#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: E.Slechte Script Function: Change the wallpaper #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $pos, $lbl WinMinimizeAll () $gui = GUICreate ( "wallnag" , 75, 25, 478, 0, 0x80000000, 0x00000080 ) $lbl = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "" , 5, 5, 65, 25 ) GUISetState () WinSetOnTop ( "wallnag", "" , 1 ) While 1 Sleep(10) $pos= MouseGetPos () GUICtrlSetData ( $lbl, $pos[0] & " x " & $pos[1] ) if $pos[0] > 400 and $pos[0] < 450 and $pos[1] > 200 And $pos[1] < 250 Then wall() EndIf WEnd Func wall() $set = 0 $org = RegRead ( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop", "Wallpaper" ) do Sleep(10) $pos= MouseGetPos () GUICtrlSetData ( $lbl, $pos[0] & " x " & $pos[1] ) if $set = 0 Then $set = 1 DLLCall( "user32.dll","int","SystemParametersInfo","int",20,"int",0,"str","C:\WINDOWS\doom.bmp" & chr("NUL"),"int",0 ) EndIf Until ($pos[0] < 400 Or $pos[0] > 450) Or ($pos[1] < 200 Or $pos[1] > 250) DLLCall( "user32.dll","int","SystemParametersInfo","int",20,"int",0,"str",$org & chr("NUL"),"int",0 ) EndFunc