#include-once ; These constants and these notes are from the software developers kit version 6.0 ; from SAGE SOFTWARE - I claim no responsibility - all i did was translate to autoit ;NOTE this is a constant used throughout the app to for displaying fields. If you ;would like to view user-defined fields set this value higher. User-Defined fields ;in ACT start numbering at 1000. I have set this intentionally at a lower number ;for speed purposes. Global Const $MAX_FIELDID = 98 ;Contact Field Unique IDs Global Const $CF_UniqueID = 1 Global Const $CF_CreateTimestamp = 2 Global Const $CF_EditTimestamp = 3 Global Const $CF_MergeTimestamp = 4 Global Const $CF_PublicPrivate = 5 Global Const $CF_RecordManager = 6 Global Const $CF_Company = 25 Global Const $CF_Name = 26 Global Const $CF_Address1 = 27 Global Const $CF_Address2 = 28 Global Const $CF_Address3 = 29 Global Const $CF_City = 30 Global Const $CF_State = 31 Global Const $CF_Zip = 32 Global Const $CF_Country = 33 Global Const $CF_IDStatus = 34 Global Const $CF_Phone = 35 Global Const $CF_Fax = 36 Global Const $CF_HomePhone = 37 Global Const $CF_MobilePhone = 38 Global Const $CF_Pager = 39 Global Const $CF_Salutation = 40 Global Const $CF_LastMeet = 41 Global Const $CF_LastReach = 42 Global Const $CF_LastAttempt = 43 Global Const $CF_LetterDate = 44 Global Const $CF_Unused1 = 45 Global Const $CF_Title = 46 Global Const $CF_Assistant = 47 Global Const $CF_LastResults = 48 Global Const $CF_ReferredBy = 49 Global Const $CF_User1 = 50 Global Const $CF_User2 = 51 Global Const $CF_User3 = 52 Global Const $CF_User4 = 53 Global Const $CF_User5 = 54 Global Const $CF_User6 = 55 Global Const $CF_User7 = 56 Global Const $CF_User8 = 57 Global Const $CF_User9 = 58 Global Const $CF_User10 = 59 Global Const $CF_User11 = 60 Global Const $CF_User12 = 61 Global Const $CF_User13 = 62 Global Const $CF_User14 = 63 Global Const $CF_User15 = 64 Global Const $CF_AltAddress1 = 65 Global Const $CF_AltAddress2 = 66 Global Const $CF_AltCity = 67 Global Const $CF_AltState = 68 Global Const $CF_AltZip = 69 Global Const $CF_AltCountry = 70 Global Const $CF_AltPhone = 71 Global Const $CF_Name2 = 72 Global Const $CF_Title2 = 73 Global Const $CF_Phone2 = 74 Global Const $CF_Name3 = 75 Global Const $CF_Title3 = 76 Global Const $CF_Phone3 = 77 Global Const $CF_FirstName = 78 Global Const $CF_LastName = 79 Global Const $CF_Ext = 80 ;the work phone extension Global Const $CF_FaxExt = 81 ;the fax extension Global Const $CF_AltPhoneExt = 82 ;alternate phone extension Global Const $CF_Phone2Ext = 83 ;contact 2 phone extension Global Const $CF_Phone3Ext = 84 ;contact 3 phone extension Global Const $CF_AsstTitle = 85 ;the assistants title Global Const $CF_AsstPhone = 86 ;the assistant phone Global Const $CF_AsstExt = 87 ;the assistant extension Global Const $CF_Department = 88 ;the contact's department Global Const $CF_Spouse = 89 ;the contact's spouse name Global Const $CF_Creator = 90 ;the creator of the record Global Const $CF_UsersCompany = 91 ;equivalent to the ACT! 2.0 Owner field (the company of the user that owns the record) Global Const $CF_Alt1Reach = 92 ;alternate contact 1 last reach (for ACT! 2.0 compatability) Global Const $CF_Alt2Reach = 93 ;alternate contact 2 last reach (for ACT! 2.0 compatability) Global Const $CF_URL = 94 ;URL or web site address Global Const $CF_TickerSymbol = 95 Global Const $CF_ContactType = 125 Global Const $CVF_EmailAddress = 200 ;for display of e-mail address Global Const $CVF_Note = 201 ;for "import" of note Global Const $CVF_EmailLogon = 202 ;separate components for e-mail logon Global Const $CVF_EmailCarrier = 203 ;separate component for e-mail carrier ;Group Field Unique IDs Global Const $GF_UniqueID = 1 Global Const $GF_CreateTimestamp = 2 Global Const $GF_EditTimestamp = 3 Global Const $GF_MergeTimestamp = 4 Global Const $GF_PublicPrivate = 5 Global Const $GF_RecordManager = 6 Global Const $GF_Name = 25 Global Const $GF_Division = 26 Global Const $GF_Address1 = 27 Global Const $GF_Address2 = 28 Global Const $GF_Address3 = 29 Global Const $GF_City = 30 Global Const $GF_State = 31 Global Const $GF_Zip = 32 Global Const $GF_Country = 33 Global Const $GF_Priority = 35 Global Const $GF_User1 = 36 Global Const $GF_User2 = 37 Global Const $GF_User3 = 38 Global Const $GF_User4 = 39 Global Const $GF_Description = 40 Global Const $GF_User5 = 47 Global Const $GF_User6 = 48 ;extra user field Global Const $GF_Creator = 54 ;the creator of the record Global Const $GF_ParentId = 55 Global Const $GF_GroupLevel = 56 Global Const $GF_Region = 57 Global Const $GF_Industry = 58 Global Const $GF_SicCode = 59 Global Const $GF_Employees = 60 Global Const $GF_Revenue = 61 Global Const $GF_TotalInGroup = 100 Global Const $GVF_Note = 200 ;Activity Field Unique IDs Global Const $AF_UniqueID = 1 Global Const $AF_CreateTimestamp = 2 Global Const $AF_EditTimestamp = 3 Global Const $AF_MergeTimestamp = 4 Global Const $AF_PublicPrivate = 5 Global Const $AF_Type = 25 Global Const $AF_Priority = 26 Global Const $AF_Regarding = 27 Global Const $AF_StartTime = 28 ;the starting time of the series of activities Global Const $AF_EndTime = 29 ;the ending time of the series of activities Global Const $AF_Duration = 30 ;the duration of a single instance of the activity Global Const $AF_TimelessStatus = 31 Global Const $AF_LeadTime = 32 Global Const $AF_AlarmStatus = 33 Global Const $AF_BannerColor = 34 Global Const $AF_EmailStatus = 35 Global Const $AF_Recurring = 36 Global Const $AF_ScheduledFor = 37 Global Const $AF_ScheduledBy = 38 Global Const $AF_GroupId = 39 Global Const $AF_FirstScheduledWith = 40 ;the first scheduled with (for performance purposes) Global Const $AF_ClearedStatus = 41 ;the cleared status of this activity Global Const $AF_RecurringId = 42 ;unique id of this recurring chain Global Const $AF_Exceptions = 43 ;recurring exception list (stored as a blob) Global Const $AF_ExceptionDate = 44 Global Const $AF_Details = 45 Global Const $AF_TotalInActivity = 100 Global Const $AF_TotalDuration = 101 ;total duration of the activity series in minutes Global Const $AVF_ScheduledDate = 200 Global Const $AVF_ScheduledTime = 201 ;Note/History Field Unique IDs Global Const $NHF_UniqueID = 1 Global Const $NHF_CreateTimestamp = 2 Global Const $NHF_EditTimestamp = 3 Global Const $NHF_MergeTimestamp = 4 Global Const $NHF_Type = 25 Global Const $NHF_Text = 26 Global Const $NHF_UserTime = 27 Global Const $NHF_Attachment = 28 Global Const $NHF_ContactId = 29 Global Const $NHF_GroupId = 30 Global Const $NHF_ActivityId = 31 Global Const $NHVF_RecordedDate = 200 Global Const $NHVF_RecordedTime = 201 ;EMAIL Field Unique IDs Global Const $EF_UniqueID = 1 Global Const $EF_CreateTimestamp = 2 Global Const $EF_EditTimestamp = 3 Global Const $EF_MergeTimestamp = 4 Global Const $EF_Logon = 25 Global Const $EF_Carrier = 26 Global Const $EF_PrimaryStatus = 27 Global Const $EF_ContactId = 28 ;SALES Field Unique IDs Global Const $SLF_UniqueID = 1 Global Const $SLF_CreateTimestamp = 2 Global Const $SLF_EditTimestamp = 3 Global Const $SLF_MergeTimestamp = 4 Global Const $SLF_ContactId = 25 Global Const $SLF_GroupId = 26 Global Const $SLF_Status = 27 Global Const $SLF_ProductId = 28 Global Const $SLF_TypeId = 29 Global Const $SLF_Probability = 30 Global Const $SLF_SaleDate = 31 Global Const $SLF_Units = 32 Global Const $SLF_UnitPrice = 33 Global Const $SLF_Amount = 34 Global Const $SLF_SaleStartDate = 35 Global Const $SLF_Notes = 36 Global Const $SLF_CompetitorsId = 37 Global Const $SLF_Reason = 38 Global Const $SLF_SalesStage = 39 Global Const $SLVF_ProductName = 200 ;LIST Table Unique IDs Global Const $LTF_UniqueID = 1 Global Const $LTF_Type = 25 Global Const $LTF_Name = 26 ;activity types Global Const $activitytype_call = 0 Global Const $activitytype_meeting = 1 Global Const $activitytype_todo = 2 ;activity priorities Global Const $activitypriority_high = 0 Global Const $activitypriority_medium = 1 Global Const $activitypriority_low = 2 ;history types Global Const $history_callattempt = 0 Global Const $history_callcomplete = 1 Global Const $history_callreceived = 2 Global Const $history_lettersent = 5 Global Const $history_meetingdone = 6 Global Const $history_meetingnotdone = 7 Global Const $history_tododone = 8 Global Const $history_todonotdone = 9 Global Const $history_timer = 10 Global Const $history_callerased = 11 Global Const $history_deletedcontact = 12 Global Const $history_updatecontact = 13 Global Const $history_updateconact = 14 Global Const $history_updatedelact = 15 Global Const $history_msgemailsent = 16 Global Const $history_callleftmessage = 17 Global Const $history_faxsent = 18 Global Const $history_syncsent = 19 Global Const $history_syncreceived = 20 Global Const $history_replacefieldslog = 21 Global Const $history_todoerased = 22 Global Const $history_meetingerased = 23 Global Const $history_error = 24 ;days in month definitions (recurring activities) Global Const $day_sunday = 1 Global Const $day_monday = 2 Global Const $day_tuesday = 4 Global Const $day_wednesday = 8 Global Const $day_thursday = 16 Global Const $day_friday = 32 Global Const $day_saturday = 64 ;weeks in the month definitions (recurring activities) Global Const $week_one = 1 Global Const $week_two = 2 Global Const $week_three = 4 Global Const $week_four = 8 Global Const $week_last = 16 ;types of recurring activities Global Const $recurring_none = 0 Global Const $recurring_days = 1 Global Const $recurring_weekdays = 2 Global Const $recurring_daysofmonth = 3 Global Const $recurring_daysandweeksofmonth = 4 ;tables Global Const $TABLE_CONTACT = 1 Global Const $TABLE_ACTIVITY = 2 Global Const $TABLE_NOTEHISTORY = 4 Global Const $TABLE_EMAILADDRESS = 8 Global Const $TABLE_GROUP = 16 Global Const $TABLE_SALES = 32 ;sales status Global Const $SALESSTATUS_OPEN = 0 Global Const $SALESSTATUS_WON = 1 Global Const $SALESSTATUS_LOST = 2 ;day positions in the month Global Const $MONTHDAYS_1 = 1 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_2 = 2 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_3 = 4 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_4 = 8 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_5 = 16 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_6 = 32 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_7 = 64 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_8 = 128 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_9 = 256 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_10 = 512 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_11 = 1024 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_12 = 2048 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_13 = 4096 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_14 = 8192 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_15 = 16384 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_16 = 32768 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_17 = 65536 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_18 = 131072 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_19 = 262144 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_20 = 524288 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_21 = 1048576 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_22 = 2097152 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_23 = 4194304 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_24 = 8388608 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_25 = 16777216 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_26 = 33554432 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_27 = 67108864 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_28 = 134217728 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_29 = 268435456 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_30 = 536870912 Global Const $MONTHDAYS_31 = 1073741824