#cs vi:ts=4 sw=4: _GetIPFromMAC Ejoc Apr 10, 2005 #ce #include $ip = _GetIPFromMAC("00-0C-41-12-17-F0","","") if $ip <> "" Then Run(@ComSpec & ' /c START http://' & $ip,"",@SW_MINIMIZE) Else MsgBox(0,"Not Found","Could not find IP address") Endif Exit ; _GetIPFromMAC ; Arguments: ; $mac The MAC Address "00-00-00-00-00-00" or "00:00:00:00:00:00" ; $IP_Start Starting IP address ; $IP_Stop Ending IP address ; ; Return Codes: ; MAC Address / Not "" = Success ; "" Failure Func _GetIPFromMAC($mac, $IP_Start = "", $IP_Stop = "") Local $i,$szBaseAddr,$lpStart,$lpStop,$iA,$iB,$iC,$iBStart,$iBStop Local $iCStart,$iCStop,$lpArp,$szMAC,$lpIP $lpStart = StringSplit($IP_Start,".") $lpStop = StringSplit($IP_Stop,".") $szMAC = StringReplace($mac,":","-") ; Mac sure the MAC is the right length if StringLen($szMAC) <> 17 Then Return "" ; Make sure the Start and Stop IP's are valid IP's If $lpStart[0] <> 4 Or $lpStop[0] <> 4 Then Return "" For $i = 1 To 3 if $lpStart[$i] < 0 Or $lpStart[$i] > 255 Then Return "" if $lpStop[$i] < 0 Or $lpStop[$i] > 255 Then Return "" Next if $lpStart[4] < 1 Or $lpStart[4] > 255 Then Return "" if $lpStop[4] < 1 Or $lpStop[4] > 255 Then Return "" ;Start looping thru the IP address' For $iA = $lpStart[2] To $lpStop[2] ; 192.0.x.x -> 192.255.x.x if $iA <> $lpStart[2] Then ; When you roll over to 192.1 $iBStart = 0 ; you need to start a 192.1.0.x Else $iBStart = $lpStart[3] EndIf if $iA <> $lpStop[2] Then ; if you are on 192.0.x.x $iBStop = 255 ; you need to go all the way to Else ; 192.0.255.x $iBStop = $lpStop[3] Endif For $iB = $iBStart To $iBStop ; 192.0.0.x -> 192.0.255.x if $iB <> $iBStart Then $iCStart = 1 Else $iCStart = $lpStart[4] Endif if $iB <> $iBStop Then $iCStop = 255 Else $iCStop = $lpStop[4] Endif For $iC = $iCStart To $iCStop $szBaseAddr = $lpStart[1] & "." & $iA & "." & $iB & "." & $iC Ping($szBaseAddr,50) ;Check arp every 10 pings or when you are done if (Not Mod($iC,10)) Or ($iC = $iCStop) Then RunWait(@Comspec & ' /c arp -a > "' & @TempDir & '\~arp.tmp"',"",@SW_MINIMIZE) _FileReadToArray(@TempDir & '\~arp.tmp',$lpArp) For $i = 1 To $lpArp[0] If StringinStr($lpArp[$i],$szMAC) Then ; Found it $szIP = StringLeft($lpArp[$i],StringinStr($lpArp[$i],$szMAC)-1) $szIP = StringStripWS($szIP,8) Return $szIP Endif Next Endif ; Check Arp Next ; 192.168.1.X Next ; 192.168.x.x Next ; 192.x.x.x return "" ; Didn't find it EndFunc