#cs Hi, everyone knows this situation: you write only a "little" script and you mean, that these few vars don't need a declaration. But urgently your script starts to increase :D . Now it's better to declare your vars, to keep track of this. The following script scans your currently in SciTE opened file. (For non-SciTE-users, i've made a stand-alone version.) Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) will set and Variables will declared as Global if they: - no parameter in functions - not declared in Local scope - not already declared with "Dim" or "Global" - no AutoIt-constants (you can change between Prod or Beta -Includes) - not inside comments After your last "#include.." or if exists after last "Opt(..)" will be written: Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) and the declaration of all matched vars. By default are counter-vars in an loop are Local. But all vars, that are not declared as Local inside an function, will declared as Global. It's unnecessary for these counter-vars, but i think that does no harm. To start the script in SciTE you need an entry in [b]SciTEUser.properties[/b]. The script runs with one or two parameters. Parameter1 is "$(FilePath)" and includes automatically the current opened au3-file. Parameter2 is "Beta" (optional) and only needed, if you use the Beta. Copy the script in an path you want. In my example it's: "$(SciteDefaultHome)\OtherTools\SetVarsDeclared_SciTEPlugIn.au3". Insert here your own path. Choose an shortcut (i.e. Ctrl+Alt+V) and insert all in SciTEUser.properties. I've used number [b]42[/b] here. If you haven't own entries you can use number [b]36[/b], otherwise use next number. [b]# 42 DeclareVars command.42.*.au3="$(autoit3dir)\AutoIt3.exe" "$(SciteDefaultHome)\OtherTools\SetVarsDeclared_SciTEPlugIn.au3" "$(FilePath)" "Beta" command.name.42.*.au3=Declare Vars command.save.before.42.*.au3=1 command.is.filter.42.*.au3=1 command.shortcut.42.*.au3=Ctrl+Alt+V[/b] For non-SciTE-users are the script "SetVarsDeclared_alone.au3". The script starts with an small GUI to choose the file to scan and select "Beta", if in use. By hit button "Start" will selected file scanned and vars declared like in SciTE-PlugIn before. #ce ; Version #include #include #include #include #include Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global $aLang[4][2] = [ _ ['Fehler', 'Error'], _ ['SciTE nicht aktiv!', 'SciTE not active!'], _ [' << Variablendeklaration erfolgreich beendet. >>', ' << Variables successful declared. >>'], _ [' << Alle Variablen bereits deklariert! >>', ' << All variables already declared! >>']], $iLang = 0 If Not StringInStr("0407,0807,0c07,1007,1407", @OSLang) Then $iLang = 1 If Not ProcessExists('SciTE.exe') Then Exit MsgBox(262192, $aLang[0][$iLang], $aLang[1][$iLang]) If $CmdLine[0] Then Global $File2Scan = $CmdLine[1] If $CmdLine[0] > 1 Then If $CmdLine[2] = 'Beta' Then Global $BetaUse = True Else Global $BetaUse = False EndIf Else Global $BetaUse = False EndIf Else Exit EndIf Global $GUI, $progress, $lbl, $prog_val = 0, $step $GUI = GUICreate($File2Scan, 640, 100, -1, 120) $progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 15, 620, 20, $PBS_SMOOTH) $lbl = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 290, 50, 60, 17, $SS_CENTER) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "GUIClose") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) If _SetVarsDeclared($File2Scan, $BetaUse) = 0 Then WinSetTitle($GUI, '', $aLang[2][$iLang]) Else WinSetTitle($GUI, '', $aLang[3][$iLang]) EndIf While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func GUIClose() Exit EndFunc Func _SetVarsDeclared($FILE, $BETA=False) Local $oVars = ObjCreate('System.Collections.ArrayList') Local $oFuncVars = ObjCreate('System.Collections.ArrayList') Local $oConst = ObjCreate('System.Collections.ArrayList') Local $oDeclared = ObjCreate('System.Collections.ArrayList') Local $skip = False, $PathInclude, $1stChar, $inFunc = False, $aFile, $aMatch, $var, $strKey, $lastInclude = 1 Local $str0 = 'Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)', $str1 = 'Global ', $sLen, $len = 130, $tmp, $keys, $lastOpt = 1, $declare = 0 If $BETA Then $PathInclude = RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt', 'betaInstallDir') & '\Include\' Else $PathInclude = RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt', 'InstallDir') & '\Include\' EndIf Local $aConst_au3 = _FileListToArray($PathInclude, '*.au3', 1) $step = 33/UBound($aConst_au3) For $i = 1 To UBound($aConst_au3) -1 $prog_val += $step GUICtrlSetData($progress, Int($prog_val)) GUICtrlSetData($lbl, StringFormat('%3.2f', $prog_val) & '%') If Not StringInStr($aConst_au3[$i], 'constants') Then ContinueLoop _FileReadToArray($PathInclude & $aConst_au3[$i], $aFile) For $k = 1 To UBound($aFile) -1 $aMatch = StringRegExp($aFile[$k], '\$[\d\w]+', 3) If Not IsArray($aMatch) Then ContinueLoop For $l = 0 To UBound($aMatch) -1 If Not $oConst.Contains($aMatch[$l]) Then $oConst.Add($aMatch[$l]) Next Next Next GUICtrlSetData($progress, 33) GUICtrlSetData($lbl, '33.00%') _FileReadToArray($FILE, $aFile) $tmp = FileRead($FILE) Local $pos_incl, $pos_opt, $before_str If (StringInStr($tmp, '#include')) Or (StringInStr($tmp, 'Opt')) Then For $i = 1 To UBound($aFile) -1 $1stChar = StringLeft(StringStripWS($aFile[$i],1), 1) If ($1stChar <> ';') And (StringInStr($aFile[$i], '#cs') Or StringInStr($aFile[$i], '#comments-start')) Then $skip = True If ($1stChar <> ';') And (StringInStr($aFile[$i], '#ce') Or StringInStr($aFile[$i], '#comments-end')) Then $skip = False If $skip Then ContinueLoop If StringRegExp($aFile[$i], "(?i)#include") Then $pos_incl = StringInStr($aFile[$i], '#include') If $pos_incl > 1 Then $before_str = StringLeft($aFile[$i], $pos_incl-1) ; maybe quoted - don't use then If StringInStr($before_str, '"') Or StringInStr($before_str, "'") Then ContinueLoop EndIf $lastInclude = $i ElseIf StringRegExp($aFile[$i], "(?i)opt") Then $pos_opt = StringInStr($aFile[$i], 'opt') If $pos_opt > 1 Then $before_str = StringLeft($aFile[$i], $pos_opt-1) ; maybe quoted - don't use then If StringInStr($before_str, '"') Or StringInStr($before_str, "'") Then ContinueLoop EndIf $lastOpt = $i EndIf Next If $lastOpt > $lastInclude Then $lastInclude = $lastOpt EndIf $step = 67/UBound($aFile) For $i = 1 To UBound($aFile) -1 $prog_val += $step GUICtrlSetData($progress, Int($prog_val)) GUICtrlSetData($lbl, StringFormat('%3.2f', $prog_val) & '%') $1stChar = StringLeft(StringStripWS($aFile[$i],1), 1) If $1stChar = ';' Then ContinueLoop If StringInStr($aFile[$i], 'Dim') Or StringInStr($aFile[$i], 'Global') Then $aMatch = StringRegExp($aFile[$i], '\$[\d\w]+', 3) If Not IsArray($aMatch) Then ContinueLoop For $k = 0 To UBound($aMatch) -1 If Not $oDeclared.Contains($aMatch[$k]) Then $oDeclared.Add($aMatch[$k]) Next ContinueLoop EndIf If StringInStr($aFile[$i], '#cs') Or StringInStr($aFile[$i], '#comments-start') Then $skip = True If StringInStr($aFile[$i], '#ce') Or StringInStr($aFile[$i], '#comments-end') Then $skip = False If $skip Or ($1stChar = '#') Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft(StringStripWS($aFile[$i],1),4) = 'Func' Then $inFunc = True If $oFuncVars.Count > 0 Then $oFuncVars.Clear $aMatch = StringRegExp($aFile[$i], '\$[\d\w]+', 3) If Not IsArray($aMatch) Then ContinueLoop For $k = 0 To UBound($aMatch) -1 If Not $oFuncVars.Contains($aMatch[$k]) Then $oFuncVars.Add($aMatch[$k]) Next ContinueLoop EndIf If $inFunc And (StringLeft(StringStripWS($aFile[$i],1),7) = 'EndFunc') Then $inFunc = False $aMatch = StringRegExp($aFile[$i], '\$[\d\w]+', 3) If Not IsArray($aMatch) Then ContinueLoop If $inFunc And StringInStr($aFile[$i], 'Local') Then For $k = 0 To UBound($aMatch) -1 $oFuncVars.Add($aMatch[$k]) Next ContinueLoop EndIf For $k = 0 To UBound($aMatch) -1 If (Not $oVars.Contains($aMatch[$k])) And _ (Not $oFuncVars.Contains($aMatch[$k])) Then $oVars.Add($aMatch[$k]) Next Next GUICtrlSetData($progress, 98) GUICtrlSetData($lbl, '98.00%') For $strKey In $oConst If $oVars.Contains($strKey) Then $oVars.Remove($strKey) Next For $strKey In $oDeclared If $oVars.Contains($strKey) Then $oVars.Remove($strKey) Next $oVars.Sort If $oVars.Count > 0 Then For $strKey In $oVars $sLen = StringLen($str1 & $strKey & ', ') If $sLen < $len Then $str1 &= $strKey & ', ' Else $str1 = StringTrimRight($str1, 2) & @LF & 'Global ' $len += 130 EndIf Next If StringRight($str1, 2) = ', ' Then $str1 = StringTrimRight($str1, 2) If StringRight($str1, 7) = 'Global ' Then $str1 = StringTrimRight($str1, 7) If $declare = 0 Then _FileWriteToLine($FILE, $lastInclude +1, $str0 & @CRLF & $str1) Else _FileWriteToLine($FILE, $declare, $str0, 1) _FileWriteToLine($FILE, $lastInclude +1, $str1) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($progress, 100) GUICtrlSetData($lbl, '100.00%') Return 0 Else GUICtrlSetData($progress, 100) GUICtrlSetData($lbl, '100.00%') Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==> _SetVarsDeclared