OutlookEX UDF - Appointment Item

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Here you find detailed information about how to work with Appointment items.

Wrapper function

The following function is a "wrapper" that combines multiple function calls to mimic functions available in the "original" Outlook UDF.
This should make your scripts a bit shorter and live a bit easier.


The wrapper function _OL_Wrapper_CreateAppointment allows to create an appointment, setting subject, body, start and end date, duration, location, reminder, recurrence information etc. in one go. This wrapper function mimics the function of _OutlookCreateAppointment of the original UDF.


#include <OutlookEx.au3>
$oOL = _OL_Open()
Global $sStart = StringLeft(_Nowcalc(),16)
Global $sEnd   = StringLeft(_DateAdd("h", 3, _NowCalc()), 16)
_OL_Wrapper_CreateAppointment($oOutlook, "Test Appointment", $sStart, $sEnd, "My office", False, "Testbody", _
    15, $olBusy, $olImportanceHigh, $olPrivate, $olRecursWeekly, $sStart, _DateAdd("w", 3, $sEnd), 1)

This creates an appointment and sets subject, start and end date/time of the first occurence, location, body, importance, sensitivity, recurrence type to weekly and end of recurrence to 3 weeks later.