#include-once #include #include #include #include ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Finds a TaskBar icon and "clicks" popup menu/submenu item ; Parameters ....: $sIconTitle - Text to use to find the taskbar icon (using substring search) ; $sMenuItem - Text or 0-based item number of item in main popup menu ; $sSubMenuItem - Text or 0-based item number of Item in submenu (if any) [default = "" - no submenu] ; $sMouseButton - Mouse button used to show the main popup menu [default = "secondary"] ; $iPause - Milliseconds to pause between "clicking" menu and scanning for new popups [default = 600] ; $iTrace - Writes info to Console for finding problems - pass in the @Error code [default=0] ; Return values .: True - Found and clicked the menu item(s) ; False - Unable to find the icon (@error 1) / Menu item (@error 2) / SubMenu item (@error 3) ; - Or if menu items are disabled/greyed, Menu item (@error -2) / Submenu item (@error -3) ; Author ........: Steve Bateman (MisterBates) ; Remarks .......: Uses UDFs from Auto3Lib. Uses Blockinput() while working with the popups. ; BEWARE: Some menu items have '&' in the text. Some menu items are "ownerdraw" and have no text. ; Some menus do not flag items as greyed/disabled. ; Try using menu/submenu text to find items, if you get @Error, pass @Error as $iTrace value. ; Related .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func ClickTaskbarMenuItem($sIconTitle, $sMenuItem, $sSubMenuItem="", $sMouseButton="secondary", $iPause=600, $iTrace=0) Enum $eFindIcon=1, $eFindMenu, $eFindSubMenu, $eSuccess $iTrace = abs($iTrace) ; Validate the menu names, if passed as numbers $iResult = $eFindIcon ; try to find icon if IsNumber($sMenuItem) Then if $sMenuItem < 0 Then $iResult = $eFindMenu if $iTrace = $eFindMenu Then ConsoleWrite('ERROR: MenuItem number is ' & $sMenuItem & @CRLF) EndIf if IsNumber($sSubMenuItem) Then if $sSubMenuItem < 0 Then $iResult = $eFindSubMenu if $iTrace = $eFindSubMenu Then ConsoleWrite('ERROR: SubMenuItem number is ' & $sMenuItem & @CRLF) EndIf if $iResult = $eFindIcon Then $hWnd = ControlGetHandle("classname=Shell_TrayWnd", "", "Notification Area") $iCount = _Toolbar_ButtonCount($hWnd) for $iIconNo = 1 to $iCount $iCommand = _Toolbar_IndexToCommand($hWnd, $iIconNo) $sText = _Toolbar_GetButtonText ($hWnd, $iCommand) if $iTrace = $eFindIcon then ; >>>>>>>> Caller asked for trace output if $sText <> "" then ConsoleWrite('====== Icon "' & $sText & '"' & @crlf) EndIf ; >>>>>>>> Caller asked for trace output if not StringInStr($sText, $sIconTitle) then ContinueLoop $iResult = _Max($iResult, $eFindMenu) ; try to find the popup menu text/item if $iTrace then ConsoleWrite('====== Icon "' & $sText & '"' & @crlf) ; >>>>>>>> Caller asked for trace output BlockInput(1) ; Prevent user interacting with mouse/keyboard $iMousePos = MouseGetPos() ; Save the mouse $hHasFocus = _API_GetFocus() WinActivate($hWnd) ; Show the taskbar (if it's on auto-hide) _Toolbar_ClickButton($hWnd, $iCommand, $sMouseButton, True, 1, 0, False) ; show the popup menu if $iPause > 0 then Sleep($iPause) ; popup menus can take a little time to be shown _Lib_PopupScan() ; Auto3Lib internal routine to find popup menus $iPopupCount = _Lib_PopupCount() for $iPopupNo = 1 to $iPopupCount $hPopupMenu = _Lib_PopupGetHwnd($iPopupNo) $iPopupItemCount = _Menu_GetItemCount($hPopupMenu) if $iPopupItemCount <= 0 Then ContinueLoop ; Ignore popups with no menu items if not IsNumber($sMenuItem) Then $sMenuItem = _Menu_FindItem($hPopupMenu, $sMenuItem, True) if $iTrace = $eFindMenu Then ; >>>>>>>> Caller asked for trace output if $sMenuItem >= 0 and $sMenuItem < $iPopupItemCount Then ConsoleWrite('Menu item number ' & $sMenuItem & @CRLF) ElseIf $sMenuItem < 0 Then for $iI = 0 to $iPopupItemCount - 1 ConsoleWrite('SubMenu item ' & $iI & ' (type') $iMenuType = _Menu_GetItemType($hPopupMenu, $iI) if $iMenuType = 0 then ConsoleWrite(' NONE') if $iMenuType <> 0 then ConsoleWrite(' ' & $iMenuType & ' =') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_BITMAP) then ConsoleWrite(' bitmap') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_MENUBARBREAK) then ConsoleWrite(' menubarbreak') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_MENUBREAK) then ConsoleWrite(' menubreak') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_OWNERDRAW) then ConsoleWrite(' owner-draw') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_RADIOCHECK) then ConsoleWrite(' radio-check') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY) then ConsoleWrite(' right-justify') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_RIGHTORDER) then ConsoleWrite(' right-order') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_SEPARATOR) then ConsoleWrite(' separator') ConsoleWrite(')') if _Menu_GetItemText($hPopupMenu, $iI) <> "" then ConsoleWrite(' = ' & _Menu_GetItemText($hPopupMenu, $iI)) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) next ; $iI Else ConsoleWrite('Menu item number ' & $sMenuItem & ' >= Menu item count ' & $iPopupItemCount & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf ; >>>>>>>> Caller asked for trace output if $sMenuItem >= 0 and $sMenuItem < $iPopupItemCount Then if _Menu_GetItemDisabled($sMenuItem, $iPopupNo) Or _Menu_GetItemGrayed($sMenuItem, $iPopupNo) Then $iResult = -$iResult ExitLoop EndIf $iResult = _max($iResult, $eFindSubMenu) ; we're trying to find the popup submenu text/item _Menu_ClickPopup($sMenuItem, $iPopupNo) if $sSubMenuItem = "" Then ; no submenu, indicate success $iResult = 4 ExitLoop ; $iPopupNo Else ; deal with submenu if $iPause > 0 then Sleep($iPause) _Lib_PopupScan() ; Auto3Lib internal routine to find popup menus $iSubCount = _Lib_PopupCount() if $iSubCount <= $iPopupCount Then ; no submenu popped up ... $iResult = -($iResult - 1) ; indicate problem with menu item ExitLoop EndIf for $iSubNo = 1 to $iSubCount $hSubMenu = _Lib_PopupGetHwnd($iSubNo) if $hSubMenu = $hPopupMenu Then ContinueLoop ; Don't mistake the main popup for a submenu $iSubItemCount = _Menu_GetItemCount($hSubMenu) if $iSubItemCount <= 0 Then ContinueLoop ; Ignore popups with no menu items if not IsNumber($sSubMenuItem) Then $sSubMenuItem = _Menu_FindItem($hSubMenu, $sSubMenuItem, True) if $iTrace = $eFindSubMenu Then ; >>>>>>>> Caller asked for trace output if $sSubMenuItem >= 0 and $sSubMenuItem < $iSubItemCount Then ConsoleWrite('SubMenu item number ' & $sSubMenuItem & @CRLF) ElseIf $sSubMenuItem < 0 Then for $iI = 0 to $iSubItemCount - 1 ConsoleWrite('SubMenu item ' & $iI & ' (type') $iMenuType = _Menu_GetItemType($hSubMenu, $iI) if $iMenuType = 0 then ConsoleWrite(' NONE') if $iMenuType <> 0 then ConsoleWrite(' ' & $iMenuType & ' =') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_BITMAP) then ConsoleWrite(' bitmap') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_MENUBARBREAK) then ConsoleWrite(' menubarbreak') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_MENUBREAK) then ConsoleWrite(' menubreak') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_OWNERDRAW) then ConsoleWrite(' owner-draw') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_RADIOCHECK) then ConsoleWrite(' radio-check') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY) then ConsoleWrite(' right-justify') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_RIGHTORDER) then ConsoleWrite(' right-order') if bitAND($iMenuType, $MFT_SEPARATOR) then ConsoleWrite(' separator') ConsoleWrite(')') if _Menu_GetItemText($hSubMenu, $iI) <> "" then ConsoleWrite(' = ' & _Menu_GetItemText($hSubMenu, $iI)) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) next ; $iI Else ConsoleWrite('SubMenu item number ' & $sSubMenuItem & ' >= SubMenu item count ' & $iSubItemCount & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf ; >>>>>>>> Caller asked for trace output if $sSubMenuItem >= 0 and $sSubMenuItem < $iSubItemCount Then if _Menu_GetItemDisabled($sSubMenuItem, $iSubNo) Or _Menu_GetItemGrayed($sSubMenuItem, $iSubNo) Then $iResult = -$iResult ExitLoop EndIf $iResult = _max($iResult, $eSuccess) ; found the submenu - click it _Menu_ClickPopup($sSubMenuItem, $iSubNo) ExitLoop ; $iSubNo EndIf Next ; $iSubNo EndIf ; Submenu code if $iResult <> $eSuccess Then send("{ESC}") if Abs($iResult) > $eFindMenu then ExitLoop ; $iPopupNo EndIf Next ; $iPopupNo if $iResult <> $eSuccess Then send("{ESC}") MouseMove($iMousePos[0], $iMousePos[1], 0) ; put mouse back where it was _API_SetFocus($hHasFocus) ; and return focus to the previously active window WinActivate($hHasFocus) BlockInput(0) ; Re-enable user input if Abs($iResult) > $eFindIcon Then ExitLoop ; $iIconNo next EndIf if $iResult = $eSuccess Then Return True Else SetError($iResult) Return False EndIf EndFunc