;-------------------------------------------------------- ;AutoIt Version: Beta ; ;Script Author: Andrew Calcutt ;Script Date: 01/21/2006 ;Script Name: FileChangeSearch ;Script Function: ; 1. scan system partition to create a 'BEFORE' snapshot using DIR /s /b ; 2. scan sys partition again at a later date to create an 'AFTER' snapshot as above (after picking up new files) ; 3. Compare the differences between the two file lists and create a 'CHANGES' file. ;-------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #Include Dim $tempfile1 = "c:\list.txt" Dim $tempfile2 = "c:\listafter.txt" Dim $tempfile3 = "c:\FileChange_Results.txt" Dim $array1, $array2 Dim $pos = 0 Dim $line = 1 ;-------------------------------------------------------- FileDelete($tempfile1);remove old files if they exist FileDelete($tempfile2) FileDelete($tempfile3) ;-------------------------------------------------------- SplashTextOn ( "Scanning", "Scanning Files", 200, 75) _RunDOS("c:\before.bat") SplashOff () MsgBox(0, "", "Click OK when ready to scan again") SplashTextOn ( "Scanning", "Scanning Files", 200, 75) _RunDOS("c:\after.bat") SplashOff () _FileReadToArray($tempfile1, $array1); create an array with tempfile1(each line contains a filename) _FileReadToArray($tempfile2, $array2); create an array with tempfile2 ;Comparing GUI GuiCreate("Comparing", 392, 239) $edit1 = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 30, 370, 80, $WS_VSCROLL) $edit2 = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 150, 370, 80, $WS_VSCROLL) $count1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 10, 90, 20) GuiSetState() ;Comparing GUI End For $loop = 1 To $array2[0] GUICtrlSetData ( $edit2, $array2[$line]) GUICtrlSetData ( $count1, $line) GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, "Scanning For Match" & @CRLF) If $array2[$line] <> $tempfile2 Then $pos2 = $pos $pos = _ArraySearch ($array1, $array2[$line], $pos2, $array1[0]) If @Error = 6 Or @Error = 4 Then FileWrite($tempfile3, $array2[$line] & @CRLF) If $pos = -1 Then GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, "*** New File ***" & @CRLF) GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, $array2[$line], 1) Sleep(1000) $pos = $pos2 Else GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, "Match Found on Line: " & $pos & @CRLF, 1) GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, $array1[$pos], 1) EndIf EndIf $line += 1 Next