###User Defined Function### _WinAPI_ShellGetStockIconInfo ###Description### Retrieves information about system-defined Shell icons ###Syntax### #include _WinAPI_ShellGetStockIconInfo ( $iSIID, $iFlags ) ###Parameters### @@ParamTable@@ $iSIID One of the $SIID_* constants that specifies which icon should be retrieved. $iFlags The flags that specify which information is requested. This parameter can be a combination of the following values: $SHGSI_ICONLOCATION $SHGSI_ICON $SHGSI_SYSICONINDEX $SHGSI_LINKOVERLAY $SHGSI_SELECTED $SHGSI_LARGEICON $SHGSI_SMALLICON $SHGSI_SHELLICONSIZE @@End@@ ###ReturnValue### @@ReturnTable@@ Success: $tagSHSTOCKICONINFO structure that contains the requested information. Failure: Sets the @error flag to non-zero, @extended flag may contain the HRESULT error code. @@End@@ ###Remarks### $SIID_* , $SHGSI_* constants require #include If this function returns an icon handle in the "hIcon" member of the $tagSHSTOCKICONINFO structure, you are responsible for freeing the icon with _WinAPI_DestroyIcon() when you no longer need it. This function requires Windows Vista or later. ###Related### _WinAPI_DestroyIcon ###See Also### @@MsdnLink@@ SHGetStockIconInfo ###Example### @@IncludeExample@@