#include Func xml_encode($val) Return StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($val, "&", "&"), "<", "<"), ">", ">") EndFunc Func xml_makeNode($tag, $val) If StringLen($val) = 0 Then Return "" ConsoleWrite($tag & "=" & $val & @CRLF) Return "<" & StringUpper($tag) & ">" & xml_encode($val) & "" & @CRLF EndFunc Func net_getMACIDFromIP($ip_addr) Local $MAC_struct = DllStructCreate("byte[6]") Local $MAC_size = DllStructCreate("int") DllStructSetData($MAC_size, 1, 6) Local $rc = DllCall("Ws2_32.dll", "int", "inet_addr", "str", $ip_addr) Local $in_addr = $rc[0] $rc = DllCall("iphlpapi.dll", "int", "SendARP", "int", $in_addr, "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($MAC_struct), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($MAC_size)) If $rc[0] <> 0 Then Return "" Local $str = "" For $i = 1 To 6 If $i > 1 Then $str = $str & ":" $str &= Hex(DllStructGetData($MAC_struct, 1, $i), 2) Next Return $str EndFunc Func _IPH_Capture() ;; returns an XML string of all the adapter details Local $hDllFile = DllOpen("iphlpapi.dll") Local $xml_str = "" & @CRLF __IPH_AdaptersCapture($hDllFile, $xml_str) Local $ec = @error If $ec <> 0 Then $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("FUNCTION", "__IPH_AdaptersCapture") $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("CODE", $ec) $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF Else __IPH_MetricsCapture($hDllFile, $xml_str) EndIf $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF DllClose($hDllFile) Return $xml_str EndFunc Func net_isValidIP($ip) ;; returns true if $ip appears to be valid If StringInStr($ip, ".", 1, 3) = 0 Then Return False If $ip = "" Then Return False If $ip = "" Then Return False Return True EndFunc Func net_convertToTimestamp($val) ;; would be nice to convert this number to a readable date and time format Return $val EndFunc Func __IPH_AdaptersCapture($hDllFile, ByRef $xml_str) #cs $IPAS is the _IP_ADDR_STRING structure: +0 struct _IP_ADDR_STRING* Next; I pretty much ignore this all the time +1 IP_ADDRESS_STRING IpAddress; char[4 * 4] +2 IP_MASK_STRING IpMask; +3 DWORD Context; this structure is used inside others a lot; you need to add 1 to the index to get the IP #ce Local Const $IPAS = "ptr;char[16];char[16];dword" #cs $IPAI is the _IP_ADAPTER_INFO structure: 1 struct _IP_ADAPTER_INFO* Next; 2 DWORD ComboIndex; 3* char AdapterName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 4]; (260) 4* char Description[MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH + 4]; (132) 5 UINT AddressLength; 6* BYTE Address[MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; (8) 7* DWORD Index; 8* UINT Type; (ETHERNET=Y if Type=6) 9* UINT DhcpEnabled; 10 PIP_ADDR_STRING CurrentIpAddress; 11* IP_ADDR_STRING IpAddressList; (12=IP, 13=SUBNET_MASK) 15* IP_ADDR_STRING GatewayList; (16=GATEWAY_IP) 19* IP_ADDR_STRING DhcpServer; (20=DHCP_SERVER) 23* BOOL HaveWins; 24* IP_ADDR_STRING PrimaryWinsServer; (25=WINS_1) 28* IP_ADDR_STRING SecondaryWinsServer; (29=WINS_2) 32* time_t LeaseObtained; 33* time_t LeaseExpires; #ce Local Const $nNumIPAIFields = 33 Local Const $IPAI = "ptr;dword;char[260];char[132];uint;byte[8];dword;uint;uint;ptr;" & $IPAS & ';' & $IPAS & ';' & $IPAS & ";int;" & $IPAS & ';' & $IPAS & ";long;long" Local Const $IPAI_tags = StringSplit("x;x;GUID;DESC;x;MAC;INDEX;ETHERNET;DHCP_ENABLED;x;x;IP;SUBNET_MASK;x;x;GATEWAY_IP;x;x;x;DHCP_SERVER;x;x;WINS_ENABLED;x;WINS_1;x;x;x;WINS_2;x;x;LEASE_OBTAINED;LEASE_EXPIRES", ";") If $IPAI_tags[0] <> $nNumIPAIFields Then ConsoleWriteError("$IPAI_tags needs to be fixed" & @CR) Return SetError(-1) EndIf Local $stIPAI = DllStructCreate($IPAI) ;; first call to GetAdaptersInfo() is to determine the buffer size required Local $nBufLen = 0 Local $rc = DllCall($hDllFile, "dword", "GetAdaptersInfo", "ptr", 0, "long*", $nBufLen) If @error <> 0 Or $rc[0] <> 111 Then ;; expecting ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW and buffer size ConsoleWriteError("GetAdaptersInfo() - bad return code of " & $rc[0] & @CR) Return SetError(1) EndIf $nBufLen = $rc[2] ;; build a structure large enough to hold the information passed back Local $stAdapterInfo = DllStructCreate($IPAI & ";ubyte[" & String($nBufLen - DllStructGetSize($stIPAI)) & "]") ;; now we can capture all of the adapter information in one call to GetAdaptersInfo() $rc = DllCall($hDllFile, "dword", "GetAdaptersInfo", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stAdapterInfo), "long*", $nBufLen) If @error <> 0 Or $rc[0] <> 0 Then ConsoleWriteError("GetAdaptersInfo() - bad return code of " & $rc[0] & @CR) Return SetError(3) EndIf #cs $IFROW is the _MIB_IFROW structure 1 WCHAR wszName[256]; 2 DWORD dwIndex; 3 DWORD dwType; 4* DWORD dwMtu; 5* DWORD dwSpeed; 6 DWORD dwPhysAddrLen; 7 BYTE bPhysAddr[8]; 8* DWORD dwAdminStatus; 9* DWORD dwOperStatus; 0=NON_OPERATIONAL, 1=UNREACHABLE, 2=DISCONNECTED, 3=CONNECTING, 4=CONNECTED, 5=OPERATIONAL 10* DWORD dwLastChange; 11* DWORD dwInOctets; 12* DWORD dwInUcastPkts; 13* DWORD dwInNUcastPkts; 14* DWORD dwInDiscards; 15* DWORD dwInErrors; 16* DWORD dwInUnknownProtos; 17* DWORD dwOutOctets; 18* DWORD dwOutUcastPkts; 19* DWORD dwOutNUcastPkts; 20* DWORD dwOutDiscards; 21* DWORD dwOutErrors; 22* DWORD dwOutQLen; 23 DWORD dwDescrLen; 24 BYTE bDescr[256]; #ce Local Const $nNumIFROWFields = 24 Local Const $IFROW = "short[256];dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;char[8];dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;char[256]" Local Const $IFROW_tags = StringSplit("x;x;x;MTU;SPEED;x;x;ADMIN_STATUS;OPERATIONAL_STATUS;LAST_CHANGE;RECEIVED_OCTETS;RECEIVED_UNICAST_PKTS;RECEIVED_OTHER_PKTS;RECEIVED_DISCARDS;RECEIVED_ERRORS;UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS;SENT_OCTETS;SENT_UNICAST_PACKETS;SENT_OTHER_PACKETS;SENT_DISCARDS;SENT_ERRORS;SENT_QUEUE_LEN;x;x", ";") If $IFROW_tags[0] <> $nNumIFROWFields Then ConsoleWriteError("$IFROW_tags needs to be fixed" & @CR) Return SetError(-1) EndIf Local $stIFROW = DllStructCreate($IFROW) #cs $IPPAI is the _IP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO structure: 1* UINT AutoconfigEnabled; 2* UINT AutoconfigActive; 3 PIP_ADDR_STRING CurrentDnsServer; 4* IP_ADDR_STRING DnsServerList; (5=DNS_1, 9=DNS_2, 13=DNS_3) #ce Local Const $nNumIPPAIFields = 15 Local Const $IPPAI = "uint;uint;ptr;" & $IPAS & ';' & $IPAS & ';' & $IPAS ;; allow for up to 3 DNS machines Local Const $IPPAI_tags = StringSplit("APIPA_ENABLED;APIPA_ACTIVE;x;x;DNS_1;x;x;x;DNS_2;x;x;x;DNS_3;x;x", ";") If $IPPAI_tags[0] <> $nNumIPPAIFields Then ConsoleWriteError("$IPPAI_tags needs to be fixed" & @CR) Return SetError(-1) EndIf Local $stIPPAI = DllStructCreate($IPPAI) ;; here's the variables for the registry scan Local Const $sRegistryRoot = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\" Local Const $sRegistryGUID = "{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" Local Const $REG_keys = StringSplit("IpCheckingEnabled;MediaSubType;Name;PnpInstanceID;ShowIcon", ";") Local Const $REG_tags = StringSplit("IP_CHECKING_ENABLED;MEDIA_SUB_TYPE;SHORTCUT_NAME;PNP_INSTANCE_ID;ICON_ENABLED", ";") Local Const $REG_keys2 = StringSplit("DriverVersion;DriverDate;ProviderName;DriverDesc;MatchingDeviceId", ";") Local Const $REG_tags2 = StringSplit("DRIVER_VERSION;DRIVER_DATE;DRIVER_PROVIDER;DRIVER_DESCRIPTION;DEVICE_ID", ";") If $REG_keys[0] <> $REG_tags[0] Then ConsoleWriteError("$REG_keys and $REG_tags do not match" & @CR) Return SetError(-1) EndIf ;; now we need to call GetIfEntry() and GetPerAdapterInfo() to get additional information for each adapter Local $bFirst = True While True If $bFirst Then ;; copy the first structure returned $stIPAI = DllStructCreate($IPAI, DllStructGetPtr($stAdapterInfo)) Else ;; create structure based on the 'Next' pointer in the previous structure $stIPAI = DllStructCreate($IPAI, DllStructGetData($stIPAI, 1)) EndIf If @error Then ExitLoop $bFirst = False Local $guid = "" Local $nAdapterIndex = DllStructGetData($stIPAI, 7) $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF ;; now we will add XML tags for each of the important fields in the _IP_ADAPTER_INFO structure Local $dhcp_enabled = False Local $dhcp_server = "" Local $ip_addr = "" Local $gateway_ip = "" For $fld = 1 To $nNumIPAIFields Local $tag = $IPAI_tags[$fld] If $tag = "x" Then ContinueLoop ;; we can skip this field Local $val = DllStructGetData($stIPAI, $fld) If StringLen($val) = 0 Then ContinueLoop Switch $tag Case "GUID" $guid = $val Case "MAC" ;; "0x0013CE7A8EC20000" -> "00:13:CE:7A:8E:C2" If StringLen($val) = 18 Then $val = StringMid($val, 3, 2) & ":" & StringMid($val, 5, 2) & ":" & StringMid($val, 7, 2) & ":" & StringMid($val, 9, 2) & ":" & StringMid($val, 11, 2) & ":" & StringMid($val, 13, 2) Case "DHCP_ENABLED" ;; special handling for DHCP flag If $val = "1" Then $dhcp_enabled = True $val = "Y" Else $val = "N" EndIf Case "WINS_ENABLED" ;; 1->Y and 0->N $val = _Iif($val = "1", "Y", "N") Case "ETHERNET" ;; if Type is 6 then it's Ethernet $val = _Iif($val = "6", "Y", "N") Case "IP", "DHCP_SERVER", "WINS_1", "WINS_2", "SUBNET_MASK", "GATEWAY_IP" if Not net_isValidIP($val) Then $val = "" If $tag = "DHCP_SERVER" Then $dhcp_server = $val ElseIf $tag ="IP" Then $ip_addr = $val ElseIf $tag = "GATEWAY_IP" Then $gateway_ip = $val ;; if you ARP to the gateway, then you can discover the type of router you are using $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("GATEWAY_MAC", net_getMACIDFromIP($gateway_ip)) EndIf Case "LEASE_OBTAINED", "LEASE_EXPIRES" $val = net_convertToTimestamp($val) EndSwitch $xml_str &= xml_makeNode($tag, $val) Next ;; call GetIFEntry() for a specific adapter to get adapter stats and additional info like MTU and speed DllStructSetData($stIFROW, 2, $nAdapterIndex) $rc = DllCall($hDllFile, "dword", "GetIfEntry", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stIFROW)) If @error <> 0 Or $rc[0] <> 0 Then ConsoleWriteError("GetIfEntry() - bad return code of " & $rc[0] & @CR) $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF Return SetError(4) EndIf Local $operational = False For $fld = 1 To $nNumIFROWFields Local $tag = $IFROW_tags[$fld] If $tag = "x" Then ContinueLoop ;; we can skip this field Local $val = DllStructGetData($stIFROW, $fld) If $val = "0" Then ContinueLoop Switch $tag Case "SPEED" If Number($val) > 999999999 Then $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("DISPLAY_SPEED", Round($val / 1000000000, 1) & " Gbps") ElseIf Number($val) > 99999 Then $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("DISPLAY_SPEED", Round($val / 1000000, 1) & " Mbps") ElseIf Number($val) > 999 Then $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("DISPLAY_SPEED", Round($val / 1000, 1) & " Kbps") EndIf Case "LAST_CHANGE" $val = net_convertToTimestamp($val) Case "OPERATIONAL_STATUS" If Number($val) > 3 Then $operational = True ElseIf Number($val) = 3 Then $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("CONNECTING", "Y") EndIf EndSwitch $xml_str &= xml_makeNode($tag, $val) Next ;; call GetPerAdapterInfo() for a specific adapter to get DNS and AIPIA information $nBufLen = DllStructGetSize($stIPPAI) $rc = DllCall($hDllFile, "dword", "GetPerAdapterInfo", "long", $nAdapterIndex, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stIPPAI), "long*", $nBufLen) If @error <> 0 Or $rc[0] <> 0 Then ConsoleWriteError("GetPerAdapterInfo() - bad return code of " & $rc[0] & @CR) $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF Return SetError(5) EndIf Local $apipa_active = False For $fld = 1 To $nNumIPPAIFields Local $tag = $IPPAI_tags[$fld] If $tag = "x" Then ContinueLoop ;; we can skip this field Local $val = DllStructGetData($stIPPAI, $fld) Switch $tag Case "APIPA_ACTIVE" ;; special handing for APIPA If $val = "1" Then $apipa_active = True $val = "Y" Else $val = "N" EndIf Case "APIPA_ENABLED" ;; 1->Y and 0->N $val = _Iif($val = "1", "Y", "N") Case "DNS_1", "DNS_2", "DNS_3" if Not net_isValidIP($val) Then $val = "" EndSwitch $xml_str &= xml_makeNode($tag, $val) Next ;; we need to provide our own logic for DHCP_ACTIVE and CONNECTED flags ;; DHCP must be on and APIPA must be inactive and we must have a valid IP address and DHCP server address $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("DHCP_ACTIVE", _Iif($dhcp_enabled And Not $apipa_active And StringLen($ip_addr) > 0 And StringLen($dhcp_server) > 0, "Y", "N")) ;; OPERATIONAL_STATUS must be > 3 and we must have a valid IP address and gateway IP address $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("CONNECTED", _Iif($operational And StringLen($ip_addr) > 0 And StringLen($gateway_ip) > 0, "Y", "N")) ;; we're going to pull some information from the registry for this adapter Local $reg_base = $sRegistryRoot & "Network\" & $sRegistryGUID & '\' & $guid & "\Connection" For $i = 1 To $REG_keys[0] Local $val = RegRead($reg_base, $REG_keys[$i]) If StringLen($val) = 0 Then ContinueLoop Switch $REG_tags[$i] Case "IP_CHECKING_ENABLED", "ICON_ENABLED" $val = _Iif($val = "1", "Y", "N") Case "MEDIA_SUB_TYPE" $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("LAN", _Iif(Number($val) = 1, "Y", "N")) $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("WIRELESS", _Iif(Number($val) = 2, "Y", "N")) $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("BLUETOOTH", _Iif(Number($val) = 9, "Y", "N")) EndSwitch $xml_str &= xml_makeNode($REG_tags[$i], $val) Next $reg_base = $sRegistryRoot & "Class\" & $sRegistryGUID Local $count = 1 ;; enumeration counter While True Local $var = RegEnumKey($reg_base, $count) If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop $count += 1 If RegRead($reg_base & '\' & $var, "NetCfgInstanceId") = $guid Then For $i = 1 To $REG_keys2[0] $xml_str &= xml_makeNode($REG_tags2[$i], RegRead($reg_base & '\' & $var, $REG_keys2[$i])) Next ExitLoop EndIf WEnd $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF WEnd EndFunc Func __IPH_MakeDWORDStructure($cnt) Local $str = "" For $i = 1 To $cnt If StringLen($str) > 0 Then $str &= ';' $str &= "dword" Next Return DllStructCreate($str) EndFunc Func __IPH_MetricsCapture($hDllFile, ByRef $xml_str) Local Const $nIPStats = 23 ;; number of elements for GetIpStatistics() Local Const $nTCPStats = 15 ;; number of elements for GetTcpStatistics() Local Const $nUDPStats = 5 ;; number of elements for GetUdpStatistics() $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF Local $stIPStats = __IPH_MakeDWORDStructure($nIPStats) Local $rc = DllCall($hDllFile, "dword", "GetIpStatistics", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stIPStats)) If @error <> 0 Or $rc[0] <> 0 Then $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("ERRCODE", $rc[0]) Else Local Const $IPStat_tags = StringSplit("RTO_ALGORITHM;FORWARDING;DEFAULT_TTL;DATAGRAMS_RECEIVED;RECEIVED_HEADER_ERRORS;RECEIVED_ADDRESS_ERRORS;FORWARDED;RECEIVED_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS;RECEIVED_DISCARDS;RECEIVED_DELIVERED;SENT_REQUESTS;ROUTING_DISCARDS;SENT_DISCARDS;SENT_UNROUTABLE;REASSEMBLE_TIMEOUT;REASSEMBLE_REQUIRED;REASSEMBLE_FAILED;FRAGMENTED;FRAGMENTED_FAILED;FRAGMENTED_CREATED;NUM_INTERFACES;NUM_IPS;NUM_ROUTES", ";") For $i = 1 To $nIPStats $xml_str &= xml_makeNode($IPStat_tags[$i], DllStructGetData($stIPStats, $i)) Next EndIf $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF Local $stTCPStats = __IPH_MakeDWORDStructure($nTCPStats) $rc = DllCall($hDllFile, "dword", "GetTcpStatistics", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stTCPStats)) If @error <> 0 Or $rc[0] <> 0 Then $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("ERRCODE", $rc[0]) Else Local Const $TCPStat_tags = StringSplit("RTO_ALGORITHM;MIN_RTO;MAX_RTO;MAX_CONNECTIONS;ACTIVE_OPENS;PASSIVE_OPENS;FAILED_CONNECTIONS;RESET_CONNECTIONS;ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS;SEGMENTS_RECEIVED;SEGMENTS_TRANSMITTED;SEGMENTS_RETRANSMITTED;ERRORS_RECEIVED;RESETS_TRANSMITTED;TOTAL_CONNECTIONS", ";") For $i = 1 To $nTCPStats $xml_str &= xml_makeNode($TCPStat_tags[$i], DllStructGetData($stTCPStats, $i)) Next EndIf $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF Local $stUDPStats = __IPH_MakeDWORDStructure($nUDPStats) $rc = DllCall($hDllFile, "dword", "GetUdpStatistics", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stUDPStats)) If @error <> 0 Or $rc[0] <> 0 Then $xml_str &= xml_makeNode("ERRCODE", $rc[0]) Else Local Const $UDPStat_tags = StringSplit("DATAGRAMS_RECEIVED;DATAGRAMS_DISCARDED;DATAGRAM_ERRORS;DATAGRAMS_TRANSMITTED;LISTENER_ENTRIES", ";") For $i = 1 To $nUDPStats $xml_str &= xml_makeNode($UDPStat_tags[$i], DllStructGetData($stUDPStats, $i)) Next EndIf $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF $xml_str &= "" & @CRLF EndFunc FileDelete("IPHelper.xml") FileWrite("IPHelper.xml", _IPH_Capture())