ADO Example Excel

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Read XLS file and display the cells of a range

The following example

  • Reads the cells of a range of an XLS file and displays two columns of each row
  • The Excel worksheet has no header row

Example AutoIt script:

Global Const $iCursorType = 0 ; adOpenForwardOnly
Global Const $iLockType = 1 ; adLockReadOnly
Global Const $iOptions = 512 ; adCmdTableDirect - Return all rows from the specified table

Global $oConnection = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") ; Create a connection object
Global $sFilename = @ScriptDir & "\ADO_Example_Excel.xls"
Global $sConnectionString = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=' & $sFilename & ';Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=No"'
$oConnection.Open($sConnectionString) ; Open the connection

Global $oRecordset = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset") ; Create a recordset object
Global $sSQL_Query = "Select F1,F2 FROM [Sheet1$A1:B2]" ; Select all records and all fields

$oRecordset.Open($sSQL_Query, $oConnection, $iCursorType, $iLockType, $iOptions) ; Issue the SQL query
If Not @error Then
	With $oRecordset
		While Not .EOF ; repeat until End-Of-File (EOF) is reached

			; Write the content of all fields to the console separated by | by processing the fields collection
			ConsoleWrite("Process the fields collection:          ")
			For $oField In .Fields
				ConsoleWrite($oField.Value & "|")

			; Write a second line by accessing all fields of the collection by name or item number
			ConsoleWrite("Process the fields by name/item number: " & .Fields("F1").Value & "|" & .Fields(1).Value & "|" & @CR)
			.MoveNext ; Move To the Next record

	; Clean Up Recordset
	$oRecordset.Close ; Close the recordset
	$oRecordset = 0 ; Release the recordset object

; Clean Up Connection
$oConnection.Close ; Close the connection
$oConnection = 0 ; Release the connection object

Input file: ADO_Example_Excel.xls


Process the fields collection:          F1|F2|
Process the fields by name/item number: F1|F2|
Process the fields collection:          F1.1|F2.1|
Process the fields by name/item number: F1.1|F2.1|