HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "EndScript") HotKeySet("{END}", "SetPause0") ; [x] variabile [x] $undock = 25 $warptobelt = 70 $fillcargo = 300 $warptostation = 70 $dock = 25 $target = 5 $difftpause = 0 $diffpause = 0 $W1PosX = 0 $W1PosY = 0 $WinSelect1X = 20 $WinSelect1Y = 740 If WinExists("EVE") Then ; check if eve online is running WinActivate("EVE") ; ( activate EVE window ) WinMove("EVE", "", 0, 0) ; places the eve-online window to 0.0 coordonates ( unless you placed it there in advaced this does it for you) Else MsgBox(0,"START EVE FIRST!" & @CRLF ) Exit EndIf While 1 ;START MASTER LOOP CloseInfoMsg() ExitStation() nowundocked() FixLos() WarpToBelt() $pausetime = 25 PauseTime() loadice() mousemoves() finishwarptobelt() $yroid1 = 1 Sleep(300) StartMining() Sleep(300) loadgank() Sleep(300) mousemoves3() runaway() $pausetime = 5 PauseTime() aligning() $pausetime = 645 PauseTime() speedup() $pausetime =14 PauseTime() unlock() Sleep(100) WarpToStation() Sleep(100) $pausetime =29 PauseTime() loadice() mousemoves2() finishwarptodock() Dock() nowdocked() $pausetime =5 PauseTime() UnloadToStation() $pausetime = Int(Random(1,5)) PauseTime() WEnd ; ENDING MASTER LOOP ; F U N C T I O N S Func runaway() If (PixelGetColor(380,741)=0x4a4d4a ) Then $xspot = Random(140 , 190) $yspot = Random(476 , 477) MouseClick("right", $xspot, $yspot ) Sleep(800) MouseClick("right", $xspot + Random(30,100), $yspot + 43) Sleep(30000) EndIf EndFunc Func nowdocked() Do Until PixelGetColor(897,90) = 0xc6e3bd EndFunc Func finishwarptodock() Do Until PixelGetColor(492,552) = 0x000000 EndFunc Func finishwarptobelt() Do Until PixelGetColor(492,552) = 0x000000 EndFunc Func nowundocked() Do Until PixelGetColor(548, 744) = 0x528ec6 EndFunc Func mousemoves() Sleep(100) MouseMove( Random(310,405) , Random(668,683)) EndFunc Func mousemoves2() Sleep(100) MouseMove( Random(140,190) , Random(476,477)) EndFunc Func mousemoves3() Sleep(100) MouseMove( Random(335,395) , Random(741,743)) EndFunc Func ExitStation() Sleep(100) MouseClick("left", Random(15,28) , Random(762,765)) EndFunc Func aligning() $xspot = Random(140 , 190) $yspot = Random(457 , 458) MouseClick("right", $xspot, $yspot ) Sleep(500) MouseClick("right", $xspot + Random(30,100), $yspot + 10 ) Sleep(7000) MouseClick("left", Random(467,469) , Random(735,737)) Sleep(100) MouseClick("left", Random(467,469) , Random(735,737)) EndFunc Func speedup() MouseClick("left", Random(558,560) , Random(735,737)) EndFunc Func WarpToBelt() $xspot = Random(140,190) $yspot = Random(496,591) MouseClick("right", $xspot , $yspot ) Sleep(500) MouseClick("right", $xspot + Random(30,100) , $yspot + 10 ) EndFunc Func WarpToStation() ; cycle complete > warp to station $xspot = Random(140 ,190) $yspot = Random(457 ,458) MouseClick("right", $xspot, $yspot ) Sleep(500) MouseClick("right", $xspot + Random(30,100), $yspot + 10 ) EndFunc Func Dock() ; miner is near station > do "dock" $xspot = Random(140 , 190) $yspot = Random(476 , 477) MouseClick("right", $xspot, $yspot ) ; right click on " 2 - station - dock " Sleep(800) MouseClick("right", $xspot + Random(30,100), $yspot + 26 ) ; select option " dock " EndFunc Func UnloadToStation() MouseClickDrag("left", Random(77, 110) , Random(700, 722), Random(325, 335), Random(700, 730)) ; drag all to station hangar EndFunc Func StartMining() Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0) Send("{CTRLDOWN}") MouseClick("left", Random(340, 390, 1) ,740+($yroid1*1) ) ; target 1st item on overview Sleep(300) MouseClick("left", Random(340,390, 1) , 740+($yroid1*1) ) Sleep(300) Send("{CTRLUP}") Sleep($target*500) ; activate laser 1 on roid 1 Sleep(100) Send("{F1}") ; activate laser #1 on roid #1 Send("{F2}") Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1) EndFunc Func PauseTime() $tpause = TimerInit() While $diffpause < 1000 * $pausetime $diffpause = TimerDiff($tpause) $totalsecpause = $pausetime - Int($diffpause/1000) $minpause = Int($totalsecpause/60) $secpause = $totalsecpause - ($minpause*60) WEnd $diffpause = 0 $pausetime = 0 ToolTip("") EndFunc Func SetPause0() If WinActive("EVE") Then $pausetime = 0 $pausetime2 = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func EndScript() $exit = MsgBox(4, "MACRO", "STOP????") If $exit = 6 Then Exit EndIf EndFunc Func FixLos() Sleep(100) MouseClickDrag("left", 515, 579, 460, 500) Sleep(100) EndFunc Func CloseInfoMsg() MouseClick("left", 515,484) ; close the info Sleep(200) EndFunc Func unlock() Send("{F1}") EndFunc Func loadice() $xspot = Random(305,307) $yspot = Random(701,703) MouseClick("right", $xspot , $yspot ) Sleep(1000) MouseClick("right", $xspot + Random(30,60) , $yspot + 12 ) EndFunc Func loadgank() $xspot = Random(305,307) $yspot = Random(701,703) MouseClick("right", $xspot , $yspot ) Sleep(1000) MouseClick("right", $xspot + Random(30,60) , $yspot - 17 ) EndFunc