;script build by Gorgan Adrian AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug") #include GuiCreate("Mikidutza's LogonChager", 392, 250,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) $Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("This program is special bild to change the windows logon! In the input space you can insert special comments to personalize your windows.", 180, 10, 200, 130) $input_7 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("",105,170,245,15) $Pic_2 = GuiCtrlCreatePic(RegRead("HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop","Wallpaper"), 10, 10, 160, 140,"",$WS_EX_STATICEDGE) $Button_4 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Get image", 10, 170, 90, 19) $Button_5 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("*", 10, 220, 15, 15) $Button_6 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Build", 140, 222, 210, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $msg = $Button_5 MsgBox(0,"CopyRight"," LogonChanger"& @CRLF&" version "& @CRLF&" created by "& @CRLF&"Gorgan Adrian <-> Mikidutza") Case $msg = $Button_4 $dial = FileOpenDialog("Mikidutza's LogoChager",@MyDocumentsDir,"Bitmap image(*.bmp)") $str = StringMid($dial,2,2) If $str = ":\" Then GUICtrlSetData($input_7, $dial) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_2,$dial) EndIf Case $msg = $Button_6 RegWrite("HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop","Wallpaper","REG_SZ",$dial) $m = MsgBox(4,"LogonChanger","For the changes to activate you must restart the computer!"&@LF&"Do you want to restart your computer now?") If $m = 7 then ExitLoop EndIf Shutdown(2) Exit EndSelect WEnd Exit