#cs WinHide .80* This code written by TehBeyond tehbeyond@gmail.com 01/05/07* This code modifed by _________ ___________________ ________ This code modifed by _________ ___________________ ________ This code modifed by _________ ___________________ ________ Feel free to modify this code, but leave this portion intact, please. Please add your name/email to a Modifed By line before distributing your code. *Not yet finished! ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Description|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| This program is designed to, upon press of a hotkey, render a window invisible. Upon pressing the same key, it should become visible again. Up to 3 windows can be hidden this way, using F5-F7. F8 kills WinHide and makes all windows visible. F9 kills WinHide and kills all hidden windows. #ce ;#NoTrayIcon HotKeySet("{F5}",WinDo(0)) HotKeySet("{F6}",WinDo(1)) HotKeySet("{F7}",WinDo(2)) HotKeySet("{F8}",WinDo(3)) HotKeySet("{F9}",WinDo(4)) Global $window[3] Global $WinDoTemp While 1 Sleep (100) WEnd Func WinDo ($WinDoTemp) If $WinDoTemp <=3 Then $WinTemp=WinGetHandle("") If WinExists($window[$WinDoTemp])=0 OR WinVis($window[$WinDoTemp]) Then global $window[$WinDoTemp]=$WinTemp WinSetState($window[$WinDoTemp],"",@SW_HIDE) Else WinSetState($window[$WinDoTemp],"",@SW_SHOW) global $window[$WinDoTemp]=0 EndIf Else If $WinDoTemp = 3 Then WinSetState($window[0],"",@SW_SHOW) WinSetState($window[1],"",@SW_SHOW) WinSetState($window[2],"",@SW_SHOW) Else WinKill($window[0]) WinKill($window[1]) WinKill($window[2]) EndIf Exit EndIf EndFunc Func WinVis ($WinVisTemp) Return StringLeft(StringRight(String(BitAND(2,WinGetState($WinVisTemp))),2),1);This returns 1 if the window in WinGetState is visible, 0 if it isn't EndFunc