#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: WeaponX, Thanks to PSaltyDS for ProcessListProperties Script Function: Steam style graph generator, this version customized for cpu usage #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "ProcessListProperties.au3" $processName = "explorer.exe" ;Uncomment next line to retrieve real data $theArray = processStatsToArray($processName) ;Uncomment next line to generate random data ;$theArray = randomStatsToArray() GraphX($theArray, $processName) ;Return 2D Array of CPU / RAM usage per process ;[0] = Elapsed time in ms ;[1] = CPU usage as % ;[2] = RAM usage in kb Func processStatsToArray($processName) Local $points[1][3] ;Poll Frequency in milliseconds Local $PollFrequency = 1000 ;Number of times to execute poll Local $PollCount = 12 If NOT ProcessExists($processName) Then MsgBox(0,"",$processName & " not running") Exit EndIf ;[0] = Elapsed time in ms ;[1] = CPU usage as % ;[2] = RAM usage in kb For $X = 1 to $PollCount If $X > 1 Then Redim $points[$X][3] EndIf $avRET = _ProcessListProperties($processName) ;Store seconds elapsed $points[$X - 1][0] = $X * ($PollFrequency / 1000) ;Store cpu usage (0-100) $points[$X - 1][1] = $avRET[1][6] ;Store ram usage (in Kb) $points[$X - 1][2] = $avRET[1][7] Sleep($PollFrequency) TrayTip("Monitoring: " & $processName,"Time Elapsed: " & StringFormat("%.2f", $X * ($PollFrequency / 1000)) & " s" & @CRLF & "Time Remaining: " & StringFormat("%.2f", ($PollCount * ($PollFrequency / 1000)) - ($X * ($PollFrequency / 1000))) & " s", 1) Next ;Clear traytip TrayTip("","", 0) Return $points EndFunc Func randomStatsToArray() Local $points[1][3] ;Poll Frequency in milliseconds Local $PollFrequency = 100 ;Number of times to execute poll Local $PollCount = 100 ;[0] = Elapsed time in ms ;[1] = CPU usage as % ;[2] = RAM usage in kb For $X = 1 to $PollCount If $X > 1 Then Redim $points[$X][3] EndIf ;Store seconds elapsed $points[$X - 1][0] = $X * ($PollFrequency / 1000) ;Store cpu usage (0-100) $points[$X - 1][1] = Random(0,100, 1) ;Store ram usage (in Kb) $points[$X - 1][2] = Random(0,500000000, 1) ;Sleep($PollFrequency) ;TrayTip("Monitoring: " & $processName,"Time Elapsed: " & $X * ($PollFrequency / 1000) & " s" & @CRLF & "Time Remaining: " & ($PollCount * ($PollFrequency / 1000)) - ($X * ($PollFrequency / 1000)) & " s", 1) Next ;Clear traytip ;TrayTip("","", 0) Return $points EndFunc ;GraphX Func GraphX(ByRef $xyArray, $graphTitle = "") ;Define colors Local $graphBGColor = 0x242529 Local $graphBorderColor = 0x000000 Local $graphLabelColor = 0x787878 Const $graphMinX = 0 Local $graphMaxX = 0 For $X = 0 to Ubound($xyArray) - 1 If $xyArray[$X][0] > $graphMaxX Then $graphMaxX = $xyArray[$X][0] EndIf Next Local $graphMinY = 0 Local $graphMaxY = 100 #CS For $X = 0 to Ubound($xyArray) - 1 If $xyArray[$X][0] > $graphMaxY Then $graphMaxY = $xyArray[$X][0] EndIf Next #CE Const $graphWidth = 400 Const $graphHeight = 100 Const $graphLineColor1 = 0xc98d35 Const $graphLineColor2 = 0x686868 Const $graphGridXInterval = 4 Const $graphGridYInterval = 4 $graphSumCPU = 0 $graphSumRAM = 0 ;Create Main window GUICreate("Graph X: " & $graphTitle & " cpu usage", 500, 200, -1) GUISetBkColor (0x424242) ;GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) ;Create the graphic "sandbox" area $graphic = GuiCtrlCreateGraphic(50, 5, $graphWidth,$graphHeight) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,$graphBGColor) GUICtrlSetColor (-1, $graphBorderColor) ;Draw grid lines at specified interval (skip first and last): Y For $X = 1 to $graphGridYInterval - 1 GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_MOVE, 0,$graphHeight * ($X / $graphGridYInterval)) GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_LINE,$graphWidth, $graphHeight * ($X / $graphGridYInterval)) Next ;Draw grid lines at specified interval (skip first and last): X For $X = 1 to $graphGridXInterval - 1 GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_MOVE, $graphWidth * ($X / $graphGridXInterval),0) GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_LINE,$graphWidth * ($X / $graphGridXInterval), $graphHeight) Next ;Set line color GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_COLOR, $graphLineColor1) ;Define starting point GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_MOVE, 0,$graphMaxY) ;Draw line 1 For $X = 0 to Ubound($xyArray) - 1 ;Convert input value (relative %) into absolute pixel value $tempX = ($graphWidth / $graphMaxX) * $xyArray[$X][0] ;Reflect Y value $tempY = $graphHeight - (($graphHeight / $graphMaxY) * $xyArray[$X][1]) GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_LINE,$tempX,$tempY) $graphSumCPU += $xyArray[$X][1] Next ;Set line color GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_COLOR, $graphLineColor2) ;Define starting point GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_MOVE, 0,$graphMaxY) ;Draw line 2 ;Find highest amoutn of ram used $maxRamUsage = 0 For $X = 0 to Ubound($xyArray) - 1 If $xyArray[$X][2] > $maxRamUsage Then $maxRamUsage = $xyArray[$X][2] EndIf Next For $X = 0 to Ubound($xyArray) - 1 $ramAsPercent = ($xyArray[$X][2] / $maxRamUsage) * 100 ;Convert input value (relative %) into absolute pixel value $tempX = ($graphWidth / $graphMaxX) * $xyArray[$X][0] ;Reflect Y value $tempY = $graphHeight - (($graphHeight / $graphMaxY) * $ramAsPercent) GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1,$GUI_GR_LINE,$tempX,$tempY) $graphSumRAM += $xyArray[$X][2] Next ;Define Y labels (% cpu usage) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("100%", 10, 3, 30) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,8, 600) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("50%",18, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,8, 600) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("0%", 25, 95, 20) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,8, 600) ;Define Y labels (% RAM usage) GUICtrlCreateLabel (Int($maxRamUsage / 1000000) & "mb", 455, 3, 45) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,8, 600) GUICtrlCreateLabel (Int(($maxRamUsage / 1000000) / 2) & "mb",455, 50, 45) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,8, 600) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("0mb", 455, 95, 45) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,8, 600) ;Define X labels (elapsed time) GUICtrlCreateLabel ($graphMinX & " s", 50, 107, 20) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,8, 600) GUICtrlCreateLabel (($graphMaxX + $graphMinX) / 2 & " s", 240, 107, 30) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,8, 600) GUICtrlCreateLabel ($graphMaxX & " s", 440, 107, 30) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,8, 600) ;Draw average cpu usage label GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Average CPU Usage:", 10, 160, 170) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,12, 700) GUICtrlCreateLabel (StringFormat("%.2f", $graphSumCPU / Ubound($xyArray)) & "%", 180, 160, 170) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLineColor1) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,12, 700) ;Draw average ram usage label GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Average RAM Usage:", 10, 140, 170) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLabelColor) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,12, 700) GUICtrlCreateLabel (StringFormat("%.2f", ($graphSumRAM / Ubound($xyArray)) / 1000000) & "mb", 180, 140, 170) GUICtrlSetColor ( -1, $graphLineColor1) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,12, 700) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) Do $msg = GUIGetMsg() Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE EndFunc