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Results (1 - 100 of 101)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#4004 "Window background color" option for SciTEConfig. new Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3942 @EVT_POS, @EVT_TIME, @EVT_INFO event macros assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3887 @HOUR:59:59 wrong as @MIN and @SEC can have change to 00:00 assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2628 Add mode to StringRegExp assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3700 Add the 'Execute' function to the C# library new Jon Feature Request AutoItX
#2973 Adding a MACRO for tray icon handle new Feature Request AutoIt
#2972 Adding a sort of _IEAttributeGet function to IE.UDF assigned mLipok Feature Request AutoIt
#2912 Additional include paths: New command line switch for AutoIt3.exe assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2652 Allow ExpandVarStrings to expand com properties as well. assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3160 Allow Null to specify NULL pointer for more DllCall() pointer types. assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3641 Allow ProgressOn function to return window handle of the progress dialog it creates assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3005 Allow maps as expressions in a "With" statement. assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3895 Allow string() to return first class object name assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3004 Anonymous Maps assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3890 Array Comparison assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3635 Assign function: support for constants assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3952 Asynchronous callbacks? new Bug AutoIt
#2887 AutoIt fails to deallocate a COM object when it gets reassigned assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#4023 AutoIt v3.3.16.1 EXE-Installer updates existing none AutoIt3 Registry value with x86 path. new Bug AutoIt
#3731 Binary() performs hidden and wrong conversion on strings assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3838 Bug with structure and dot-notation assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3938 ByRef inside the same scope new Feature Request AutoIt
#4026 COM Object/Map/ScriptingDictionary crash when acessing them in specific ways. new Bug AutoIt
#2608 COM Objects and Classes new Feature Request AutoIt
#3759 Console (cmd.exe) output new Feature Request AutoIt
#4020 ConsoleWrite do not preserve @error assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3006 Create a shortcut for the expression in a With statement. new Feature Request AutoIt
#4013 DarkTheme support for GUI assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3886 Default keyword = -1 in expression assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3767 Defer keyword new Feature Request AutoIt
#3227 DirRemove - If directory does not exist: Return value 1 instead of 0 assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3873 DllStruct dot access non existent element should be a fatal error assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2890 DllStructGetString assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3857 DotNet 5/6 Support new Jon Feature Request AutoItX
#4005 Empty ReDim make Autoit crash new Bug AutoIt
#3660 Enhancement - PixelSearch to return the color it found assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3768 Extend bitwise operations to 64-bit values assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2827 FileGetAttrib & Symbolic link assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#1503 FileGetSize don't works solid assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3202 FileOpenDialog in Windows PE mode new Feature Request AutoIt
#2279 For loop not working as expected assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3892 Func() Pass Parameter Bynames assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3973 GUICtrlSetColor does not work on GUICtrlCreateRadio assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3944 GUICtrlSetFont (and GUISetFont) sets font name inconsistently assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3276 Getting/Setting DllStruct array-element with index stored in varible fails without using Execute assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3247 Gimagex_Feature_Request assigned Jon Feature Request Other
#2830 GuiCtrlRead() - in advanced mode with Combo,List return all values assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3961 HotKeySet and Send extended function keys assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#4000 HotKeyset() must be defined for only one key assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3832 IDispatch and the "_" character new Bug AutoIt
#3775 INSTANCE ignored when ID also given in a ControlID assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3540 Implement optional ByRef parameters for functions assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#4007 Inconsistent pointer arithmetic new Bug AutoIt
#3818 InputBox() - TOPMOST option assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3882 IsFileHandle(<AutoIt filehandle as returned by FileOpen) assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3970 Macro @IsConsole new Feature Request AutoIt
#3966 Macro @WinLevel new Feature Request AutoIt
#3533 Map Array Read/Write assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3969 Map Initializer List new Feature Request AutoIt
#3948 Map object: keys [0] and ["["] clash assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3995 Maps abort with negative integers as keys assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3929 Memory leak when returning struct members within With...EndWith assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3981 Mention Multidimensional Associative Arrays in the wiki new Feature Request Documentation
#3884 MouseCoordMode, cursor moving and DPI unawareness assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2443 Name of nested structs assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3962 Not able to interrupt script with hotkey on latest version v3.3.16.1 assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2653 ObjCreate with arguments new Feature Request AutoIt
#3829 ObjCreateInterface and STRUCT type. new Bug AutoIt
#4027 ObjCreateInterface crashes when 3rd param is absent or Default (yet works with the empty string '') new Feature Request AutoIt
#2878 ObjCreateInterface the last func instance call assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3888 PixelGetColor PixelSearch DPI support assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3965 Please change tickets' default to the latest version assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3922 Problems with ".+" and ".+?" in regular expressions assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3889 ProcessClose does set @extended when no process found assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3924 Run-time error calling MyByRefFunc($map["foo"].bar) ==> Expected a variable in user function call assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2855 Scoping and declaration modifiers combinations assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2793 SetError And SetExtended not integer value assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#1652 Sleep in TimerFunc assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2886 Stack Trace assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3717 StringFormat doesn't format int64 integers correctly assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3976 StringRegExp can create invalid arrays (just like StringSplit) assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2696 StringRegExp* return non-participating groups assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2370 StringReplace & StringRegExpReplace Add Offset\The starting position of the search assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2672 StringSplit - NewFlag - case-insensitive delimiters assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3972 StringSplit can create invalid Arrays assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3525 Support for binding to multicast group assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3575 TCP functions slow and TCPCloseSocket with shutdown assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3941 ToolTip with $TIP_CENTER + $TIP_FORCEVISIBLE is mispositioned assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3209 Try...Catch new Feature Request AutoIt
#3003 Using a function call in an array assignment causes 2 function calls assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3943 Using a function return to increment an counter array element causes TWO function calls assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2278 Varargs assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3639 WinGetClassList's Return Value assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2785 WinTextMatchMode - Window Titles and Text (Advanced) assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#4024 _DebugSetup - $vReportType = 5 - not works on Windows 11 new Bug Standard UDFs
#4025 _DebugSetup new $vReportType to combine "1 - Report Log Window" and "4 - FileWrite" new Feature Request AutoIt
#3968 global struct gets corrupted after GUISetState() assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2833 macro @funcname assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3978 miscellaneous string functions that can be included in string.au3 new Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3953 missing bracket error when using ternary operator or OR operator inside array definition assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.