#include #include #include RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\LoginScript\SyncTime", "TestKey", "REG_SZ", "Hello this is a test") $button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Start",75,70,70,20) GUISetState () Sleep(500) ProgressOn("Logon", "Please wait for the updates to install", "0 percent") $button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Start",75,70,70,20) GUISetState () Sleep(500) For $i = 10 to 100 step 10 sleep(1000) ProgressSet( $i, $i & " percent") If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(10,10 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(10,10 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(20,20 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(20,20 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(30,30 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(30,30 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(40.40 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(40,40 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(50,50 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(50,50 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(60,60 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(60,60 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(70,70 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(70,70 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(80,80 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(80,80 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(90,90 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(90,90 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf If FileExists(".exe") Then $val = RunWait(".exe") ProgressSet(100,100 & " percent ") ; script waits until the exe closes MsgBox(16, "Program returned with exit code: " & $val) Else ProgressSet(100,100 & " percent ") MsgBox(16,"error", "File not found") EndIf Next ProgressSet(100 , "Done", "Complete") sleep(1000) ProgressOff() DirRemove("c:\updates", 1) $var = DriveSpaceTotal( "c:\" ) MsgBox(4096, "HHD Space on C:", $var & " MB") $b = True =1 $b = False =0