#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: David Nuttall Script Function: Factoring functions #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Factor_Prime($nValue) Local $aRetVal[99], $nUsed = 0 Local $I If Not IsInt($nValue) Then SetError(1) Return False ElseIf $nValue < 0 Then $aRetVal[$nUsed] = -1 $nUsed += 1 $nValue *= -1 EndIf $I = 2 While $I < Sqrt($nValue) If Round(Mod($nValue, $I)) = 0 Then ; Need to use Round because sometimes Mod returns numbers that are not quite integer. If $nUsed >= UBound($aRetVal) Then ReDim $aRetVal[$nUsed + 99] $aRetVal[$nUsed] = $I $nUsed += 1 $nValue /= $I Else $I += 1 EndIf WEnd If $I > 1 Then If $nUsed >= UBound($aRetVal) Then ReDim $aRetVal[$nUsed + 1] $aRetVal[$nUsed] = $I $nUsed += 1 EndIf If $nUsed < UBound($aRetVal) - 1 Then ReDim $aRetVal[$nUsed] EndIf Return $aRetVal EndFunc ;==>Factor_Prime Func Factor_All(Const $nValue) Local $aRetVal[99] ; The array to be returned with all the factors. Local $aTemp[99] ; An array to hold the larger numbers as we go along. It will be dumped into $aRetVal at the end. Local $nUsed = 0 Local $I If Not IsInt($nValue) Then SetError(1) Return False ElseIf $nValue < 0 Then $aRetVal[$nUsed] = -1 $nUsed += 1 EndIf For $I = 1 To Sqrt(Abs($nValue)) If Round(Mod(Abs($nValue), $I)) = 0 Then ; Need to use Round because sometimes Mod returns numbers that are not quite integer. If $nUsed >= UBound($aRetVal) Then ReDim $aRetVal[$nUsed + 99], $aTemp[$nUsed + 99] $aRetVal[$nUsed] = $I $aTemp[$nUsed] = $nValue / $I $nUsed += 1 EndIf Next ; Take the temp array, which If $nUsed * 2 >= UBound($aRetVal) Then ReDim $aRetVal[$nUsed * 2] For $I = $nUsed - 1 To 0 Step - 1 If $aRetVal[$nUsed - 1] < $aTemp[$I] Then $aRetVal[$nUsed] = $aTemp[$I] $nUsed += 1 EndIf Next If $nUsed < UBound($aRetVal) - 1 Then ReDim $aRetVal[$nUsed] EndIf Return $aRetVal EndFunc ;==>Factor_All