#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (beta) Author: Triblade Script Function: Ping up to 10 hosts from one window. Interresting abilities: - Expandable window to create more ping-entries (10 max) - On-top function via the Tray - Hide / Show GUI option in the Tray - GUI controls in array for dynamic expansion - Ping error-text - Colored input field when pinged - Tooltips with controls (the least interresting if you'd ask me) Okay, some of this so-called interresting stuff may not be as interresting for some, but it was for me and maybe for others. (The maximum of 10 entries is because of the ping-timeout, else the lag would be even larger than it allready can be) #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here ; Declaration of includes #include #Include #include ; Set resize mode so that controls won't be auto-shaped ; Set traymenumode so that I can create my own traymenu Opt("GUIResizeMode", 802) Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) ; Declare a lot of variables. Global $actief[10] Dim $pongfrm, $pinggroup[10], $pinglbl[10], $pingbtn[10], $rembtn[10], $addbtn, $traymenu, $noms, $hsgui, $otgui, $exitgui Dim $time, $pingip, $roundtrip, $currentnumber, $ontop, $frmstate, $error, $nomsstate Dim $msg, $traymsg, $i, $j ; Set all array variables to 0 or 99999 ; Those set to 99999 aren't set to 0 cause this can cause problems when using these vars and controlID's. My code needs this :) For $i = 0 To 9 Step 1 $pinggroup[$i] = 0 $pinglbl[$i] = 0 $pingbtn[$i] = 99999 $rembtn[$i] = 99999 $actief[$i] = 0 Next ; More variables $time = 2000 $currentnumber = 0 $ontop = 0 $frmstate = 1 ; Create the GUI and set the background color of it $pongfrm = GUICreate("Pong", 160, 40, -1, -1) GUISetBkColor(0x20A0FF) $addbtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("+", 143, 20, 15, 15) ; Create the add button before the rest for tabbing purposes. GUICtrlSetTip($addbtn, "Add ping entry") ; Set the tooltip for the add button. I use the full variable instead of -1 cause I think this is more precise. extra() ; Go into the routine that generates the ping entries TraySetClick(16) ; Set the tray to react only to the secondary mouse button (Right button for most mouses) $traymenu = TrayCreateMenu("Global options") ; Create a menu in the trayicon ; Create few items in the trayicon $noms = TrayCreateItem("Show hostname instead of ms", $traymenu) $hsgui = TrayCreateItem("Hide / Show GUI") $otgui = TrayCreateItem("Toggle on-top mode") $exitgui = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetState($hsgui, $TRAY_CHECKED) ; Set the $hsgui trayitem to be checked. TraySetState() ; Creates/Shows the traymenu GUISetState() ; Creates/Shows the GUI $time = TimerInit() ; Set the var to hold the current time While 1 ; Main loop $msg = GUIGetMsg() ; Get GUI events Switch $msg ; Switch .. Case for events Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $addbtn $guiposition = WinGetPos($pongfrm) ; Get the GUI coördinates WinMove($pongfrm, "", $guiposition[0], $guiposition[1], $guiposition[2], $guiposition[3] + 30) ; Expandes the window with 30 pixels downward extra() EndSwitch tray() For $i = 1 To $currentnumber - 1 Step 1 ; Check all the remove buttons if there is an event If $msg = $rembtn[$i] Then remove($i) EndIf Next For $i = 0 To $currentnumber - 1 Step 1 ; Check all ping buttons to see if there is a ping activated or deactivated and act accourdingly If $msg = $pingbtn[$i] Then If GUICtrlRead($pingbtn[$i]) = ">" Then $actief[$i] = GUICtrlRead($pinglbl[$i]) GUICtrlSetStyle($pinglbl[$i], BitOr($SS_CENTER, $ES_READONLY)) GUICtrlSetData($pingbtn[$i], "||") Else GUICtrlSetData($pinglbl[$i], $actief[$i]) GUICtrlSetBkColor($pinglbl[$i], $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $actief[$i] = 0 GUICtrlSetStyle($pinglbl[$i], $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetData($pingbtn[$i], ">") EndIf EndIf Next pong() WEnd Exit ; I all ways exit with this even if there's an infinite loop above it. Just to be certain Func extra() ; The variable $currentnumber holds the number of ping entries made in the GUI $pinggroup[$currentnumber] = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, $currentnumber * 30, 135, 35) ; Create a group. This is visualised as a line/border $pinglbl[$currentnumber] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 13, $currentnumber * 30 + 12, 90, 17, BitOr($ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $SS_CENTER)) ; Create a input box with near unlimited space and centered text. GUICtrlSetTip($pinglbl[$currentnumber], "Ping destination") $pingbtn[$currentnumber] = GUICtrlCreateButton(">", 105, $currentnumber * 30 + 12, 15, 15) GUICtrlSetTip($pingbtn[$currentnumber], "Start/Stop this ping") GUICtrlSetState($pingbtn[$currentnumber], $GUI_FOCUS) ; Set the focus to the start/stop button after the entry is made If $currentnumber > 0 Then ; If it is not the first entry then display a remove button $rembtn[$currentnumber] = GUICtrlCreateButton("-", 120, $currentnumber * 30 + 12, 15, 15) GUICtrlSetTip($rembtn[$currentnumber], "Remove entry") EndIf GUICtrlCreateGroup("",-99,-99,1,1) ; End group creation GUICtrlSetPos($addbtn, 143, $currentnumber * 30 + 20) ; Shift the add button one down $currentnumber = $currentnumber + 1 ; Add one to the number of entries noted in this var If $currentnumber = 10 Then GUICtrlSetState($addbtn, $GUI_DISABLE) ; If there are 10 entries then disable the add button to deny the possibility to add more EndFunc Func remove($i) GUICtrlDelete($pinggroup[$i]) ; Delete the entry (all controls of the ping group GUICtrlDelete($pinglbl[$i]) GUICtrlDelete($pingbtn[$i]) GUICtrlDelete($rembtn[$i]) For $j = $i To $currentnumber - 1 Step 1 ; Shift the position of all remaining (visually below the deleted group) controls one position up GUICtrlSetPos($pinggroup[$j], 5, (($j - 1) * 30)) GUICtrlSetPos($pinglbl[$j], 13, (($j - 1) * 30) + 12) GUICtrlSetPos($pingbtn[$j], 105, (($j - 1) * 30) + 12) GUICtrlSetPos($rembtn[$j], 120, (($j - 1) * 30) + 12) Next For $j = $i To $currentnumber - 1 Step 1 ; Shift the control ID's to the right array position o stay coherent to the entry number If $j < $currentnumber - 1 Then _ArraySwap($actief[$j], $actief[$j + 1]) _ArraySwap($pinggroup[$j], $pinggroup[$j + 1]) _ArraySwap($pinglbl[$j], $pinglbl[$j + 1]) _ArraySwap($pingbtn[$j], $pingbtn[$j + 1]) _ArraySwap($rembtn[$j], $rembtn[$j + 1]) Else ; The last one can be set to 0, not really needed, but to be neat $actief[$j] = 0 $pinggroup[$j] = 0 $pinglbl[$j] = 0 $pingbtn[$j] = 0 $rembtn[$j] = 0 EndIf Next GUICtrlSetPos($addbtn, 143, $currentnumber * 30 - 40) ; Shift the add button one up $guiposition = WinGetPos($pongfrm) ; Get the size of the GUI WinMove($pongfrm, "", $guiposition[0], $guiposition[1], $guiposition[2], $guiposition[3] - 30) ; Contract the current GUI size 30 pixels. Contrary to the 30 pixel exand $currentnumber = $currentnumber - 1 ; Subtract one from the number of made entries If GUICtrlGetState($addbtn) = 144 Then GUICtrlSetState($addbtn, $GUI_ENABLE) ; If the add button is disables then enable it. This is because there is room for at least one more entry after a delete EndFunc Func pong() If TimerDiff($time) > 1000 Then ; At least 1 second has to pass before it pings all again. This because else the program will ping to much and to fast For $i = 0 To $currentnumber - 1 Step 1 If $actief[$i] <> "0" Then ; See if the entry is active. If the number is not 0 then it is active $roundtrip = Ping($actief[$i], 1000) ; Ping the entry with a timeout of 1 second and save the roundtrip time pingresult($roundtrip, $i, @error) EndIf Next $time = TimerInit() ; Reset the timer to nowe EndIf EndFunc Func pingresult($roundtrip, $i, $error) If $roundtrip = 0 Then ; If the roundtrip is not 0 then check error results Switch $error Case 1 GUICtrlSetData($pinglbl[$i], "Host is offline") Case 2 GUICtrlSetData($pinglbl[$i], "Host is unreachable") Case 3 GUICtrlSetData($pinglbl[$i], "Bad destination") Case 4 GUICtrlSetData($pinglbl[$i], "Unknown error") EndSwitch GUICtrlSetBkColor($pinglbl[$i], 0xff0000) ; Set backgroundcolor to red Else If $nomsstate = 0 Then ; If the no millisecond variable is 0 then display the roundtrip time GUICtrlSetData($pinglbl[$i], $roundtrip & " ms") Else GUICtrlSetData($pinglbl[$i], $actief[$i]) ; Else display just the destination EndIf GUICtrlSetBkColor($pinglbl[$i], 0x00ff00) ; Set the background color green EndIf EndFunc Func tray() $traymsg = TrayGetMsg() ; Get the tray events Switch $traymsg Case $TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOUBLE ; If there is doubleclick then.. trayswitch() Case $noms If $nomsstate = 0 Then $nomsstate = 1 Else $nomsstate = 0 EndIf Case $hsgui trayswitch() Case $otgui ontop() Case $exitgui Exit EndSwitch EndFunc Func trayswitch() If $frmstate = 1 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $pongfrm) ; Hides the GUI TrayItemSetState($hsgui, $TRAY_UNCHECKED) ; Uncheck the hsgui trayitem $frmstate = 0 Else GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $pongfrm) ; Shows the GUI GUISetState(@SW_RESTORE, $pongfrm) ; Restores the GUI (that it is set on front) TrayItemSetState($hsgui, $TRAY_CHECKED) ; Check the hsgui trayitem $frmstate = 1 EndIf EndFunc Func ontop() If $ontop = 0 then WinSetOnTop($pongfrm, "", 1) ; Set the GUI on top TrayItemSetState($otgui, $TRAY_CHECKED) ; Check the otgui trayitem $ontop = 1 Else WinSetOnTop($pongfrm, "", 0) ; Unset the GUI on top TrayItemSetState($otgui, $TRAY_UNCHECKED) ; Uncheck th otgui trayitem $ontop = 0 EndIf EndFunc