Snippets ( AutoIt String )

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Please always credit an author in your script if you use their code. It is only polite.

_StringEqualSplit() ~ Author - czardas

#include <Array.au3>
Global $aArray = _StringEqualSplit("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 5)

Func _StringEqualSplit($sString, $iNumChars)
    If (Not IsString($sString)) Or $sString = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    If (Not IsInt($iNumChars)) Or $iNumChars < 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
    Return StringRegExp($sString, "(?s).{1," & $iNumChars & "}", 3)

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_StringGetChrCount() ~ Author - GEOSoft

; Check how many times the word 'test' appears in the string. 1 = Case-sensitive or 0 = Non Case-sensitive.
ConsoleWrite(_StringGetChrCount("test teste test", "TEST", 0) & @CRLF)

Func _StringGetChrCount($sStr, $sChr, $iCase = 0)
	If $iCase <> 0 Then
		$iCase = 1
	StringReplace($sStr, $sChr, $sChr, 0, $iCase)
	Return @extended
EndFunc   ;==>_StringGetChrCount

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_StringEqualSplit() ~ Author - guinness

#include <Array.au3>

Local $aArray = _StringEqualSplit('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 5)

; By czardas & modified by guinness >>
; Version: 1.00. AutoIt: V3.3.8.1
; Splits a string into an equal number of characters. The 0th index returns the number of items.
Func _StringEqualSplit($sString, $iNumChars)
    If (Not IsString($sString)) Or $sString = '' Then
        Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    If (Not IsInt($iNumChars)) Or $iNumChars < 1 Then
        Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
    Local $tBuffer = DllStructCreate('char[' & $iNumChars & ']')
    DllCall('msvcrt.dll', 'ptr:cdecl', 'memset', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer), 'int', 65, 'int', $iNumChars) ; By Zedna (StringRepeat)
    Local $aArray = StringRegExp(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1) & $sString, '(?s).{1,' & $iNumChars & '}', 3)
    $aArray[0] = Ubound($aArray, 1) - 1
    Return $aArray
EndFunc   ;==>_StringEqualSplit

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_StringIsNum() ~ Author - smartee

ConsoleWrite(StringIsNum('Example') & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite(StringIsNum('123456') & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite(StringIsNum('Example & 123456') & @CRLF)

Func StringIsNum($sString)
    Return StringRegExp($sString, "^([0-9]*(\.[0-9]+){1}|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*){0,1})$") = 1
EndFunc   ;==>StringIsNum

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_StringRemoveLine() ~ Author - SmOke_N

Global $string = 'This is an example' & @CRLF & 'Of deleting a line' & @CRLF & 'If you know at least the beginning text of the line.'
MsgBox(0, 'Original', $string)
Global $deleteline = _StringRemoveLine($string, 'Of deleting')
MsgBox(0, 'Deleted Line', $deleteline)

Func _StringRemoveLine($hFile, $sDelete)
    If FileExists($hFile) Then $hFile = FileRead($hFile);Remove If FileExists($hFile) Then << only
    Local $nSNS = StringInStr($hFile, @CRLF & $sDelete) - 1
    Local $sSFH = StringLeft($hFile, $nSNS)
    Local $sRL = StringTrimLeft($hFile, StringLen($sSFH) + 2)
    Local $sLLEN = StringLen(StringLeft($sRL, StringInStr($sRL, @CRLF)))
    If Not $sLLEN Then $sLLEN = StringLen($sRL)
    Return $sSFH & StringTrimLeft($hFile, $sLLEN + $nSNS + 2)
EndFunc ;==>_StringRemoveLine()

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_StringReplaceBlank() ~ Author - SmOke_N

; Remove blank lines from a File
Local $sString = "I am a string" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
		"With Empty Lines" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
		"Please Remove those empty lines"
MsgBox(4096, "Before", $sString)
$sString = _StringReplaceBlank($sString, 1)
MsgBox(4096, "Replaced: " & @extended & " lines.", $sString)

Func _StringReplaceBlank($sString, $sSpaces = "")
	If $sSpaces Then
		$sSpaces = "\s*"
	$sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "(?s)\r\n" & $sSpaces & "\r\n", @CRLF)
	If @extended Then
		Return SetError(0, @extended, $sString)
	Return SetError(1, 0, $sString)
EndFunc   ;==>_StringReplaceBlank

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_StringTrimLeftIsEqual() ~ Author - guinness

ConsoleWrite(_StringTrimLeftIsEqual('C:\Test', 'C:\') & @CRLF) ; Returns Test as the string 'C:\' is stripped from the left.
ConsoleWrite(_StringTrimLeftIsEqual('C:\Test\', 'C') & @CRLF) ; Returns :\Test as the character 'C' is stripped from the left.
ConsoleWrite(_StringTrimLeftIsEqual('C:\Test\', 'Test') & @CRLF) ; Returns the initial string as the string 'Test' was not found to the leftmost part of the string.

; Version: 1.00. AutoIt: V3.3.8.1
; Strip a character/word from the leftmost part of a string.
Func _StringTrimLeftIsEqual($sString, $sStringTrim)
    Local $aStringTrim[2] = [0, StringLen($sStringTrim)]
    Return StringTrimLeft($sString, $aStringTrim[Number(StringLeft($sString, $aStringTrim[1]) == $sStringTrim)])
EndFunc   ;==>_StringTrimLeftIsEqual

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_StringTrimRightIsEqual() ~ Author - guinness

ConsoleWrite(_StringTrimRightIsEqual('C:\Test', 'Test') & @CRLF) ; Returns C:\ as the string 'Test' is stripped from the right.
ConsoleWrite(_StringTrimRightIsEqual('C:\Test\', '\') & @CRLF) ; Returns C:\Test as the character '\' is stripped from the right.
ConsoleWrite(_StringTrimRightIsEqual('C:\Test\', 'Test') & @CRLF) ; Returns the initial string as the string 'Test' was not found to the rightmost part of the string.

; Version: 1.00. AutoIt: V3.3.8.1
; Strip a character/word from the rightmost part of a string.
Func _StringTrimRightIsEqual($sString, $sStringTrim)
    Local $aStringTrim[2] = [0, StringLen($sStringTrim)]
    Return StringTrimRight($sString, $aStringTrim[Number(StringRight($sString, $aStringTrim[1]) == $sStringTrim)])
EndFunc   ;==>_StringTrimRightIsEqual

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