; Open HP JET DIRECT PRINT SERVER AND CONFIGURE ; Written by Dana L. Houseman ;InputBox features: Title=Yes, Prompt=Yes, Default Text=No, Mandatory $InputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Password (y/n)!","Do you Need to use a password?","","*M","-1","-1","-1","-1") If $InputBoxAnswer = "Y" Then $passwd1 = InputBox("Open Password", "Enter password to Open the Jet Direct with.", "", "*", _ 500, 150, 220, 220) Else EndIf $answer1 = InputBox("170X CURRENT IP", "What is the Current IP Address of the Jet Direct?", "10.", "", _ 500, 150, 200, 200) ; "10." is the default answer for quick editing in our environment. $answer2 = InputBox("JETDIRECT 170X IP SETUP", "What is the NEW IP Address?", "10.", "", _ 500, 150, 210, 210) $answer3 = InputBox("JETDIRECT 170X IP SETUP GATEWAY", "What is the NEW GATEWAY?", "10.", "", _ 500, 150, 220, 220) $answer4 = InputBox("JETDIRECT 170X IP SETUP Host Name", "What is the Common Name you would like for this DEVICE?", "MS-112", "", _ 500, 150, 240, 240) $passwd2 = InputBox("Security Check", "Enter password to set. Note once executed the password will be displayed as it's passed to the Jetdirect", "", "*", _ 500, 150, 250, 250) ;InputBox2 Provides an opportunity to abort! $InputBoxAnswer2 = InputBox("CONTINUE???? (y/n)!","Continue?????","","","-1","-1","-1","-1") If $InputBoxAnswer2 = "Y" Then MsgBox(4096, "CONFIRMED", "One moment please!", 3) Else MsgBox(4096, "ABORT", "You did not choose Y to continue. Now ending the program. This message will self distruct.", 5) Exit EndIf RUN ("cmd.exe") Sleep(1000) SEND ('telnet{ENTER}') Sleep(1000) Send("Open " & $answer1 & "{ENTER}") sleep(2800) If $InputBoxAnswer = "Y" Then Send(""& $passwd1) Sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") Else EndIf Sleep(500) Send("dhcp-config:0") Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send("IP:"& $answer2) Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send("Subnet-Mask:") Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send("default-gw:" & $answer3) Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send("host-name:" & $answer4) Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send("passwd") Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(250) Send("" & $passwd2) Sleep(50) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) Send("quit") Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send("quit") Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send("exit") Send("{ENTER}") Exit