#include #include Opt ("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt ("RunErrorsFatal", 0) If @OSTYPE <> "WIN32_NT" Then MsgBox(0, "Invalid Operating System", "This program requires WIndows 2000 or later to run.") Exit EndIf Dim $ipArray[20] Dim $nicArray[20] For $ia = 0 to 19 Step 1 $ipArray[$ia] = "" $nicArray[$ia] = "" Next ;================================================= Nic Gui ================================================= ;shows only active network cards with valid ip address ( and apipa will not be shown) $Form1 = GUICreate("Active Network Cards", 276, 79, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_NicClose", $Form1) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select IP Address", 58, 8, 157, 17, $SS_CENTER) $Combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 8, 24, 261, 21) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 123, 56, 30, 20, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Button1, "_NicOK") ;=========================================================================================================== Func _NicOK() GUISwitch($Form1) $selNic = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($Combo1), "[") $selIp = StringStripWS($selNic[1], 8) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) MsgBox(0, "", $selIp) ; ==> Return $selIp - This may return IP Address EndFunc Func _NicClose() GUISwitch($Form1) $selNic = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($Combo1), "[") $selIp = StringStripWS($selNic[1], 8) If $selIp <> '' Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) MsgBox(0, "", $selIp) ; ==> Return $selIp - This may return IP Address Else MsgBox(16, "Warning", "Please select IP Address") EndIf EndFunc ;possible start function RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'ipconfig >> ' & @TempDir & '\ip.txt', "", @SW_HIDE) $ipconffile = FileRead(@TempDir & "\ip.txt", FileGetSize(@TempDir & "\ip.txt")) GUICtrlSetData($Combo1, "") If $ipconffile = -1 Then ;Error! Else For $i = 0 to 19 Step 1 $find = StringInStr( $ipconffile, "IP Address", 1, $i) ; for localized versions you need to change the text between "" $nicname = StringInStr( $ipconffile, "Ethernet adapter", 1, $i); for localized versions you need to change the text between "" If $find <> 0 And $nicname <> 0 Then $ipAddr = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($ipconffile, $find+35), 15); for localized versions you need to change the value to add to $find $nname = StringSplit(StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($ipconffile, $nicname+16), 1), ":")); for localized versions you need to change the value to add to $nicname $nicArray[$i] = $nname[1] $ipArray[$i] = StringStripWS($ipAddr, 8) If StringLeft($ipArray[$i], 1) = "0" Or StringLeft($ipArray[$i], 3) = "169" Then Else GUICtrlSetData($Combo1, $ipArray[$i] & " [" & $nicArray[$i] & "]"& "|") EndIf EndIf Next FileDelete(@TempDir & "\ip.txt") EndIf ; end function GUISwitch($Form1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg(0) WEnd