; Help getting rid of spam in egain go much faster! ; by Allen Brubaker #Include ; MAIN() Welcome() $MoveButton = GetCoords("'Move'", 20) ;01 = left-click ;$Window = GetCoords("'Dropdown'", 01) ;$GenPool2 = GetCoords("GenPool2", 20) ;20 = spacebar ;$Spam = GetCoords("Spam", 20) ToolTip("") DoRoutines($MoveButton);, $Window, $GenPool2, $Spam) ; Func Esc() if _ispressed("1B") then $Begin = TimerInit() Do $Cursor = MouseGetPos() ToolTip(" Program Terminated ", $Cursor[0]+20, $Cursor[1]+20) $Dif = TimerDiff($Begin) until ($Dif > 1000) exit EndIf EndFunc Func Welcome () $Begin = TimerInit() $s_hexKey = 20 ;spacebar Do $Cursor = MouseGetPos() ToolTip(" Welcome to Spam Zapper :] ", $Cursor[0]+20, $Cursor[1]+20) $Status = _IsPressed($s_hexKey) $Dif = TimerDiff($Begin) Esc() until ($Dif > 3000 or $Status == 1) if ($Status <> 1 and $Dif > 3000) Then Do $Cursor = MouseGetPos() ToolTip("Make 'egain' the active window"& @CRLF &"Press ", $Cursor[0]+20, $Cursor[1]+20) $Status = _IsPressed($s_hexKey) Esc() until ($Status == 1) EndIf endfunc Func GetCoords (const $String, $Key) $Begin = TimerInit() $s_hexKey = $Key Do $Cursor = MouseGetPos() ; if $s_hexKey == 01 Then ; ToolTip("Click " &$String& @CRLF &"(" & $Cursor[0] & "," & $Cursor[1] & ")", $Cursor[0]+20, $Cursor[1]+20) ; EndIf ; if $s_hexKey == 20 Then ToolTip("Hover over " &$String& @CRLF &""& @CRLF &"(" & $Cursor[0] & "," & $Cursor[1] & ")", $Cursor[0]+20, $Cursor[1]+20) ; EndIf Esc() $Dif = TimerDiff($Begin) if ($Dif > 300) Then $Status = _IsPressed($s_hexKey) else $Status = 0 endif Until ($Status == 1) return($Cursor) endfunc Func DoRoutines(const $MoveButton);, const $Window, const $GenPool2, const $Spam) ;$PoolCount = 0 ;$SpamCount = 0 $Begin = TimerInit() while (1==1) ;$Cursor = MouseGetPos() ;ToolTip("[1] -> to GenPool2"& @CRLF &"[2] -> to Spam"& @CRLF &" "& $SpamCount &" Spam / "& $SpamCount+$PoolCount &" Total ", $Cursor[0]+20, $Cursor[1]+20) $Dif=TimerDiff($Begin) if ($Dif > 25) Then $Begin = TimerInit() Esc() $Num1 = 0 if (_isPressed(61)) Then $Num1 = 1 EndIf $Num2 = 0 if (_isPressed(62)) Then $Num2 = 1 endif if ($Num1) Then MouseClick("left", $MoveButton[0], $MoveButton[1], 3, 0) ; MouseClick("left", $Window[0], $Window[1], 1, 3) ; MouseClick("left", $GenPool2[0], $GenPool2[1], 1, 1) Sleep(400) Send("{TAB 2}") Send("{DOWN 1}") Send("{ENTER}") ;$PoolCount = $PoolCount + 1 endif if ($Num2) Then MouseClick("left", $MoveButton[0], $MoveButton[1], 3, 0) ; MouseClick("left", $Window[0], $Window[1], 1, 3) ; MouseClick("left", $Spam[0], $Spam[1], 1, 1) Sleep(400) Send("{TAB 2}") Send("{DOWN 2}") Send("{ENTER}") ;$SpamCount = $SpamCount + 1 endif endif WEnd EndFunc