#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Acid Corps Script Function: FileGetMD5 $s_File = File to get MD5 From $s_Base64 = 1 = Base64 encoded output, instead of default hex format 0 [Default] = default hex format $MD5 = FileGetMD5('MyFile.exe', 1) #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include Func FileGetMD5($s_File, $s_Base64 = 0) ;Extract MD5Sums to temp dir (incase of usage from unwriteable media) FileInstall('md5sums.exe', @TempDir & '\md5sums.exe') ;Build command to run $s_Command = 'MD5Sums.exe \' If $s_Base64 = 1 Then $s_Command &= ' -B' $s_Command &= ' ' & $s_File ;Run Command $s_MD5Run = Run($s_Command, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) ;Read Output $s_Line = "" While 1 $s_Line &= StdoutRead($s_MD5Run) If @error Then ExitLoop WEnd ;Remove everything except for the MD5 $s_MD5 = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($s_Line, StringInStr($s_Line, $s_File, 0, -1) - 1), 20), $s_File, ''), ' ', '') ;Delete temporary MD5Sums FileDelete(@TempDir & '\md5sums.exe') ;Return the output Return $s_MD5 EndFunc ;==>FileGetMD5