _GetTblNames Description: Gets the names of all tables in the database Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect Return value(s): On success returns an array where $array[0] is the number of tables and $array[n] is the nth table's name on failure - returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetTblNames($oConnectionObj) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then Dim $ret[1] $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW TABLES;") With $quer While Not .eof ReDim $ret[UBound($ret, 1) + 1] $ret[UBound($ret, 1) - 1] = .fields (0).value .movenext WEnd EndWith $ret[0] = UBound($ret, 1) - 1 Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetTblNames #cs Function name: _GetColVals Description: Gets all of the values of a specified column in a specified table Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect(), $sTable - the table that the column is in $sColumn - the column to get values from. Return value(s): On success returns an array where $array[0] is the number of values and $array[n] is the Nth value On failure sets @error to 1 and returns 0 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetColVals($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then Dim $ret[1] $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SELECT " & $sColumn & " FROM " & $sTable & ";") With $quer While Not .EOF ReDim $ret[UBound($ret, 1) + 1] $ret[UBound($ret, 1) - 1] = .Fields (0).value .MoveNext WEnd EndWith $ret[0] = UBound($ret, 1) - 1 Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetColVals #cs Function name: _GetColCount Description: Gets the number of columns in the specified table Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect(). $sTable - the table to count the columns in Return Value(s): On success returns the number of columns in the table. On failure returns -1 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetColCount($oConnectionObj, $sTable) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW COLUMNS IN " & $sTable) With $quer $i = 0 While Not .eof $i = $i + 1 .movenext WEnd EndWith Return $i EndIf If @error Then Return -1 SetError(1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetColCount #cs Function name: _GetColType Description: Gets the DATA TYPE of the specified column Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect(). $sTable - the table that the column is in. $sColumn - the column to retrieve the data type from. Return value(s): On success returns the data type of the column. On failure returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetColType($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW COLUMNS IN " & $sTable) With $quer $i = 0 While Not .eof If .fields (0).value = $sColumn Then $ret = .fields (1).value EndIf .MoveNext WEnd EndWith Return $ret EndIf If @error Then Return 0 SetError(1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetColType #cs Function: _GetDBNames Description: Get a count and list of all databases on current server. Parameters: $oConObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect Return Value(s): Success - An array where $array[0] is the number of databases and $array[n] is the nth database name. Failure - -1 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetDBNames($conobj) If IsObj($conobj) Then Local $arr[1], $m $m = $conobj.Execute ("SHOW DATABASES;") With $m While Not .eof ReDim $arr[UBound($arr, 1) + 1] $arr[UBound($arr, 1) - 1] = .Fields (0).Value .MoveNext WEnd EndWith $arr[0] = UBound($arr, 1) - 1 Return $arr Else SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetDBNames #cs Function: _ChangeCon Description: Change your connection string Parameters: $oConnectionObj As returned by _MySQLConnect $username OPTIONAL: the new username to use If omitted, the same username will be used. $password OPTIONAL: the new password to use If omitted, the same password will be used. $database OPTIONAL: the new database to connect to If omitted, the same database will be used. $driver OPTIONAL: the new driver to use If omitted, the MySQL ODBC 3.51 DRIVER will be used. $server OPTIONAL: the new server to connect to If omitted, the same server will be used. $iPort OPTIONAL: the new port to be used to connect if omitted, the default port (3306) will be used Return Value: On success, a new connection object for use with subsequent functions. On failure, -1 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _ChangeCon($oConnectionObj, $username = "", $password = "", $database = "", $driver = "", $server = "", $iPort = 0) Local $constr, $db, $usn, $pwd, $svr If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $constr = $oConnectionObj.connectionstring $constr = StringReplace($constr, 'Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="', '') $constr = StringSplit($constr, ";") For $i = 1 To $constr[0] If StringLeft($constr[$i], 3) = "UID" Then If $username <> "" Then $usn = $username Else $usn = StringMid($constr[$i], 5) EndIf $usn = StringTrimRight($usn, 1) EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 3) = "PWD" Then If $password <> "" Then $pwd = $password Else $pwd = StringMid($constr[$i], 5) EndIf EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 8) = "DATABASE" Then If $database <> "" Then $db = $database Else $db = StringMid($constr[$i], 10) EndIf EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 6) = "SERVER" Then If $server <> "" Then $svr = $server Else $svr = StringMid($constr[$i], 8) EndIf EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 6) = "DRIVER" Then If $driver <> "" Then $dvr = $driver Else $dvr = "{MySQL ODBC 3.51 DRIVER}" EndIf EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 4) = "PORT" Then if $iport <> 0 Then $port = $iport Else $port = 3306 EndIf EndIf Next $oConnectionObj.close $oConnectionObj.Open ("DATABASE=" & $db & ";DRIVER=" & $dvr & ";UID=" & $usn & ";PWD=" & $pwd & ";SERVER=" & $svr & ";PORT=" & $port & ";") Return $oConnectionObj Else SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ChangeCon