#include-once #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version : Author : oneLess Script Function : retrieve all data about my NICs/connections and so on #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $_NICs_data = 16 Global $_net_nics [30][$_NICs_data] ; [30] will be properly redim Global $_total_nics = 0 , $_total_RAS = 0 Global $_PPPoE_mac , $_PPPoE_index , $_PPPoE_mask , $_PPPoE_IP , $_PPPoE_IPaddress , $_PPPoE_dhcp Global $PPPoE = 0 Global $_ipcfgall = readIpConfig() ; i dont like the Ipconfig/all way but i have not [yet] other way to retrieve the active PPPoE connection name ;Global $_IP_global = _GetIP ( ) Global $_IP_local_1 = @IPAddress1 , $_IP_local_2 = @IPAddress2 , $_IP_local_3 = @IPAddress3 , $_IP_local_4 = @IPAddress4 Global $_net_isok = 0 ; [-1=Yes , 0=No] ; is not ok for [re]moved nics or other software components reported by WMI , for active PPPoE [created later as entry in my array] Global $_net_guid = 1 ; [string] ; NIC's registry GUID Global $_net_conn = 2 ; [string] ; connection name Global $_net_name = 3 ; [string] ; product name Global $_net_dhcp = 4 ; [-1=enabled , 0=disabled] ; dhcp status Global $_net_ip__ = 5 ; [string] ; IP Global $_net_stat = 6 ; [0..12] ; WMI status [2=Connected, 7=Media disconnected] ; -> this two work ; 0=Disconnected, 1=Connecting, 2=Connected, 3=Disconnecting, 4=Hardware not present, 5=Hardware disabled, 6=Hardware malfunction ; 7=Media disconnected, 8=Authenticating, 9=Authentication succeeded, 10=Authentication failed, 11=Invalid address, 12=Credentials required Global $_net_mask = 7 ; [string] ; subnet mask Global $_net_gate = 8 ; [string] ; gateway Global $_net_dns_ = 9 ; [string] ; DNS Global $_net_mac_ = 10 ; [string] ; MAC address Global $_net_indx = 11 ; [1..how many they are] ; WMI index Global $_net_ipAd = 12 ; [1,2,3 or 4] ; if IP is @IPAddress1,2,3 or 4 Global $_net_pppo = 13 ; [-1=Yes , 0=No] ; is PPPoE connection Global $_net_RASa = 14 ; [-1=Yes , 0=No] ; RAS is active Global $_net_RASd = 15 ; [-1=Yes , 0=No] ; RAS is default ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _get_all_connections ( ) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _get_all_connections ( ) ;----------------------------- Local $_buffer , $_local_guid [11] , $_local_name [11] Local $_k = 0 ;----------------------------- Global $strComputer = "localhost" Global $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10 Global $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 Global $colItems_1 = "" , $colItems_2 = "" ;----------------------------- $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") $colItems_1 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE", "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) $_i = 0 If IsObj($colItems_1) then For $objItem_1 In $colItems_1 $_i = $_i + 1 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_isok] = 0 ; n,0 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_guid] = $objItem_1.SettingID ; n,1 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_conn] = -99 ; n,2 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_name] = -99 ; n,3 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_dhcp] = $objItem_1.DHCPEnabled ; n,4 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ip__] = $objItem_1.IPAddress(0) ; n,5 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_stat] = -99 ; n,6 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_mask] = $objItem_1.IPSubnet(0) ; n,7 If $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_mask] = "" Then $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_mask] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_gate] = "N/A" ; n,8 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_dns_] = "N/A" ; n,9 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_mac_] = $objItem_1.MACAddress ; n,10 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_indx] = $objItem_1.Index ; n,11 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_pppo] = -99 ; n,12 $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ipAd] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_RASa] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_RASd] = "N/A" Select Case $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ip__] = $_IP_local_1 If $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ip__] <> "" Then $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ipAd] = 1 ; n,13 Case $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ip__] = $_IP_local_2 If $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ip__] <> "" Then $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ipAd] = 2 ; n,13 Case $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ip__] = $_IP_local_3 If $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ip__] <> "" Then $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ipAd] = 3 ; n,13 Case $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ip__] = $_IP_local_4 If $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ip__] <> "" Then $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_ipAd] = 4 ; n,13 EndSelect Next Endif $_total_nics = $_i $colItems_2 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ( "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter" , "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) If IsObj($colItems_2) then For $objItem_2 In $colItems_2 For $_i = 0 To $_total_nics If $objItem_2.Index = $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_indx] Then If $objItem_2.MACAddress = $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_mac_] Then $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_conn] = $objItem_2.NetConnectionID $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_name] = $objItem_2.Name $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_isok] = -1 Else $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_conn] = "unknown" $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_name] = "unknown" EndIf $_net_nics [$_i][$_net_stat] = $objItem_2.NetConnectionStatus EndIf Next Next Endif For $i = 1 To $_total_nics If $_net_nics [$i][$_net_dhcp] <> -RegRead ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & $_net_nics [$i][$_net_guid] , "EnableDHCP" ) Then $_net_nics [$i][$_net_dhcp] = "error" EndIf ; If $_net_nics [$i][$_net_dhcp] = -1 Then ; $read_key = "DhcpIPAddress" ; Else ; $read_key = "IPAddress" ; $_net_nics [$i][$_net_ip__] = RegRead ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & $_net_nics [$i][$_net_guid] , $read_key ) ; EndIf ; If $_net_nics [$i][$_net_dhcp] = -1 Then ; $read_key = "DhcpSubnetMask" ; Else ; $read_key = "SubnetMask" ; $_net_nics [$i][$_net_mask] = RegRead ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & $_net_nics [$i][$_net_guid] , $read_key ) ; EndIf If $_net_nics [$i][$_net_mask] <> "" Then ; is not PPPoE $_net_nics [$i][$_net_pppo] = 0 Else ; is PPPoE [and is active] $_net_nics [$i][$_net_pppo] = -1 $_net_nics [$i][$_net_isok] = 0 ; -1 $_net_nics [$i][$_net_name] = _get_RAS_connecton_name ( ) $_PPPoE_mac = $_net_nics [$i][$_net_mac_] $_PPPoE_index = $_net_nics [$i][$_net_indx] $_PPPoE_mask = $_net_nics [$i][$_net_mask] $_PPPoE_IP = $_net_nics [$i][$_net_ip__] $_PPPoE_IPaddress = $_net_nics [$i][$_net_ipAd] $_PPPoE_dhcp = $_net_nics [$i][$_net_dhcp] EndIf If $_net_nics [$i][$_net_dhcp] = -1 Then $read_key = "DhcpDefaultGateway" Else $read_key = "DefaultGateway" EndIf $_net_nics [$i][$_net_gate] = RegRead ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & $_net_nics [$i][$_net_guid] , $read_key ) If @error = -1 Then $_net_nics [$i][$_net_gate] = "N/A" If $_net_nics [$i][$_net_dhcp] = -1 Then $read_key = "DhcpServer" Else $read_key = "NameServer" EndIf $_net_nics [$i][$_net_dns_] = RegRead ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & $_net_nics [$i][$_net_guid] , $read_key ) If @error = -1 Then $_net_nics [$i][$_net_dns_] = "N/A" Next _get_all_RAS_connections ( ) _arrange_the_array ( ) ;ReDim $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_total_RAS][$_NICs_data] ;_ArrayDisplay ( $_net_nics , "my NICs" ) $_fake_nics = 0 For $_ii = 0 to -1+($_total_nics+$_total_RAS+1) If $_net_nics [$_ii][$_net_isok] Then Else $_fake_nics = $_fake_nics + 1 EndIf Next ;$_total_nics = $_total_nics - $_fake_nics $_diff_nics = 0 Local $_t [-$_fake_nics+$_total_nics+$_total_RAS+1][$_NICs_data] For $_ii = 0 to -1+($_total_nics+$_total_RAS+1) If $_net_nics [$_ii][$_net_isok] Then For $_jj = 0 to -1+($_NICs_data) $_t [$_ii-$_diff_nics][$_jj] = $_net_nics [$_ii][$_jj] Next Else $_diff_nics = $_diff_nics + 1 EndIf Next $_total_nics = $_total_nics - $_fake_nics ; _ArrayDisplay ( $_t , "my NICs____" ) ReDim $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_total_RAS+1][$_NICs_data] For $_ii = 0 to -1+($_total_nics+$_total_RAS+1) For $_jj = 0 to -1+($_NICs_data) $_net_nics [$_ii][$_jj] = $_t [$_ii][$_jj] If $_jj = $_net_RASa Then If ($_net_nics [$_ii][$_jj] = -1) Then $PPPoE = $_ii EndIf Next Next ;----------------------------- EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _get_RAS_connecton_name ( ) Return "_get_RAS_connecton_name ( )" EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _move_IP ( $_IP_to_move ) ; can be 1,2,3,4 = place = @IPAddress_[$_IP_to_move] If Eval ( "_IP_local_" & $_IP_to_move ) = "" Then Return Local $_IP_from_move = -1 Local $_buffer If Eval ( "_IP_local_" & $_IP_to_move ) = $_net_nics [$_IP_to_move][$_net_ip__] Then Return Else For $_jj = 1 To $_total_nics If $_net_nics [$_jj][$_net_ip__] = Eval ( "_IP_local_" & $_IP_to_move ) Then $_IP_from_move = $_jj ExitLoop EndIf Next For $_jj = 0 To 13 $_buffer = $_net_nics [$_IP_to_move][$_jj] $_net_nics [$_IP_to_move][$_jj] = $_net_nics [$_IP_from_move][$_jj] $_net_nics [$_IP_from_move][$_jj] = $_buffer Next EndIf EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _arrange_the_array ( ) _move_IP ( 1 ) _move_IP ( 2 ) _move_IP ( 3 ) _move_IP ( 4 ) $_net_nics [0][$_net_isok] = "[is ok]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_guid] = "[guid]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_conn] = "[connection name]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_name] = "[product name]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_dhcp] = "[dhcp]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_ip__] = "[ip]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_stat] = "[WMI_status]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_mask] = "[mask]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_gate] = "[gateway]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_dns_] = "[dns]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_mac_] = "[mac address]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_indx] = "[WMI_index]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_pppo] = "[PPPoE]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_ipAd] = "[@IPAddress x]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_RASa] = "[PPPoE active]" $_net_nics [0][$_net_RASd] = "[PPPoE default]" EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _get_all_RAS_connections ( ) Local $_buffer , $_j = 0 Local $_temp Local $_file_rasphone = @AppDataCommonDir & "\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk" Local $_rasphone_lines = _FileCountLines ( $_file_rasphone ) ;- 1 ;----------------------------- For $i = 1 to $_rasphone_lines $_buffer = FileReadLine ( $_file_rasphone , $i ) If StringInStr ( $_buffer , "]" ) Then $_total_RAS = $_total_RAS + 1 $_j = $_j + 1 $_buffer = StringSplit ( $_buffer , "]") $_buffer = $_buffer [1] $_buffer = StringSplit ( $_buffer , "[") $_buffer = $_buffer [2] $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_conn] = $_buffer $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_isok] = -1 $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_pppo] = -1 $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_name] = IniRead ( @AppDataCommonDir & "\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk" , $_buffer , "DEVICE", "" ) If $_buffer = RegRead ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RAS AutoDial\Default" , "DefaultInternet" ) Then $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_RASd] = -1 Else $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_RASd] = 0 EndIf $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_stat] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_RASa] = 0 $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_mac_] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_indx] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_mask] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_ip__] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_gate] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_ipAd] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_dhcp] = 0 $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_guid] = "N/A" $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_dns_] = "N/A" $_temp = StringSplit ( $_ipcfgall , "PPP adapter " , 1 ) If $_temp[0] > 1 Then $_temp = StringSplit ( $_temp[2] , ":" , 1 ) If stringinstr($_temp[1] , $_buffer ) Then $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_RASa] = -1 $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_mac_] = $_PPPoE_mac $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_indx] = $_PPPoE_index $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_mask] = $_PPPoE_mask $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_ip__] = $_PPPoE_IP $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_ipAd] = $_PPPoE_IPaddress $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_gate] = $_PPPoE_IP $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_dhcp] = $_PPPoE_dhcp For $_ii = 1 To 15 $_buff_1 = RegEnumKey ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" , $_ii ) If RegRead ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & $_buff_1 , "DhcpIPAddress" ) = $_PPPoE_IP Then $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_dhcp] = -1 $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_guid] = $_buff_1 $_net_nics [$_total_nics+$_j][$_net_dns_] = RegRead ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & $_buff_1 , "NameServer" ) EndIf Next EndIf EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func readIpConfig() Local $foo $foo = Run ( "ipconfig /all" , @SystemDir , @SW_HIDE , $STDOUT_CHILD ) $output = "" While 1 $output &= StdoutRead ( $foo ) If @error Then ExitLoop Wend ConsoleWrite ( $_ipcfgall ) Return $output EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;$SecLogonState = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\seclogon", "Start") ;If $SecLogonState = "4" Then ; 4 means disabled, 3 means manual, 2 means automatic, 1 means system (?), 0 means boot (?) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; set svc = getObject("winmgmts:Root\cimv2") ; set objEnum = svc.execQuery("Select * from win32_service where name = ; 'remoteAccess'") ; for each obj in objEnum ; wscript.echo obj.GetObjectText_() ; next ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; strComputer = "." ; Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ ; &; "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &; strComputer &; "\root\cimv2") ; set objRefresher = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemRefresher") ; Set colItems = objRefresher.AddEnum(objWMIService," & _ ; "Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_RemoteAccess_RASPort").objectSet ; objRefresher.Refresh ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Win32_PerfRawData_RemoteAccess_RASPort ; Win32_PerfRawData_RemoteAccess_RASTotal ; Win32_PerfFormattedData_RemoteAccess_RASPort ; Win32_PerfFormattedData_RemoteAccess_RASTotal ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings.rasEntryData ; RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings.rasEntryDataSize ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;$objEvents = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecNotificationQuery ("SELECT TargetInstance.Name FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN " +"4 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration'") ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set Events = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecNotificationQuery ; ("SELECT TargetInstance.Name FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN 4 ; WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration'") ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; strComputer = "." ; strAddress = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0) ; arrIPAddress = Array(strAddress) ; arrSubnetMask = Array("") ; Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") ; Set colNetAdapters = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE") ; For Each objNetAdapter in colNetAdapters ; errEnableStatic = objNetAdapter.EnableStatic(arrIPAddress, arrSubnetMask) ; Next ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Win32_Proxy ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Win32_UserAccount ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Select * from Win32_PnPEntity Where Manufacturer = 'Microsoft' and Name Like 'wan miniport%' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; select AdapterType, DeviceID, ProductName, ServiceName, NetConnectionID, ; MACAddress from Win32_NetworkAdapter ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Select * from Win32_PnPEntity Where Manufacturer = 'Microsoft' or Manufacturer = 'Intel' ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; You'll need to enumerate the available connections by their deviceID/index. This will allow you to parse each and determine which is the "RAS Async Adapter" and then you can "get" it's IPAddress property. ; The key is that you must find the correct adapter. When you query Win32_NetworkAdapter, you actually have a collection. Typically you have 0-5 being ; 0 - Nic ; 1 - Ras async adapter ; 2 - wan miniport (l2tp) ; 3 - wan miniport (pptp) ; 4 - Direct parallel ; 5 - WAN Miniport (IP) ; or something of the sort. If you can retrieve Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="5" then you Obj.Get("IPAdress"). This is assuming you have the same list as above. If you're not sure, grab a copy of the MS WMI Object Browser from: ; msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/default.asp?URL=/code/sample.asp?url=/msdn-files/027/001/566/msdncompositedoc.xml ; to pick through your own. Good luck! ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; http://antionline.com/archive/index.php/t-242824.html [enable PPPoE as service in XP] ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasPppoe -> start ; ------------------------------------------------------- ;MsgBox (GetObject("WinMgmts:Win32_LogicalDisk='C:'").VolumeSerialNumber) ; -------------------------------------------------------