;Written By: John Harris (Inline853) ;Run in AutoItv3 Global $x = 0 ;<== Set the X Coordinate of where your mouse should be Global $y = 0 ;<== Set the Y Coordinate of where your mouse should be HotKeySet("{f10}", "end") ;<== This sets F10 as the Hotkey to Exit the Program. When Preseed it will begin Function end. While 1 ;<== Starts the Loop to continue Function Horizontal (or Vertical) horizontal() ;<== Sets which Function to Loop. Change to vertical() for the mouse to move vertical Wend ;<== Goes to top of the Loop Func horizontal() ;<== Begins the Function horizontal MouseMove($x+1, $y) ;<== Moves the Mouse 1 pixel to the right sleep(10000) ;<== Waits 10000ms(10 seconds). Change to any amount of time. MouseMove($x-1, $y) ;<== Moves the Mouse 1 Pixel to the Left EndFunc ;<== Ends the horizontal Function Func vertical() ;<== Begins the Function vertical MouseMove($x, $y+1) ;<== Moves the Mouse 1 pixel up sleep(10000) ;<== Waits 10000ms(10 seconds). Change to any amount of time. MouseMove($x, $y-1) ;<== Moves the Mouse 1 Pixel down EndFunc ;<== Ends the vertical Function Func end() ;<== Begins the Function end. SplashTextOn("", "Ending Program ...", 200,30) ;<== Displays a Splash Text for 2 Seconds Sleep(2000) ;<== Waits 2000ms (2 seconds). Change to any amount of time. Exit ;<== Exits the Program EndFunc ;<== Ends the Function Exit