#include #include HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") $line = 1 $Form1 = GUICreate("Terminal", 499, 274, 201, 116) GUISetCursor(7) $CommandInput = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, 497, 273, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "shell:") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 500, 0, "Terminal") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd Func read_func () $line = _GUICtrlEdit_GetLineCount ($CommandInput) - 1 $Input = _GUICtrlEdit_GetLine ($CommandInput, $line) $command = StringTrimLeft($Input, 6) $Say = StringInStr($command, "say") $Exit = StringInStr($command, "exit") $sysinfo = StringInStr($command, "sys") $ip = StringInStr($command, "ip") $ping = StringInStr($command, "ping") $run = StringInStr($command, "run") $play = StringInStr($command, "play") $kill = StringInStr($command, "kill") $delfile = StringInStr($command, "delfile") $diskfree = StringInStr($command, "diskfree") $soundvol = StringInStr($command, "soundvol") If $Say Then HotKeySet("{enter}") $string = StringTrimLeft($Input, 10) Send(@CRLF & $string & @CRLF & "shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") Else If $Exit Then Exit Else If $sysinfo Then sys () ;HERE'S THE FIX======== HotKeySet("{enter}") Send(@CRLF & "shell:") $line = $line + 30 HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") ;========================== Else If $diskfree Then df() HotKeySet("{enter}") Send(@CRLF & "shell:") $line = $line + 6 HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") EndIf If $kill Then HotKeySet("{enter}") $string = StringTrimLeft($Input, 11) Send(@CRLF & "Killing " & $string & "...") $PID = ProcessExists($string & ".exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID & ".exe") Send(@CRLF & "Shell:") $line = $line + 4 Else Send(@CRLF & "FATAL ERROR: could not find progress" & "..." & @CRLF & "Shell:") $line = $line + 6 EndIf HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") Else If $run Then HotKeySet("{enter}") $string = StringTrimLeft($Input, 10) Send(@CRLF & "running " & $string & "..." & @CRLF & "Shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") Run($string) If @error Then HotKeySet("{enter}") $string = StringTrimLeft($Input, 10) Send(@CRLF & "FATAL ERROR: could not find external program" & "..." & @CRLF & "Shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") EndIf Else If $play Then HotKeySet("{enter}") $string = StringTrimLeft($Input, 11) Send(@CRLF & "running " & $string & "..." & @CRLF & "Shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") SoundPlay($string) If @error Then HotKeySet("{enter}") $string = StringTrimLeft($Input, 10) Send(@CRLF & "FATAL ERROR: could not find external program" & "..." & @CRLF & "Shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") EndIf Else If $delfile Then HotKeySet("{enter}") $string = StringTrimLeft($Input, 11) Send(@CRLF & "Deleting" & $string & "..." & @CRLF & "Shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") FileDelete($string) If @error Then HotKeySet("{enter}") $string = StringTrimLeft($Input, 10) Send(@CRLF & "FATAL ERROR: could not delete file" & "..." & @CRLF & "Shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") EndIf Else If $soundvol Then HotKeySet("{enter}") $string = StringTrimLeft($Input, 15) SoundSetWaveVolume($string) Send(@CRLF &"Volume has been set to : " & $string & "%" & @CRLF & "shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") Else If $ip Then HotKeySet("{enter}") Send(@CRLF & "Your IP address is :" & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") Else HotKeySet("{enter}") Send(@CRLF & "'" & $command & "'" & "is not a valid command" & @CRLF & "shell:") $line = $line + 4 Sleep(100) HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>read_func Func sys () HotKeySet("{enter}") ;~ run("notepad") $VOL = DriveGetLabel("C:\") $SERIAL = DriveGetSerial("C:\") $TOTAL = DriveSpaceTotal("C:\") $FREE = DriveSpaceFree("C:\") $FS = DriveGetFileSystem("C:\") ;~ WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") ;~ WinSetTitle("Untitled - Notepad","","system") ClipPut(@CRLF & "monitor:") Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Ekraanilaius: " & @DesktopWidth) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Ekraanikõrgus: " & @DesktopHeight) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Ekraanivärskendus: " & @DesktopRefresh) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Ekraanivärvisügavus: " & @DesktopDepth) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Arvuti ja süsteem") Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Süsteemi keel: " & @OSLang) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Süsteem_tüüp: " & @OSTYPE) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Süsteem_versioon: " & @OSVersion) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Süsteem_ehitus: " & @OSBuild) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Süsteem_SP: " & @OSServicePack) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Klaviatuuri paigutus: " & @KBLayout) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Protsessori arhidektuur: " & @ProcessorArch) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Arvuti nimi: " & @ComputerName) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Hetkel aktiivne kasutaja: " & @UserName) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("windows on kataloogis: " & @WindowsDir) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Windows on kettal: " & @HomeDrive) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Kasutaja profiilid: " & @UserProfileDir) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("start menüü: " & @StartMenuDir) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("töölaua asukoht: " & @DesktopDir) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("start menüü: " & @StartMenuDir) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("ketta C:\ nimetus: " & $VOL) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("ketta C:\ kogu suurus: " & $TOTAL) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("ketta C:\ vabaruum: " & $FREE) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("ketta C:\ serialli nr: " & $SERIAL) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("ketta C:\ failisüsteem: " & $FS) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("IP aadress on: " & @IPAddress1) Send("^v{enter}") HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") EndFunc ;==>sys Func df() HotKeySet("{enter}") ;~ run("notepad") $VOL = DriveGetLabel("C:\") $SERIAL = DriveGetSerial("C:\") $TOTAL = DriveSpaceTotal("C:\") $FREE = DriveSpaceFree("C:\") $FS = DriveGetFileSystem("C:\") $Total2 = $TOTAL / 1000 $free2 = $free / 1000 $Used = $total - $free $Used2 = $used / 1000 $total3 = Round($total2,2) $used3 = Round($used2,2) $free3 = Round($free2,2) $percentused = $used3 / $total3 * 100 $percentusedrounded = Round($percentused,1) ClipPut(@CRLF) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Volume Label " & $VOL) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Total size of C:\ " & $TOTAL3 & " Gb") Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Free space on C: " & $FREE3 & " Gb") Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Disk C:\ S\N " & $SERIAL) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Drive C\: File System " & $FS) Send("^v{enter}") ClipPut("Drive C:\ used " & $Used3 & "Gb (" &$percentusedrounded & " %)" ) Send("^v{enter}") HotKeySet("{enter}", "read_func") EndFunc ;==>df