#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Darin Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here MsgBox(0, "UbErZHeLpeRz (By: SwiFt)", "To BO, Just Press ' ." & @CRLF & "To Auto-Hammer. Press ] And To Stop Press ] ." & @CRLF & "To Shutdown The Script Completely Press END" & @CRLF & "Make Sure Your 2 BO's Are Set At F7, F8!") Func bo() Send("w") Sleep(500) Send("{F7}") Sleep(200) Mouseclick("right") Sleep(250) Send("{F8}") Sleep(250) Mouseclick("right") Sleep(550) Send("w") Sleep(150) Send("{F3}") Sleep(350) Mouseclick("right") Sleep(350) Send("{F2}") EndFunc HotkeySet("'", 'bo') HotkeySet(']', 'Hammer') HotKeySet("}", "otherhammer") Hotkeyset("{END}", "Term") Func Hammer() ; Variable to indicate whether the mouse is already down Global $Down If $Down Then MouseUp('Left') Send("{SHIFTUP}") Else MouseDown('Left') Send("{SHIFTDOWN}") EndIf ; Swap the value of the variable to reflect the new state $Down = Not $Down EndFunc Func otherhammer() ; Variable to indicate whether the mouse is already down Global $Down If $Down Then MouseUp('Left') Send("{SHIFTUP}") Else MouseDown('Left') Send("{SHIFTDOWN}") EndIf ; Swap the value of the variable to reflect the new state $Down = Not $Down EndFunc While 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd Func Term() Mouseup("left") Send("{SHIFTUP}") Exit 0 EndFunc