Memory user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <Memory.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_MemGlobalAlloc Allocates the specified number of bytes from the heap
_MemGlobalFree Frees the specified global memory object and invalidates its handle
_MemGlobalLock Locks a global memory object and returns a pointer to the first byte of the object's memory block
_MemGlobalSize Retrieves the current size of the specified global memory object
_MemGlobalUnlock Decrements the lock count associated with a memory object that was allocated with GMEM_MOVEABLE
_MemMoveMemory Moves memory either forward or backward, aligned or unaligned
_MemVirtualAlloc Reserves or commits a region of pages in the virtual address space of the calling process
_MemVirtualAllocEx Reserves a region of memory within the virtual address space of a specified process
_MemVirtualFree Releases a region of pages within the virtual address space of a process
_MemVirtualFreeEx Releases a region of pages within the virtual address space of a process