#include-once ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SetPrivilege ; Description ...: Enables or disables special privileges as required by some DllCalls ; Syntax.........: _SetPrivilege($avPrivilege) ; Parameters ....: $avPrivilege - An array of privileges and respective attributes ; $SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED - The function enables the privilege ; $SE_PRIVILEGE_REMOVED - The privilege is removed from the list of privileges in the token ; 0 - The function disables the privilege ; Requirement(s).: None ; Return values .: Success - An array of modified privileges and their respective previous attribute state ; Failure - An empty array ; Sets @error ; Author ........: engine ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; ; =============================================================================================================================================== Func _SetPrivilege($avPrivilege) Local $iDim = UBound($avPrivilege, 0), $avPrevState[1][2] If Not ( $iDim <= 2 And UBound($avPrivilege, $iDim) = 2 ) Then Return SetError(1300, 0, $avPrevState) If $iDim = 1 Then Local $avTemp[1][2] $avTemp[0][0] = $avPrivilege[0] $avTemp[0][1] = $avPrivilege[1] $avPrivilege = $avTemp $avTemp = 0 EndIf Local $k, $tagTP = "dword", $iTokens = UBound($avPrivilege, 1) Do $k += 1 $tagTP &= ";dword;long;dword" Until $k = $iTokens Local $tCurrState, $tPrevState, $pPrevState, $tLUID, $hAdvapi32, $hKernel32, $ahGCP, $avOPT, $aiGLE $tCurrState = DLLStructCreate($tagTP) $tPrevState = DllStructCreate($tagTP) $pPrevState = DllStructGetPtr($tPrevState) $tLUID = DllStructCreate("dword;long") DLLStructSetData($tCurrState, 1, $iTokens) $hAdvapi32 = DllOpen("Advapi32.dll") For $i = 0 To $iTokens - 1 DllCall( $hAdvapi32, "int", "LookupPrivilegeValue", _ "str", "", _ "str", $avPrivilege[$i][0], _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tLUID) ) DLLStructSetData( $tCurrState, 3 * $i + 2, DllStructGetData($tLUID, 1) ) DLLStructSetData( $tCurrState, 3 * $i + 3, DllStructGetData($tLUID, 2) ) DLLStructSetData( $tCurrState, 3 * $i + 4, $avPrivilege[$i][1] ) Next $hKernel32 = DllOpen("Kernel32.dll") $ahGCP = DllCall($hKernel32, "hwnd", "GetCurrentProcess") $avOPT = DllCall( $hAdvapi32, "int", "OpenProcessToken", _ "hwnd", $ahGCP[0], _ "dword", BitOR($TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, $TOKEN_QUERY), _ "hwnd*", 0 ) DllCall( $hAdvapi32, "int", "AdjustTokenPrivileges", _ "hwnd", $avOPT[3], _ "int", False, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tCurrState), _ "dword", DllStructGetSize($tCurrState), _ "ptr", $pPrevState, _ "dword*", 0 ) $aiGLE = DllCall($hKernel32, "dword", "GetLastError") DllCall($hKernel32, "int", "CloseHandle", "hwnd", $avOPT[3]) DllClose($hKernel32) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($tPrevState, 1) If $iCount > 0 Then Local $pLUID, $avLPN, $tName, $avPrevState[$iCount][2] For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1 $pLUID = $pPrevState + 12 * $i + 4 $avLPN = DllCall( $hAdvapi32, "int", "LookupPrivilegeName", _ "str", "", _ "ptr", $pLUID, _ "ptr", 0, _ "dword*", 0 ) $tName = DllStructCreate("char[" & $avLPN[4] & "]") DllCall( $hAdvapi32, "int", "LookupPrivilegeName", _ "str", "", _ "ptr", $pLUID, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tName), _ "dword*", DllStructGetSize($tName) ) $avPrevState[$i][0] = DllStructGetData($tName, 1) $avPrevState[$i][1] = DllStructGetData($tPrevState, 3 * $i + 4) Next EndIf DllClose($hAdvapi32) Return SetError($aiGLE[0], 0, $avPrevState) EndFunc ;==> _SetPrivilege