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I'm brand new to AutoIt and have only programmed a TI-83, so please forgive me if I end up on here every day asking dumb questions. Anyhow, I want to do a pixel search of an area, but I don't want it to be a straight up and down rectangle (it's more like a rectangle rotated 45 degrees). The coordinates that are required in PixelSearch don't seem to allow this, however. Am I missing something or is there a way to get around this?

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I'm brand new to AutoIt and have only programmed a TI-83, so please forgive me if I end up on here every day asking dumb questions. Anyhow, I want to do a pixel search of an area, but I don't want it to be a straight up and down rectangle (it's more like a rectangle rotated 45 degrees). The coordinates that are required in PixelSearch don't seem to allow this, however. Am I missing something or is there a way to get around this?

I don't know if you are missing something, maybe just mis-understanding?

Local $xTopLeft_StartPosition = 0
Local $yTopLeft_StartPosition = 0
Local $xBottomRight_EndPosition = 200
Local $yBottomRight_EndPosition = 100
Local $iColor = 0xFF0000 ; Hex color
Local $iShadeVariation = 10 ; up to 10 shades differnce either way
Local $iStep = 0 ; how many pixels to skip each search

$aPSearch = PixelSearch($xTopLeft_StartPosition, $yTopLeft_StartPosition, $xBottomRight_EndPosition, $yTopLeft_StartPosition, $iColor, $iShadeVariation, $iStep)
If IsArray($aPSearch) Then MsgBox(64, 'Info:', 'X Found is : ' & $aPSearch[0] & @CR & 'Y Found is : ' & $aPSearch[1])
Hope that helps.


Seems that Ebonics was overcomming my itterations.

Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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