$fileopen = FileOpenDialog("Encriptor",@WorkingDir,"Mikidutza's crypting (*.mKd)") $file = FileOpen($fileopen, 0) Opt("TrayIconDebug",1) ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf SplashTextOn("Decrypting...","Please wait"&@CRLF&"Decrypting file...",150,50) $read = FileRead($file) If @error = -1 Then Exit $a = StringReplace($read,"' '","a","",1) $b = StringReplace($a,"' '","b","",1) $c = StringReplace($b,"' '","c","",1) $d = StringReplace($c,"' '","d","",1) $e = StringReplace($d,"' '","e","",1) $f = StringReplace($e,"' '","f","",1) $g = StringReplace($f,"' '","g","",1) $h = StringReplace($g,"' '","h","",1) $i = StringReplace($h,"' '","i","",1) $j = StringReplace($i,"' '","j","",1) $k = StringReplace($j,"' '","k","",1) $l = StringReplace($k,"' '","l","",1) $m = StringReplace($l,"' '","m","",1) $n = StringReplace($m,"' '","n","",1) $o = StringReplace($n,"' '","o","",1) $p = StringReplace($o,"' '","p","",1) $q = StringReplace($p,"' '","q","",1) $r = StringReplace($q,"' '","r","",1) $s = StringReplace($r,"' '","s","",1) $t = StringReplace($s,"' '","t","",1) $u = StringReplace($t,"' '","u","",1) $v = StringReplace($u,"' '","v","",1) $x = StringReplace($v,"' '","x","",1) $y = StringReplace($x,"' '","y","",1) $w = StringReplace($y,"' '","w","",1) $z = StringReplace($w,"' '","z","",1) $1 = StringReplace($z,"' '","1","",1) $2 = StringReplace($1,"' '","2","",1) $3 = StringReplace($2,"' '","3","",1) $4 = StringReplace($3,"' '","4","",1) $5 = StringReplace($4,"' '","5","",1) $6 = StringReplace($5,"' '","6","",1) $7 = StringReplace($6,"' '","7","",1) $8 = StringReplace($7,"' '","8","",1) $9 = StringReplace($8,"' '","9","",1) $0 = StringReplace($9,"' '","0","",1) $ap = StringReplace($0,"' '","'","",1) SplashOff() $sav = FileSaveDialog("Where do you want to save the dincrypted file?",@DesktopDir,"All type (*.*)",16) FileWrite($sav,$ap) FileClose($file)