#include-once #include #include "guilist.au3" #region Version and Author(s)...And CREDITS!! #cs -------Version and Author Data------------------------------------------------------------------ ; *************************************************** ; ****ANYGUI.au3 v 2.8 5 MAR 2007************************** ; ************Author: Quaizywabbit******************* ; *Credits: Many thanks to Valik(especially!) and Larry!!!!!!!!!!* ; _TargetSetStyle courtesy of Xenogis!! ; *************************************************** ;Changes in this version: all func's (except _EndTarget) ;have basic error handling(return 0 and set @error) **18 July 2005 added MonthCal and Obj(embedded ActiveX) to the lineup *NOTE: Beta-Only Functions (Graphic, MonthCal, and Obj) are commented for ease of use with the production release!!!! **3 AUG 2005 fixed _TargetSetStyle "Remove" to operate properly **7 AUG 2005 Renamed _TargetSetStyle() to _TargetStyle() when called with no params, returns the current Styles and Exstyles changed "Action" verbs to "set", "unset", and "replace" **8 AUG 2005 fixed _TargetStyle Select/Case Logic (messed it up from v2.2_____ooops!) **10 AUG 2005 added "toggle" to _TargetStyle() **12 AUG 2005 added _WinMenuGetHandle() and _WinMenuSetState() **22 FEB 2007 added _TargetAddDraglist() with associated auxiliary functions, and uncommented previous Beta functions **05 MAR 2007 modified _GuiTarget() to allow passing coord array in place of ControlId(for .net controls that don't play nice) #ce ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endregion #region GuiTarget; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _GuiTarget() ; Description: Targets any existing Window/Control for Control/Child window additions ; Parameter(s): $wintitle - Window Title ; $mode [optional] 1 = "Single Window"; ; [Default]==> all else = "Multiple" ; $wintext [optional] - Text in "Target" window ; $controlid [optional] - "Targeted" Control in window **OR** array containing x and y coords ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Mode = 1: Global hWnd to window or control ; - Mode = "", or any value that isn't 1: Local hWnd to _ ; window or control. ; On Failure: returns 0 and @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiTarget($wintitle, $mode = 0, $wintext = 0, $controlid = 0) Local $hWnd WinWait($wintitle) $hWnd = WinGetHandle($wintitle) If Not ($controlid = 0) Then Select Case IsArray($controlid) $ctlhwnd = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "ChildWindowFromPoint", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", $controlid[0], "int", $controlid[1]) If IsHWnd($ctlhwnd[0]) And $ctlhwnd[0] <> 0x00000000 And $ctlhwnd[0] <> $hWnd Then ;checks for valid control hwnd $ID = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetDlgCtrlID", "hwnd", $ctlhwnd[0]) ConsoleWrite("ControlId = " & $ID[0] & @CRLF) $hWnd = $ctlhwnd[0] Else ConsoleWrite("invalid coordinates" & "(" & $controlid[0] & " ," & $controlid[1] & ")" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf Case Else $hWnd = ControlGetHandle($wintitle, $wintext, $controlid) EndSelect EndIf If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then SetError(1) Select Case @error = 1 ConsoleWrite("could not get hwnd" & @CRLF) _EndTarget() Return 0 Case $mode = 1 Global $TargethWnd = $hWnd Return $TargethWnd Case Else Local $LocTargethWnd = $hWnd Return $LocTargethWnd EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_GuiTarget #endregion #region EndTarget; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _EndTarget() ; Description: Resets _GuiTarget GLOBAL variable value to 0 (when used with Mode 1) ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): None ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _EndTarget() Global $TargethWnd = 0 Return $TargethWnd EndFunc ;==>_EndTarget #endregion #region _TargetaddChild; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddChild() ; Description: Adds a Child window to the "Targeted" existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - Child window title text ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns hWnd of Child window ; On Failure - Returns 0 and @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $LocTargethWnd = 0); If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Else ConsoleWrite("invalid or nonexisting target hwnd" & @CRLF) Return 0 EndIf If IsHWnd($TargethWnd) Then Local $a = GUICreate($text, $SizeX, $SizeY, $PosX, $PosY, $WS_CHILD, -1, $TargethWnd) Else ConsoleWrite("invalid or nonexisting target hwnd" & @CRLF) EndIf If $a = 0 Then SetError(1) Return $a EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddChild #endregion #region _TargetaddAvi; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddAvi() ; Description: Add Avi to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $filename - The filename of the video. Only .avi files are supported. ; $subfileid - id of the subfile to be used. If the file only contains one video then use -1. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Avi control ; $exstyle[optional]- 'exstyle' of Avi control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Avi control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Avi control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Avi controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddAvi($filename, $subfileid, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $text = $filename Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateAvi($filename, $subfileid, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddAvi #endregion #region _TargetaddButton; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddButton() ; Description: Add Button to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - text to display on button ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Button control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Button control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Button control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Button control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Button controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddButton($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateButton($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddButton #endregion #region _TargetaddCheckbox; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddCheckbox() ; Description: Add Checkbox to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - Checkbox label text ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Checkbox control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Checkbox control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Checkbox control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Checkbox control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Checkbox controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddCheckbox($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddCheckbox #endregion #region _TargetaddCombo; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddCombo() ; Description: Add Combo to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - text which will appear in the combo control ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Combo control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Combo control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Combo control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Combo control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Combo controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddCombo($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddCombo #endregion #region _TargetaddDate; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddDate() ; Description: Add Date control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - the preselected date ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Date control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Date control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Date control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Date control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Date controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddDate($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateDate($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddDate #endregion #region _TargetaddEdit; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddEdit() ; Description: Add Edit control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - the text of the control ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Edit control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Edit control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Edit control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Edit control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Edit controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddEdit($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateEdit($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddEdit #endregion #region _TargetaddGraphic; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddGraphic() ; Description: Add Graphic to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Graphic control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Graphic control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Graphic control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Graphic controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddGraphic($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddGraphic #endregion #region _TargetaddGroup; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddGroup() ; Description: Add Group control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - Group label text ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Group control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Group control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Group control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Group control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Group controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddGroup($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateGroup($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddGroup #endregion #region _TargetaddIcon; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddIcon() ; Description: Add Icon to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $filename - filename of the icon to be loaded ; $iconID - Icon identifier if the file contain multiple icon. Otherwise -1. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Icon control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Icon control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Icon control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Icon control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Icon controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddIcon($filename, $iconID, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateIcon($filename, $iconID, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddIcon #endregion #region _TargetaddInput; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddInput() ; Description: Add Input control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Input control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Input control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Input control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Input control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Input controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddInput($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateInput($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddInput #endregion #region _TargetaddLabel; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddLabel() ; Description: Add Label to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Label control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Label control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Label control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Label control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Label controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddLabel($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddLabel #endregion #region _TargetaddList; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddList() ; Description: Add List control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of List control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of List control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of List control ; $a[1] = hWnd of List control ; $a[2] = hWnd of List controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddList($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateList($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddList #endregion #region _TargetaddDragList; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddDragList() ; Description: Adds DragList control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of List control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of List control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include and ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of List control ; $a[1] = hWnd of List control ; $a[2] = hWnd of List controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddDragList($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateList($text, 15, 2, $SizeX - 15, $SizeY - 2, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) _Makedraglist($a[1]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddDragList #endregion #region _TargetaddListview; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddListview() ; Description: Add Listview control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - definition of column heading. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Listview control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Listview control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Listview control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Listview control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Listview controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddListview($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateListView($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddListview #endregion #region _TargetaddMonthCal; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddMonthCal() ; Description: Adds MonthCal control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of MonthCal control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of MonthCal control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of MonthCal control ; $a[1] = hWnd of MonthCal control ; $a[2] = hWnd of MonthCal controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddMonthCal($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddMonthCal #endregion #region _TargetaddObj; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddObj() ; Description: Adds ActiveX Object control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $ObjVar - A variable pointing to a previously opened object ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of ActiveX Object control ; $a[1] = hWnd of ActiveX Object control ; $a[2] = hWnd of ActiveX Object controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddObj($ObjVar, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("ActiveXObj", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateObj($ObjVar, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddObj #endregion #region _TargetaddPic; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddPic() ; Description: Add Pic to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $filename - filename of the icon to be loaded. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Pic control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Pic control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Pic control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Pic control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Pic controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddPic($filename, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreatePic($filename, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddPic #endregion #region _TargetaddProgress; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddProgress() ; Description: Add Progress control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Progress control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Progress control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Progress control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Progress control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Progress controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddProgress($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateProgress($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddProgress #endregion #region _TargetaddSlider; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddSlider() ; Description: Add Slider to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Slider control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Slider control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Slider control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Slider control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Slider controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddSlider($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateSlider(0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddSlider #endregion #region _TargetaddTab; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddTab() ; Description: Add Tab control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Tab control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Tab control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Tab control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Tab control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Tab controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddTab($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddTab #endregion #region _TargetaddTreeview; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddTreeview() ; Description: Add Treeview control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Treeview control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Treeview control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Treeview control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Treeview control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Treeview controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddTreeview($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddTreeview #endregion #region _TargetSetStyle; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetStyle() ; Description: Retrieves/Sets/Unsets/Replaces Styles and/or Exstyles of 'targeted' control/window ; When called with no parameters returns the current Styles/Exstyles for the window/control ; Parameter(s): $action[optional] - "set", "unset", "toggle", and "replace" ; $Bool[optional] - 1 to Update window/control when finished ; $Style[optional] - New window style (multiple styles can be BitOr'd) ; $ExStyle[optional] - New window exstyle (multiple styles can be BitOr'd) ; $LocTargethWnd[optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include ; Return Value(s): On success: $action left blank-returns an array with $array[0] as the current Style and $array[1] as the current Exstyle ; otherwise it returns previous style and exstyle ; If style and exstyle are changed the function will return an array ; with $Array[0] as the previous style and ; $Array[1] as the previous exstyle ; On Error:affected array element returns 0, error flag set to 1 if Style, 2 if ExStyle. ; MsgBox displayed for either. ; Msgbox displayed for incorrect 'action' verb, returns 0 and sets error ; Author(s): Chase/Xenogis- - -Modified by Quaizywabbit ; 3 AUG 2005: corrected "Remove" to operate properly(Thanks Valik and Nutster!) ; 7 AUG 2005: changed 'action' verbs to "set", "unset", and "replace" ; 8 AUG 2005 fixed _TargetStyle() Select/Case logic (messed it up from v2.2___ooops!!) ; 10 AUG 2005 added "toggle" ; Comments: can only do a single 'verb' during each call, so required Style/Exstyle combinations may require ; additional _TargetStyle() calls with the last call setting $Bool to 1 to update the 'target' ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetStyle($action = 0, $Bool = 0, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $ostyle = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "GetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16);get existing Style Local $oexstyle = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "GetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20);get existing ExStyle Select Case $action = "set" If $style <> -1 Then Local $scall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16, "long", BitOR($ostyle[0], $style));add Style to old style If $exstyle <> -1 Then Local $exscall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20, "long", BitOR($oexstyle[0], $exstyle));add Exstyle to old exstyle Case $action = "unset" If $style <> -1 Then Local $scall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16, "long", BitAND($ostyle[0], BitNOT($style)));remove Style from old style If $exstyle <> -1 Then Local $exscall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20, "long", BitAND($oexstyle[0], BitNOT($exstyle)));remove Exstyle from old exstyle Case $action = "toggle" If $style <> -1 Then Local $scall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16, "long", BitXOR($ostyle[0], $style));Toggle Style(s) on or off If $exstyle <> -1 Then Local $exscall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20, "long", BitXOR($oexstyle[0], $exstyle));Toggle ExStyle(s) on or off Case $action = "replace" If $style <> -1 Then Local $scall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16, "long", $style);replace Style If $exstyle <> -1 Then Local $exscall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20, "long", $exstyle);replace Exstyle Case Else Dim $ret[2] $ret[0] = $ostyle[0] $ret[1] = $oexstyle[0] Return $ret EndSelect Dim $return[2] If $style <> -1 And $scall[0] <> $ostyle[0] Then SetError(1) $return[0] = 0 MsgBox(4096, "Error setting Style", "Please check your Style settings and try again") ElseIf $exstyle <> -1 And $exscall[0] <> $oexstyle[0] Then SetError(2) $return[1] = 0 MsgBox(4096, "Error setting ExStyle", "Please check your ExStyle settings and try again") Else If $style <> -1 Then $return[0] = $scall[0] Else $return[0] = $ostyle[0] EndIf If $exstyle <> -1 Then $return[1] = $exscall[0] Else $return[1] = $oexstyle[0] EndIf EndIf If $Bool = 1 Then _Refresh($TargethWnd) Return $return EndFunc ;==>_TargetStyle #endregion #region _WinMenuGetHandle() ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _WinMenuGetHandle() ; Description: Retrieves handle to a Window Menu ; Parameter(s): $hwnd - Window handle ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): On Success - $ret[0] = Window handle ; $ret[1] = Menu handle ; On Failure: returns 0 and @error set to 1 ; MsgBox shown explaining possible reasons for failure ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ; Comments: Child windows cannot have menu's. Not all Non-Child windows have menu's. ;=============================================================================== Func _WinMenuGetHandle($window) Local $menu = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "GetMenu", "hwnd", $window) Local $test = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "IsMenu", "hwnd", $menu[0]) If $test[0] <> 0 Then Dim $ret[2] $ret[0] = $window $ret[1] = $menu[0] Return $ret Else SetError(1) MsgBox(4096, "Error-_WinMenuGetHandle", "Could not retrieve Menu handle:window is child, or has no menu") Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WinMenuGetHandle #endregion #region _WinMenuSetState() ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _WinMenuSetState() ; Description: 'shows' or 'hides' a Window Menu's visibility ; Parameter(s): $window - initial call = Non-Child Window handle(that has a Menu) ; subsequent calls = returned array variable from initial call ; $state - "show" [default] ; "hide" ; Requirement(s): _WinMenuGetHandle() ; Return Value(s): On Success(initial call only) - $ret[0] = Window handle ; $ret[1] = Menu handle ; On Failure: returns 0 and @error set to 1 ; MsgBox shown explaining possible reasons for failure ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ; Comments: Must "hide" before "show", when "show"ing use the initial "hide" call variable ; Child windows cannot have menu's("show" won't work). Not all Non-Child windows have menu's. ;=============================================================================== Func _WinMenuSetState($window, $state = "show"); ;is this the initial call? If IsArray($window) Then ; 'old call Local $windowhwnd = $window[0] Local $menuhwnd = $window[1] Else Local $get = _WinMenuGetHandle($window); 'new call $windowhwnd = $get[0] $menuhwnd = $get[1] EndIf Select Case $state = "hide" Local $menu = 0 Local $menusetsucceed_fail = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetMenu", "hwnd", $windowhwnd, "hwnd", $menu) If $menusetsucceed_fail[0] = 0 Then SetError(1) MsgBox(4096, "Error!", " 'hide' update failed!") Return 0 EndIf Case $state = "show" Local $menusetsucceed_fail = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetMenu", "hwnd", $window[0], "hwnd", $window[1]) If $menusetsucceed_fail[0] = 0 Then SetError(1) MsgBox(4096, "Error!", "'show' update failed!") Return 0 EndIf EndSelect If Not IsArray($window) Then ;( Return only on initial call) Dim $ret[2] $ret[0] = $windowhwnd $ret[1] = $menuhwnd Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WinMenuSetState #endregion #region aux-func's ;=============================================================================== ; AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ;=============================================================================== Const $SWP_NOMOVE = 0x0002, $SWP_NOSIZE = 0x0001, $SWP_NOZORDER = 0x0004, $SWP_FRAMECHANGED = 0x0020 Const $DRAGLISTMSGSTRING = "commctrl_DragListMsg" Const $DL_BEGINDRAG = ($WM_USER + 133) Const $DL_DRAGGING = ($WM_USER + 134) Const $DL_DROPPED = ($WM_USER + 135) Const $DL_CANCELDRAG = ($WM_USER + 136) Dim $dragIdx, $dragIdto, $dragging, $sztext, $cursor_old = MouseGetCursor() Func _Makedraglist($window, $text = 0, $controlid = 0) Local $hWnd If Not ($controlid = 0) Then $hWnd = ControlGetHandle($window, $text, $controlid) Else $hWnd = $window EndIf Local $r = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "int", "MakeDragList", "hwnd", $hWnd) $draglistmessage = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "RegisterWindowMessage", "str", $DRAGLISTMSGSTRING) $x = GUIRegisterMsg(($draglistmessage[0]), "_DraglistHandler") Return $r[0] EndFunc ;==>_Makedraglist Func _DrawInsert($hWnd, $Hlb, $nItem) $r = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "int", "DrawInsert", "hwnd", $hWnd, "hwnd", $Hlb, "int", $nItem) Return $r[0] EndFunc ;==>_DrawInsert Func _LBItemFromPt($Hlb, $Point, $autoscroll = 1) $x = DllStructGetData($Point, 1) $y = DllStructGetData($Point, 2) $r = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "int", "LBItemFromPt", "hwnd", $Hlb, "int", $x, "int", $y, "int", $autoscroll) Return $r[0] EndFunc ;==>_LBItemFromPt Func _Refresh($TargethWnd) $r = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "hwnd", $TargethWnd, _ "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, _ "long", BitOR($SWP_NOMOVE, $SWP_NOSIZE, $SWP_NOZORDER, $SWP_FRAMECHANGED)) Return $r[0] EndFunc ;==>_Refresh Func _DraglistHandler($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam) $nID = BitAND($wParam, 0x0000FFFF) Local $DraglistInfo = DllStructCreate("uint;hwnd;int;int", $lParam) $nNotifyCode = (DllStructGetData($DraglistInfo, 1)) $Hlb = "0x" & Hex(DllStructGetData($DraglistInfo, 2)) $Point = DllStructCreate("int;int") DllStructSetData($Point, 1, DllStructGetData($DraglistInfo, 3)) DllStructSetData($Point, 2, DllStructGetData($DraglistInfo, 4)) Select Case $nNotifyCode = $DL_BEGINDRAG $dragIdx = _LBItemFromPt($Hlb, $Point) _Refresh($Hlb) GUICtrlSetCursor($nID, 0);hand cursor $dragging = False Return True; use conditional statements returning true to allow item drag for some items, or false to disallow. Case $nNotifyCode = $DL_CANCELDRAG _Refresh($Hlb) _DrawInsert($hWnd, $Hlb, -1) GUICtrlSetCursor($nID, $cursor_old); back to arrow $dragging = False Case $nNotifyCode = $DL_DRAGGING $dragIdto = _LBItemFromPt($Hlb, $Point) _DrawInsert($hWnd, $Hlb, $dragIdto) $dragging = True Case $nNotifyCode = $DL_DROPPED $dragIdto = _LBItemFromPt($Hlb, $Point) If $dragging = True And $dragIdto <> -1 Then $sztext = _GUICtrlListGetText($nID, $dragIdx) _GUICtrlListDeleteItem($nID, $dragIdx) _GUICtrlListInsertItem($nID, $sztext, $dragIdto) _GUICtrlListSelectIndex($nID, $dragIdto) _DrawInsert($hWnd, $Hlb, -1) EndIf GUICtrlSetCursor($nID, $cursor_old); back to arrow Case Else Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_DraglistHandler #endregion #region User Call Tips; Copy and paste these to your "User CallTips" #cs;User call tip entries: _GuiTarget("title"[,Mode- enter 1 for single window mode [,"text"[,ControlId]]]) _EndTarget() _TargetaddChild( "title", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, hWnd}) _TargetaddAvi( filename, subfileid, PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style [,exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddButton( "text",PosX,PosY,SizeX,SizeY[,style[,exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddCheckbox( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddCombo( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddDate( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddEdit("text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddGraphic( PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, hWnd]]) _TargetaddGroup( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddIcon( filename, iconID, PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddInput( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddLabel( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddList( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddDragList( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddListview( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddMonthCal( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddObj( "Object Variable", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, hWnd]) _TargetaddPic( filename, PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddProgress(PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddSlider(PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddTab(PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddTreeview(PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetStyle([action "set|unset|toggle|replace"[,Update"1 = yes 0 = no"[,Style[, ExStyle[, hWnd]]]]]) _WinMenuGetHandle(WindowHwnd) _WinMenuSetState($windowhwnd_or_Previous_call$Variable[, $state = "show|hide"]) #ce #endregion