2014-03-22 - Version: Beta 5 SCRIPT BREAKING =============== * The UDF has been renamed from "Excel Rewrite" to "Excel" - change your #include accordingly FIXED BUGS ========== * _Excel_BookOpen ignored $bVisible = True so a hidden workbook could never be shown with this function * _Excel_BookSaveAs: Default changed from Open$xlWorkbookNormal to $xlWorkbookDefault to better handle all versions of Excel GENERAL ======= * Enhanced documentation, removed documentation bugs * Preparation to add the UDF to the AutoIt source * The example files where moved to subdirectory "Extras" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-01-05 - Version: Beta 4 - Downlaods: 527 FIXED BUGS ========== * _Excel_BookOpenText didn't return a workbook object because MS doesn't too. Thanks to user FlashpointBlack for reporting the bug! * _Excel_RangeWrite: Wrote invalid data when an 1D array was specified and flag $bForceFunc was set Thanks to user FlashpointBlack for reporting the bug! GENERAL ======= * Enhanced documentation, removed documentation bugs NEW FUNCTIONS ============= * _Excel_RangeLinkAddRemove: Adds or removes a hyperlink to/from a specified range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-10-31 - Version: Beta 3 - Downloads: 379 GENERAL ======= * Enhanced documentation, removed documentation bugs CHANGED FUNCTIONS ================= * _Excel_PictureAdd: Parameter $bScale renamed to $bKeepRatio * _Excel_RangeDelete: Added parameter $iEntireRowCol to delete the entire row(s)/column(s) for a specified range NEW FUNCTIONS ============= * _Excel_RangeValidate: Adds data validation to the specified range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-09-21 - Version: Beta 2 - Downloads: 294 GENERAL ======= * Enhanced documentation, removed documentation bugs CHANGED FUNCTIONS ================= * _Excel_BookOpenText: Parameter $iOrigin allows to set the origin or code page number for the input file NEW FUNCTIONS ============= * _Excel_FilterGet: Returns a list of set filters for the specified worksheet * _Excel_FilterSet: Sets/unsets filter definitions and filters the range * _Excel_PictureAdd: Add a picture on the specified workbook and worksheet * _Excel_RangeSort: Now supports Excel 2003 too ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-08-12 - Version: Beta 1 - Downloads: 264 SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGES ======================= * All functions now return zero based arrays. That is (should) be the AutoIt default. Affected: _Excel_BookList, _Excel_RangeFind, _Excel_SheetList * _Excel_RangeRead: First parameter $oExcel no longer needed * _Excel_RangeWrite: First parameter $oExcel no longer needed * _Excel_ErrorNotify: Removed. Is now part of the Debug UDF as function _DebugCOMError GENERAL ======= * Enhanced documentation, removed documentation bugs CHANGED FUNCTIONS ================= * _Excel_BookList: Returns the result in a zero based array. Was one based in the last version * _Excel_RangeFind: Returns the result in a zero based array. Was one based in the last version * _Excel_RangeRead: First parameter $oExcel no longer needed. Parameter $bForceFunc added. If the Excel transpose method doesn't work you can force the function to use _ArrayTranspose. * _Excel_RangeWrite: First parameter $oExcel no longer needed. Parameter $bForceFunc added. If the Excel transpose method doesn't work you can force the function to use _ArrayTranspose. * _Excel_SheetList: Returns the result in a zero based array. Was one based in the last version REMOVED FUNCTIONS ================= * _Excel_ErrorNotify: Is now part of the Debug UDF as function _DebugCOMError ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-08-04 - Version: Alpha 8 - Downloads: 78 SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGES ======================= * _Excel_RangeReplace: Parameter $oExcel dropped, $vWorksheet added, $vRange moved. Function now returns a range object and sets @extended to 1 if cells have been changed * _Excel_RangeSort. Parameter $oExcel dropped, $vWorksheet added. Sort key parameters reordered The function moved from the sort method to the sort object (means this function won't work with Excel 2003) Function now returns a range object * _Excel_RangeWrite: Always writes the whole array to to a sheet. Parameters to select a subaray have been dropped Function now returns a range object GENERAL ======= * Enhanced error checking * Enhanced documentation CHANGED FUNCTIONS ================= * _Excel_RangeRead: Parameter $vRange no longer accepts "Selection", Parameter $vWorksheet accepts Default for the active sheet. Uses function _ArrayTranspose if the limit of the Excel transpose method is exceeded - experimental, needs more testing because the limits are unknown for different Excel versions * _Excel_RangeReplace: Parameter $oExcel dropped, $vWorksheet added, $vRange moved. Function now returns a range object and sets @extended to 1 if cells have been changed * _Excel_RangeSort. Parameter $oExcel dropped, $vWorksheet added. Sort key parameters reordered The function moved from the sort method to the sort object (means this function won't work with Excel 2003) Function now returns a range object * _Excel_RangeWrite: Always writes the whole array to to a sheet. Parameters to select a subaray have been dropped Function now returns a range object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-07-26 - Version: Alpha 7 - Downloads: 48 SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGES ======================= * _Excel_Open: Parameter $iCalculation (suppresses calculation) removed. Isn't sensible here. * _Excel_BookOpen: The first visible worksheet is no longer selected and displayed * _Excel_Export: On success now the object of the exported range is returned (was 1 before) * _Excel_Print: Parameter $vObject is no longer optional. On success now the object of the printed range is returned (was 1 before) * _Excel_RangeCopyPaste: Now returns the object of the target range if $vTargetRange <> Default, else 1 (Was always 1 before) * _Excel_RangeRead: Parameter $oWorkbook is no longer optional * _Excel_SheetAdd: Parameters have been changed. Now you pass sheet where to add the new sheet and a before/after flag * _Excel_SheetCopyMove: The default for flag $fMove (now $bCopy) has been changed from False to True. No problem if you didn't specify the flag. Returns object of the copied/moved sheet (was 1 before) GENERAL ======= * Added more examples scripts * Removed types, enhanced documentation * Better error checking of the parameter that specifies which object to process using ObjName * Each WorkSheet parameter is now accepted as index, name or object FIXED BUGS ========== * _Excel_BookList: Typo prevented the function from returning the correct result for # of workbooks > 1 * _Excel_SheetAdd: Returned an error when no sheet names were provided NEW FUNCTIONS ============= * _Excel_ColumnToNumber: Converts the column letter(s) to a number. * _Excel_ColumnToLetter: Convert the column number to letter(s) CHANGED FUNCTIONS ================= * _Excel_BookAttach: You can now specify the Excel instance to be searched (default = all instances) * _Excel_BookList: Parameter $oExcel is optional now. Default = Process all Excel instances * _Excel_BookOpen: The first visible worksheet is no longer selected and displayed * _Excel_BookSave: @extended set to 1 if the workbook really needed to be saved, else @extended is 0 * _Excel_Export: On success now the object of the exported range is returned (was 1 before) * _Excel_Print: Parameter $vObject is no longer optional. On success now the object of the printed range is returned (was 1 before) * _Excel_RangeCopyPaste: Now returns the object of the target range if $vTargetRange <> Default, else 1 (Was always 1 before) * _Excel_RangeRead: Parameter $oWorkbook is no longer optional. _Excel_RangeRead: Now accepts name and index for the worksheet to read from * _Excel_SheetAdd: Parameters have been changed. Now you pass sheet where to add the new sheet and a before/after flag * _Excel_SheetCopyMove: The default for flag $fMove (now $bCopy) has been changed from False to True. No problem if you didn't specify the flag Returns object of the copied/moved sheet (was 1 before) INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ================== * __Excel_CloseOnQuit: Now supports more than one application object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-06-24 - Version: Alpha 6 - Downloads: 161 GENERAL ======= * Enhanced documentation * The UDF no longer supports R1C1 notation. A1 notation is to be used. Use function _Excel_ConvertFormula to convert formats FIXED BUGS ========== * _Excel_RangeFind crashed when searching the whole workbook and hits were found on multiple worksheets. Thanks to Valnurat for helping me find the problem! NEW FUNCTIONS ============= * _Excel_ConvertFormula: Converts cell references in a formula between A1 and R1C1 reference styles, relative and absolute reference type, or both. * _Excel_Print: Prints a workbook, worksheet, chart or range. * _Excel_SheetAdd: Add new sheet(s) to a workbook and set their names. * _Excel_SheetDelete: Delete the specified sheet by string name or by number. * _Excel_SheetList: Returns a list of all sheets in the specified workbook. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-05-29 - Version: Alpha 5 - Downloads: 200 GENERAL ======= * Enhanced documentation NEW FUNCTIONS ============= * _Excel_RangeCopyPaste: Cuts or copies one or multiple cells, rows or columns to a target range or from/to the clipboard * _Excel_RangeDelete: Deletes one or multiple cells, rows or columns from the specified worksheet * _Excel_RangeInsert: Inserts one or multiple empty cells, rows or columns into the specified worksheet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-05-11 - Version: Alpha 4 - Downloads: 62 SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGES ======================= * _Excel_BookClose: Parameter 1 ($oExcel - Excel application object) has been removed. Error codes modified. * _Excel_BookOpen: Parameter $bVisible inserted as #4. * _Excel_BookOpenText: Default for $sDelimiter changed from ";" to "," * _Excel_BookSave: $oExcel parameter dropped. If you pass the Excel application object as parameter the active workbook is saved. Error codes modified. * _Excel_BookSaveAs: $oExcel parameter dropped. If you pass the Excel application object as parameter the active workbook is saved. Error codes modified. * _Excel_RangeFind: $oExcel parameter dropped. Error codes modified. * _Excel_Open: Parameters $bInteractive and $iCalculation inserted, Parameter bForceNew is now parameter 6 (was 4 in last version). GENERAL ======= * Definition of Constants moved to * Enhanced documentation NEW FUNCTIONS ============= * _Excel_BookList: Returns a list of all workbooks of an Excel instance. * _ExcelSheetCopyMove: Copy or move the specified sheet before or after a specified sheet in the same or a different workbook CHANGED FUNCTIONS ================= * _Excel_BookClose: No longer needs the Excel application object as first parameter. Error codes modified. * _Excel_BookOpen: Parameter $bVisible inserted as #4. * _Excel_BookOpenText: Default for $sDelimiter changed from ";" to "," * _Excel_BookSave: $oExcel parameter dropped. If you pass the Excel application object as parameter the active workbook is saved. Error codes modified. * _Excel_BookSaveAs: $oExcel parameter dropped. If you pass the Excel application object as parameter the active workbook is saved. Error codes modified. * _Excel_RangeFind: $oExcel parameter dropped. Error codes modified. * _Excel_RangeRead: If parameter $vRange is set to "Selection" or an abbreviation of it all selected cells of the active sheet will be used * _Excel_Open: Parameters $bInteractive (blocks all keyboard and mouse input by the user) and $iCalculation (suppresses calculation to speed up your script) added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-11-03 - Version: Alpha 3 - Downloads: 530 NEW FUNCTIONS ============= * _Excel_OpenText: Import (CSV) text files * _Excel_Export: Exports a range, worksheet, workbook, chart as PDF * _Excel_RangeSort: Sorts a range CHANGED FUNCTIONS ================= * _Excel_Cell functions renamed to _Excel_Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-10-27 - Version: Alpha 2 As most of the users have (nearly) no problem with script breaking changes I have dropped everything I have done so far and started from scratch. The following (design) changes have been implemented: * Works with as many instances of Excel as you like - not just one * Works with any Workbook - not just the active one * Works with any Worksheet - not just the active one * Only does what you tell it to do - no implicit "actions" * Only one function to read from a cell or a range * Only one function to write a string, an 1D or 2D array to a cell or a range * Find function has been added * Replace function has been added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-10-06 - Version: Alpha 1 * All: Enhanced error handling. The functions now verify that the executed method was successfull. Now @error is set to explain where the error happened and @extended is set to the COM error * _ExcelBookSaveAs: Now accepts "xlsx" as a valid filetype and all numeric values of the XlFileFormat enumeration * _ExcelReadCell: A flag has beend added so you can decide what should be returned: Value (Default as it is now), Formula or Text (what you see on the screen) of a cell * _ExcelReadSheetToArray: Create a 2D array from the rows/columns of the active worksheet. Version with improved performance. Already went into production as of Beta per BugTrack #2219. * Time to process a workbook with 2000 rows and 5 colums dropped from 32 seconds to 0.1 second. * _ExcelSheetAddNew: Trac ticket #2199 (reported by spiff59) solved. AutoIt crashed when a sheet with the specified name already existed