;APITailRW.au3 ; based on "APIRW.au3" by Larry, modified Zedna; now by Randallc ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; AutoIt Version: 3.2 ; Language: English ; Description: Functions that assist with reading binary files./ reading/ writing/ deleting to tail by line number fast/ writing to any line ;Author : Write tail etc by Randallc; original binary by Larry, Zedna [binary wites by EriFash?] ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include-once #include ;~ Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) #cs ;Main funcs============================= _FileReadLineAPI($s_File, $i_LineNumber = -1, $i_Beginning = 1, $i_ToEnd = 0, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) _FileReplaceLineAPI($s_File, $i_LineNumber = -1, $s_ReplaceLine = "", $s_PaddingChar = " ", $i_Beginning = 1, $i_IfLonge _FileDeleteLineAPI($s_File, $i_LineNumber = -1, $i_Pad = 1, $s_PaddingChar = " ", $i_Beginning = 1, $i_BufferSize = 8388 _FileInsertLineAPI($s_File, $i_LineNumber = -1, $s_InsertLine = "", $i_Beginning = 1, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) _FileReadAPI($hFile, $nBytes, $i_FileSetPosAPI = -1) _FileWriteAPI($hFile, $szData, $i_FileSetPosAPI = -1) _FileSetPosAPI($hFile, $nPos) _FileSetEndAPI($hFile) _FileOpenAPI($sFile) _FileCloseAPI($hFile) ;Helper funcs============================= _FileFindPosOfLine($s_1stFile, $i_LineNumber = -1, $i_BeginningF = 1, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) _FileFindPosOfLineTail($s_1stFile, $i_LineNumber = -1, $i_BeginningF = 1, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) _CharInsertByByte($s_FileRead, $textInsertF, $i_StartByte, $i_Replace = 1, $i_Tail = 0, $i_Buff = 50000000) #ce ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileOpenAPI() ; ( ) ; Description: _FileOpenAPI; Creates a "REAL" file handle for reading and writing. ; Parameter(s): $sFile - Complete path to file to open ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - value from CreateFile api;the return value is nonzero ; On Failure - ?** not set - value from CreateFile api; ;the return value is zero ; Author(s): Larry ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileOpenAPI($sFile) Local $GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000, $GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000, $OPEN_ALWAYS = 4, $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x00000080 Local $AFO_h $AFO_h = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "hwnd", "CreateFile", "str", $sFile, "long", BitOR($GENERIC_READ, $GENERIC_WRITE), "long", 0, "ptr", 0, "long", $OPEN_ALWAYS, "long", $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, "long", 0) Return $AFO_h[0] EndFunc ;==>_FileOpenAPI ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileCloseAPI() ; ( ) ; Description: _FileCloseAPI ; Parameter(s): $hFile - FileHandle of open (API) file ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - value from CloseHandle api ; On Failure - ** not set ; Author(s): Larry ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileCloseAPI($hFile) Local $AFC_r $AFC_r = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseHandle", "hwnd", $hFile) Return $AFC_r[0] EndFunc ;==>_FileCloseAPI ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileSetPosAPI() ; ( , ) ; Description: Sets pointer position in file ; Parameter(s): $hFile - FileHandle of open (API) file ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - value from SetFilePointer api;the return value is nonzero ; On Failure - ?** not set - value from SetFilePointer api; ;the return value is zero ; Author(s): Larry ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileSetPosAPI($hFile, $nPos) Local $FILE_BEGIN = 0 Local $AFSP_r = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "SetFilePointer", "hwnd", $hFile, "long", $nPos, "long*", 0, "long", $FILE_BEGIN) Return $AFSP_r[0] EndFunc ;==>_FileSetPosAPI ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileReadAPI() ; ( , , [ <$i_FileSetPosAPI - position to start Read> ] ) ; Description: Read data from position in file ; Parameter(s): $hFile - FileHandle of open (API) file ; $nBytes - Number of bytes to read ; $i_FileSetPosAPI - Optional: position to start Read ; numeric>=0 = change pointer position in file ; -1 = (Default) don't change pointer position in file ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the data read ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error to the return from ReadFile api ; Author(s): Larry, modified Randall Clapp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileReadAPI($hFile, $nBytes, $i_FileSetPosAPI = -1, $Option = 0) Local $AFR_r, $AFR_str, $AFR_ret = "" If $Option = 0 Then If $i_FileSetPosAPI > -1 Then _FileSetPosAPI($hFile, $i_FileSetPosAPI) $AFR_str = DllStructCreate("char[" & $nBytes & "]") Else If $i_FileSetPosAPI > -1 Then _FileSetPosAPI($hFile, $i_FileSetPosAPI) $AFR_str = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $nBytes & "]") EndIf $AFR_r = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "ReadFile", "hwnd", $hFile, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($AFR_str), "long", $nBytes, "long*", 0, "ptr", 0) If $Option = 0 Then $AFR_ret = StringLeft(DllStructGetData($AFR_str, 1), $AFR_r[4]) Else $AFR_ret = BinaryMid(DllStructGetData($AFR_str, 1), 1, $AFR_r[4]) EndIf ;=============================================================================== SetError($AFR_r[0]) $AFR_str = "";DllStructDelete($AFR_str) Return $AFR_ret EndFunc ;==>_FileReadAPI Func _FileWriteAPIOLD($hFile, $szData, $i_FileSetPosAPI = -1) Local $AFW_r, $AFW_n, $AFW_ptr If $i_FileSetPosAPI > -1 Then _FileSetPosAPI($hFile, $i_FileSetPosAPI) $AFW_n = StringLen($szData) $AFW_ptr = DllStructCreate("char[" & $AFW_n + 1 & "]");+1; workaround fix DllStructSetData($AFW_ptr, 1, String($szData)) $AFW_r = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "WriteFile", "hwnd", $hFile, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($AFW_ptr), "long", $AFW_n, "long*", 0, "ptr", 0) SetError($AFW_r[0]) $AFW_ptr = "";DllStructDelete($AFR_ptr) Return $AFW_r[4] EndFunc ;==>_FileWriteAPIOLD ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileWriteAPI() ; ( , , [ <$i_FileSetPosAPI - position to start Write> ] , [ <$Option 0=String | 1=Binary> ]) ; Description: Write data at position in file ; Parameter(s): $hFile - FileHandle of open (API) file ; $szData - Data to Write ; $i_FileSetPosAPI - Optional: position to start Write ; numeric>=0 = change pointer position in file ; -1 = (Default) don't change pointer position in file ; $Option - Optional: data 0=String | 1=Binary ; 0 = (Default) String ; 1 = Binary ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns # of Bytes written ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error to the return from WriteFile api ; Author(s): Larry, modified Randall Clapp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileWriteAPI($hFile, $szData, $i_FileSetPosAPI = -1, $Option = 0) Local $AFW_r, $AFW_n, $AFW_ptr If $i_FileSetPosAPI > -1 Then _FileSetPosAPI($hFile, $i_FileSetPosAPI) If $Option = 0 Then $AFW_n = StringLen($szData) $AFW_ptr = DllStructCreate("char[" & $AFW_n + 1 & "]");+1; workaround fix DllStructSetData($AFW_ptr, 1, String($szData)) Else $AFW_n = BinaryLen($szData) $AFW_ptr = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $AFW_n + 1 & "]");+1; workaround fix DllStructSetData($AFW_ptr, 1, Binary($szData)) EndIf $AFW_r = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "WriteFile", "hwnd", $hFile, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($AFW_ptr), "long", $AFW_n, "long*", 0, "ptr", 0) SetError($AFW_r[0]) $AFR_ptr = "";DllStructDelete($AFR_ptr) Return $AFW_r[4] EndFunc ;==>_FileWriteAPI ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileSetEndAPI() ; ( ) ; Description: Sets eof position in file ; Parameter(s): $hFile - FileHandle of open (API) file ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - The return value comes directly from "SetEndOfFile" api ;the return value is nonzero ; On Failure - The return value comes directly from "SetEndOfFile" api ;the return value is zero ; Author(s): Zedna ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileSetEndAPI($hFile) Local $AFSP_r $AFSP_r = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "SetEndOfFile", _ "hwnd", $hFile) Return $AFSP_r[0] EndFunc ;==>_FileSetEndAPI ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileFindPosOfLine() ; Description: Count @LF s till appropriate number or EOF ; Parameter(s): $s_1stFile - Complete path to file to count ; $i_LineNumber - Optional: Line number to read (Default) -1; reads last line ; ** Negative numbers count lines from Tail ** ; $i_BeginningF - Optional: Indicates (for speed) if known whether to start buffer reads at end, middle, or start ; 0 = start at tail ; 1 = (Default) start at beginning ; 2 = start at middle ; $i_BufferSize - Optional: BufferSize to use during count ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Array of values for positions in file; ; Array[0] - Line Count [number of @LF in file] ; Array[1] - Byte position of end of line in file ; Array[2] - Byte position of end of previous line in file ; Array[3] - Number bytes in string on line ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets the @error flag in the following fashion: ; @error = 1 - Wrong version of AutoIT (minimum = ; @error = 2 - ; the files doesn't exist ; @error = 3 - ; file size <0 (duh!) ; @error = 4 - Bad buffer size ; @error = 5 - Cannot compare complete file (increase BufferSize) ; @error = 6 - Cannot open file for read ; @error = 7 - Content doesn't match (compare fail) ; < xx@extended = ? **? ; Remarks: Low buffer values result in poor performance ; Author(s): Randall Clapp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileFindPosOfLine($s_1stFile, $i_LineNumber = -1, $i_BeginningF = 1, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) ; count lines files Local $h_1stFile, $h_2ndFile, $i_Loop1, $i_Loop2, $i_ChunkOffset, $i_ByteOffset, $i_DeBug, $i_Divisor, $b_Source, $i_NumberMoreLFs, $i_Pos Local $i_CountLFtotal, $ar_Return[4], $i_ByteOffsetLast, $i_PosLast, $i_ByteOffsetPrev, $i_FileGetSize, $ar_CountLFtemp, $i_CountLFtemp If $i_BeginningF = 0 Then $i_Divisor = 1 ;tail If $i_BeginningF = 1 Then $i_Divisor = 50; beginning If $i_BeginningF = 2 Then $i_Divisor = 3 ; ;middle ; Basic sanity checks If Not StringLen(Chr(0)) Then SetError(1) ; Cannot detect character "0" then wrong version of AutoIT ... Return 0 EndIf If Not FileExists($s_1stFile) Then SetError(2) ; the files doesn't exist Return 0 EndIf $i_FileGetSize = FileGetSize($s_1stFile) If $i_BufferSize > $i_FileGetSize / $i_Divisor Then $i_BufferSize = Int($i_FileGetSize / $i_Divisor) + 1 If $i_BeginningF = 1 And $i_BufferSize > $i_LineNumber * 256 Then $i_BufferSize = $i_LineNumber * 256 If Not $i_FileGetSize Then SetError(3) ; file size <0 (duh!) Return 0 EndIf If (Not IsInt($i_BufferSize)) Or ($i_BufferSize < 1 And $i_BufferSize > 65536) Then SetError(4) ; Bad buffer size Return 0 EndIf If $i_FileGetSize > $i_BufferSize * 999999999 Then SetError(5) ; Cannot check complete file (increase BufferSize) Return 0 EndIf $h_1stFile = FileOpen($s_1stFile, 0) ; Open the first file If $h_1stFile = -1 Then SetError(6) ; Cannot open file Return 0 EndIf For $i_Loop1 = 1 To 999999999 ; Binary count of file. For/Next for speed $i_ChunkOffset = $i_BufferSize * ($i_Loop1 - 1) ; How many chunks have been processed * buffer size $b_Source = FileRead($h_1stFile, $i_BufferSize) ; Get chunk of first file If @error = -1 Then If ($i_LineNumber - $i_CountLFtotal) = 1 Then $i_CountLFtotal += 1 $i_ByteOffsetPrev = $i_ByteOffset $i_ByteOffset = $i_FileGetSize + 2 EndIf ExitLoop EndIf If StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10)) Then ; If there is a LF in the buffer $ar_CountLFtemp = StringSplit($b_Source, @LF) $i_CountLFtemp = UBound($ar_CountLFtemp) - 2 If $i_LineNumber > 0 Then ; line number IS defined $i_NumberMoreLFs = $i_LineNumber - $i_CountLFtotal If $i_CountLFtemp > $i_NumberMoreLFs Then $i_CountLFtemp = $i_NumberMoreLFs $i_ByteOffset = $i_ChunkOffset + StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10), 0, $i_CountLFtemp) If $i_CountLFtemp > 1 Then $i_ByteOffsetPrev = $i_ChunkOffset + StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10), 0, $i_CountLFtemp - 1) If $i_CountLFtemp <= 1 Then $i_ByteOffsetPrev = $i_ByteOffsetLast $i_ByteOffsetLast = $i_ChunkOffset + StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10), 0, -1) ; Yup so that's where the difference is. $i_CountLFtotal += $i_CountLFtemp If ($i_LineNumber - $i_CountLFtotal) = 0 Then ExitLoop ElseIf $i_ChunkOffset + $i_BufferSize >= $i_FileGetSize - 1 Then ;at the end of the buffers; line number IS NOT defined $i_NumberMoreLFs = $i_LineNumber - $i_CountLFtotal $i_Pos = StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10), 0, -1) $i_ByteOffset = $i_ChunkOffset + $i_Pos ; Yup so that's where the difference is. $i_CountLFtotal += $i_CountLFtemp ExitLoop Else ;not yet at the end of the buffers; line number IS NOT defined $i_NumberMoreLFs = $i_LineNumber - $i_CountLFtotal $i_Pos = StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10), 0, $i_NumberMoreLFs) $i_ByteOffset = $i_ChunkOffset + $i_Pos ; Yup so that's where the difference is. $i_PosLast = StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10), 0, -1) $i_ByteOffsetLast = $i_ChunkOffset + $i_PosLast ; Yup so that's where the difference is. $i_CountLFtotal += $i_CountLFtemp EndIf EndIf $i_ByteOffset = $i_ByteOffsetLast Next FileClose($h_1stFile) ; Close first file $ar_Return[0] = $i_CountLFtotal $ar_Return[1] = $i_ByteOffset $ar_Return[2] = $i_ByteOffsetPrev $ar_Return[3] = $i_ByteOffset - $i_ByteOffsetPrev - 2 Return $ar_Return EndFunc ;==>_FileFindPosOfLine ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileFindPosOfLineTail() ; Description: Count @LF s till appropriate number or EOF ; Parameter(s): $s_1stFile - Complete path to file to count ; $i_LineNumber - Optional: Line number to read (Default) -1; reads last line ; ** Negative numbers count lines from Tail ** ; $i_BeginningF - Optional: Indicates (for speed) if known whether to start buffer reads at end, middle, or start ; 0 = start at tail ; 1 = (Default) start at beginning ; 2 = start at middle ; $i_BufferSize - Optional: BufferSize to use during count ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Array of values for positions in file; ; Array[0] - Line Count [number of @LF in file] ; Array[1] - Byte position of end of line in file ; Array[2] - Byte position of end of previous line in file ; Array[3] - Number bytes in string on line ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets the @error flag in the following fashion: ; @error = 1 - Wrong version of AutoIT (minimum = ; @error = 2 - ; the files doesn't exist ; @error = 3 - ; file size <0 (duh!) ; @error = 4 - Bad buffer size ; @error = 5 - Cannot compare complete file (increase BufferSize) ; @error = 6 - Cannot open file for read ; @error = 7 - Content doesn't match (compare fail) ; < xx@extended = ? **? ; Remarks: Low buffer values result in poor performance ; Author(s): Randall Clapp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileFindPosOfLineTail($s_1stFile, $i_LineNumber = -1, $i_BeginningF = 1, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) Local $h_1stFile, $h_2ndFile, $i_Loop1, $i_Loop2, $i_ChunkOffset, $i_ByteOffset, $i_DeBug, $i_Divisor, $b_Source, $ar_CountLFtemp Local $i_CountLFtotal, $ar_Return[4], $i_ByteOffsetLast, $i_PosLast, $i_ByteOffsetPrev, $i_FileGetSize, $i_StartByte, $i_CountLFtemp If $i_BeginningF = 0 Then $i_Divisor = 1 ;tail If $i_BeginningF = 1 Then $i_Divisor = 50; beginning If $i_BeginningF = 2 Then $i_Divisor = 3 ; ;middle ; Basic sanity checks If Not StringLen(Chr(0)) Then SetError(1) ; Cannot detect character "0" then wrong version of AutoIT ... Return 0 EndIf If Not FileExists($s_1stFile) Then SetError(2) ; the files doesn't exist Return 0 EndIf $i_FileGetSize = FileGetSize($s_1stFile) If $i_BufferSize > $i_FileGetSize / $i_Divisor Then $i_BufferSize = Int($i_FileGetSize / $i_Divisor) + 1 If ($i_BeginningF = 1) And ($i_BufferSize > $i_LineNumber * 256) Then $i_BufferSize = $i_LineNumber * 256 If Not $i_FileGetSize Then SetError(3) ; file size <0 (duh!) Return 0 EndIf If (Not IsInt($i_BufferSize)) Or ($i_BufferSize < 1 And $i_BufferSize > 65536) Then SetError(4) ; Bad buffer size Return 0 EndIf If $i_FileGetSize > $i_BufferSize * 999999999 Then SetError(5) ; Cannot check complete file (increase BufferSize) Return 0 EndIf ; Actual count loop $h_1stFile = _FileOpenAPI($s_1stFile) $i_StartByte = 1 $b_Source = _FileReadAPI($h_1stFile, $i_BufferSize, $i_FileGetSize - $i_BufferSize) ; Get chunk of first file If @error = -1 Then ConsoleWrite("not $b_Source=" & $b_Source & @LF) Exit EndIf $ar_CountLFtemp = StringSplit($b_Source, @LF) $i_CountLFtemp = UBound($ar_CountLFtemp) - 2 If (Not IsArray($ar_CountLFtemp)) Or $i_CountLFtemp < $i_LineNumber Then ; If there are not enough LFs in the buffer $i_BufferSize = $i_BufferSize * 2 $b_Source = _FileReadAPI($h_1stFile, $i_BufferSize, $i_FileGetSize - $i_BufferSize) ; Get chunk of first file $ar_CountLFtemp = StringSplit($b_Source, @LF) $i_CountLFtemp = UBound($ar_CountLFtemp) - 2 If (Not IsArray($ar_CountLFtemp)) Or $i_CountLFtemp < $i_LineNumber Then $i_BufferSize = $i_FileGetSize $b_Source = _FileReadAPI($h_1stFile, $i_BufferSize, $i_FileGetSize - $i_BufferSize) ; Get chunk of first file $ar_CountLFtemp = StringSplit($b_Source, @LF) $i_CountLFtemp = UBound($ar_CountLFtemp) - 2 EndIf EndIf If StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10)) Then ; If there is a LF in the buffer If $i_LineNumber <> 1 Then $i_ByteOffset = $i_FileGetSize - $i_BufferSize + StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10), 0, -$i_LineNumber + 1) $i_ByteOffsetPrev = $i_FileGetSize - $i_BufferSize + StringInStr($b_Source, Chr(10), 0, -$i_LineNumber) $i_CountLFtotal = $i_LineNumber EndIf If $i_LineNumber = 1 Then $i_ByteOffset = $i_FileGetSize + 2 EndIf _FileCloseAPI($h_1stFile); Close first file $ar_Return[0] = $i_CountLFtotal $ar_Return[1] = $i_ByteOffset $ar_Return[2] = $i_ByteOffsetPrev $ar_Return[3] = $i_ByteOffset - $i_ByteOffsetPrev - 2 Return $ar_Return; Return "Yes, both file compare" EndFunc ;==>_FileFindPosOfLineTail ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileReadLineAPI() ; Description: Read File starting at given line, 1 line or to the end ; Parameter(s): $s_File - Complete path to file to count ; $i_LineNumber - Optional: Line number to read (Default) -1; reads last line ; ** Negative numbers count lines from Tail ** ; $i_Beginning - Optional: Indicates (for speed) if known whether to start buffer reads at end, middle, or start ; 0 = start at tail ; 1 = (Default) start at beginning ; 2 = start at middle ; $i_ToEnd - Optional: Read only line number ;or reads to the last line ; 0 = (Default) Read only line number ; 1 = reads to the last line ; $i_BufferSize - Optional: BufferSize to use during count ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Array of values for positions in file; ; Array[0] - Line Count [number of @LF in file] ; Array[1] - Byte position of end of line in file ; Array[2] - Byte position of end of previous line in file ; Array[3] - Number bytes in string on line ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets the @error flag in the following fashion: ; @error = 1 - Wrong version of AutoIT (minimum = 3.2) ; @error = 2 - ; the files doesn't exist ; @error = 3 - ; file size <0 (duh!) ; @error = 4 - Bad buffer size ; @error = 5 - Cannot compare complete file (increase BufferSize) ; @error = 6 - Cannot open file for read ; @error = 7 - Content doesn't match (compare fail) ; < xx@extended = ? **? ; Remarks: Low buffer values result in poor performance ; Author(s): Randall Clapp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileReadLineAPI($s_File, $i_LineNumber = -1, $i_Beginning = 1, $i_ToEnd = 0, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) Local $i_Tail, $timer, $ar_CountLines, $h_File, $i_EndLength, $s_TextReadBin $i_LineNumber = Int($i_LineNumber) If $i_LineNumber > 0 Then $ar_CountLines = _FileFindPosOfLine($s_File, $i_LineNumber, $i_Beginning, $i_BufferSize) Else $i_Tail = 1 $ar_CountLines = _FileFindPosOfLineTail($s_File, -$i_LineNumber, $i_Beginning, $i_BufferSize) EndIf If Not IsArray($ar_CountLines) Then SetError(@error) ; array not returned Return 0 EndIf $h_File = _FileOpenAPI($s_File);1 If $i_ToEnd Then $i_EndLength = FileGetSize($s_File) - $ar_CountLines[2] If Not $i_ToEnd Then $i_EndLength = $ar_CountLines[3] $s_TextReadBin = _FileReadAPI($h_File, $i_EndLength, $ar_CountLines[2]);6 _FileCloseAPI($h_File) Return $s_TextReadBin; EndFunc ;==>_FileReadLineAPI ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileReplaceLineAPI() ; Description: Replace Line API write; option of fast write by padding/ trimming line to fit! ; Parameter(s): $s_File - Complete path to file to count ; $i_LineNumber - Optional: Line number to write (Default) -1; writes to last line ; ** Negative numbers count lines from Tail ** ; $s_ReplaceLine - Optional: Line to write (Default) "" ; $s_PaddingChar - Optional: Padding character (Default) " " -blank space ; $i_Beginning - Optional: Indicates (for speed) if known whether to start buffer reads at end, middle, or start ; 0 = start at tail ; 1 = (Default) start at beginning ; 2 = start at middle ; $i_IfLonger - Optional: trimming; so must shift rest of file down [slower]; or trim to same length as original line, , so fast write ; 0 = trim to same length as original line, , so fast write ; 1 = (Default) no trimming; so must shift rest of file down [slower] ; $i_IfShorter - Optional: Pad with $s_PaddingChar, so fast write, o move rest of file up ; 0 = (Default) Pad with $s_PaddingChar, so fast write ; 1 = no padding; so must shift rest of file up ; $i_BufferSize - Optional: BufferSize to use during count ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Array of values for original positions of line in file; ; Array[0] - Line Count [number of @LF in file] ; Array[1] - Byte position of end of line in file ; Array[2] - Byte position of end of previous line in file ; Array[3] - Number bytes in string on line ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets the @error flag in the following fashion: ; @error = 1 - Wrong version of AutoIT (minimum = 3.2) ; @error = 2 - ; the files doesn't exist ; @error = 3 - ; file size <0 (duh!) ; @error = 4 - Bad buffer size ; @error = 5 - Cannot compare complete file (increase BufferSize) ; @error = 6 - Cannot open file for read ; @error = 7 - Content doesn't match (compare fail) ; < xx@extended = ? **? ; Remarks: Low buffer values result in poor performance ; Author(s): Randall Clapp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileReplaceLineAPI($s_File, $i_LineNumber = -1, $s_ReplaceLine = "", $s_PaddingChar = " ", $i_Beginning = 1, $i_IfLonger = 1, $i_IfShorter = 0, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) Local $i_Tail, $i_Replace = 1, $timer, $ar_CountLines, $i_StringLen If $s_ReplaceLine = -1 Then $s_ReplaceLine = "" If $s_PaddingChar = -1 Then $s_PaddingChar = " " If $i_Beginning = -1 Then $i_Beginning = 1 If $i_IfLonger = -1 Then $i_IfLonger = 1 If $i_IfShorter = -1 Then $i_IfShorter = 0 $i_LineNumber = Int($i_LineNumber) $timer = TimerInit() If $i_LineNumber > 0 Then $ar_CountLines = _FileFindPosOfLine($s_File, $i_LineNumber, $i_Beginning, $i_BufferSize) Else $i_Tail = 1 $ar_CountLines = _FileFindPosOfLineTail($s_File, -$i_LineNumber, $i_Beginning, $i_BufferSize) EndIf If Not IsArray($ar_CountLines) Then SetError(@error) ; array not returned Return 0 EndIf $i_StringLen = StringLen($s_ReplaceLine) If $i_IfLonger And ($i_StringLen > $ar_CountLines[3]) Then ; replace and then "insert" from next line [** remember $i_Replace >1 means amount to advanc eto find next line] $i_Replace = $ar_CountLines[3] ; start the read from the beginning of next line for insert _CharInsertByByte($s_File, $s_ReplaceLine, $ar_CountLines[2] + 1, $i_Replace, $i_Tail, $i_BufferSize) ;$i_Replace=1 [else Insert] ElseIf $i_IfShorter And ($i_StringLen < $ar_CountLines[3]) Then ; replace and then "insert" from next line [** remember $i_Replace >1 means amount to advanc eto find next line] $i_Replace = $ar_CountLines[3] ; start the read from the beginning of next line for insert _CharInsertByByte($s_File, $s_ReplaceLine, $ar_CountLines[2] + 1, $i_Replace, $i_BufferSize) ;$i_Replace=1 [else Insert] Else ; replace with fixed length for speed If $i_StringLen < $ar_CountLines[3] Then $s_ReplaceLine = StringLeft($s_ReplaceLine & _StringRepeat($s_PaddingChar, $ar_CountLines[3]), $ar_CountLines[3]) If $i_StringLen > $ar_CountLines[3] Then $s_ReplaceLine = StringLeft($s_ReplaceLine, $ar_CountLines[3]) _CharInsertByByte($s_File, $s_ReplaceLine, $ar_CountLines[2] + 1, $i_Replace, $i_Tail, $i_BufferSize) ;$i_Replace=1 [else Insert] EndIf Return $ar_CountLines; EndFunc ;==>_FileReplaceLineAPI ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileDeleteLineAPI() ; Description: Delete Line API write; option of fast write by padding previous line to fit! ; Parameter(s): $s_File - Complete path to file to count ; $i_LineNumber - Optional: Line number to write (Default) -1; deletes last line ; ** Negative numbers count lines from Tail ** ; $i_Pad - Optional: Read only line number ;or reads to the last line ; 0 = no padding, so must move rest of file up ; 1 = (Default) fast write by padding previous line to fit ; $s_PaddingChar - Optional: Padding character (Default) " " -blank space ; $i_Beginning - Optional: Indicates (for speed) if known whether to start buffer reads at end, middle, or start ; 0 = start at tail ; 1 = (Default) start at beginning ; 2 = start at middle ; $i_BufferSize - Optional: BufferSize to use during count ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Array of values for original positions of line in file; ; Array[0] - Line Count [number of @LF in file] ; Array[1] - Byte position of end of line in file ; Array[2] - Byte position of end of previous line in file ; Array[3] - Number bytes in string on line ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets the @error flag in the following fashion: ; @error = 1 - Wrong version of AutoIT (minimum = 3.2) ; @error = 2 - ; the files doesn't exist ; @error = 3 - ; file size <0 (duh!) ; @error = 4 - Bad buffer size ; @error = 5 - Cannot compare complete file (increase BufferSize) ; @error = 6 - Cannot open file for read ; @error = 7 - Content doesn't match (compare fail) ; < xx@extended = ? **? ; Remarks: Low buffer values result in poor performance ; Author(s): Randall Clapp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileDeleteLineAPI($s_File, $i_LineNumber = -1, $i_Pad = 1, $s_PaddingChar = " ", $i_Beginning = 1, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) Local $i_Tail, $ar_CountLines, $s_ReplaceLine If $s_PaddingChar = -1 Then $s_PaddingChar = " " If $i_Beginning = -1 Then $i_Beginning = 1 If $i_Pad = -1 Then $i_Pad = 1 $i_LineNumber = Int($i_LineNumber) If $i_LineNumber > 0 Then $ar_CountLines = _FileFindPosOfLine($s_File, $i_LineNumber, $i_Beginning, $i_BufferSize) Else $i_Tail = 1 $ar_CountLines = _FileFindPosOfLineTail($s_File, -$i_LineNumber, $i_Beginning, $i_BufferSize) EndIf If Not IsArray($ar_CountLines) Then SetError(@error) ; array not returned Return 0 EndIf If $i_Pad Then $s_ReplaceLine = _StringRepeat($s_PaddingChar, $ar_CountLines[3] + 1) _CharInsertByByte($s_File, $s_ReplaceLine, $ar_CountLines[2], 1, $i_Tail, $i_BufferSize) ;$i_Replace=1 [else Insert] Else _CharInsertByByte($s_File, "", $ar_CountLines[2] + 1, $ar_CountLines[3] + 1, $i_Tail, $i_BufferSize) ;$i_Replace=1 [else Insert] EndIf Return $ar_CountLines; EndFunc ;==>_FileDeleteLineAPI ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FileInsertLineAPI() ; Description: Replace Line API write; option of fast write by padding/ trimming line to fit! ; Parameter(s): $s_File - Complete path to file to count ; $i_LineNumber - Optional: Line number to write (Default) -1; inserts before last line ; ** Negative numbers count lines from Tail ** ; $s_InsertLine - Optional: Line to write (Default) "" ; $i_Beginning - Optional: Indicates (for speed) if known whether to start buffer reads at end, middle, or start ; 0 = start at tail ; 1 = (Default) start at beginning ; 2 = start at middle ; $i_BufferSize - Optional: BufferSize to use during count ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Array of values for original positions of line in file; ; Array[0] - Line Count [number of @LF in file] ; Array[1] - Byte position of end of line in file ; Array[2] - Byte position of end of previous line in file ; Array[3] - Number bytes in string on line ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets the @error flag in the following fashion: ; @error = 1 - Wrong version of AutoIT (minimum = 3.2) ; @error = 2 - ; the files doesn't exist ; @error = 3 - ; file size <0 (duh!) ; @error = 4 - Bad buffer size ; @error = 5 - Cannot compare complete file (increase BufferSize) ; @error = 6 - Cannot open file for read ; @error = 7 - Content doesn't match (compare fail) ; < xx@extended = ? **? ; Remarks: Low buffer values result in poor performance ; Author(s): Randall Clapp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileInsertLineAPI($s_File, $i_LineNumber = -1, $s_InsertLine = "", $i_Beginning = 1, $i_BufferSize = 8388608) Local $i_Tail = 0, $timer, $ar_CountLines, $i_StringLen If $s_InsertLine = -1 Then $s_InsertLine = "" If $i_Beginning = -1 Then $i_Beginning = 1 $i_LineNumber = Int($i_LineNumber) $timer = TimerInit() If $i_LineNumber > 0 Then $ar_CountLines = _FileFindPosOfLine($s_File, $i_LineNumber, $i_Beginning, $i_BufferSize) Else $i_Tail = 1 $ar_CountLines = _FileFindPosOfLineTail($s_File, -$i_LineNumber, $i_Beginning, $i_BufferSize) EndIf If Not IsArray($ar_CountLines) Then SetError(@error) ; array not returned Return 0 EndIf $i_StringLen = StringLen($s_InsertLine) _CharInsertByByte($s_File, $s_InsertLine & @CRLF, $ar_CountLines[2] + 1, 0, $i_Tail, $i_BufferSize) ;$i_Replace=1 [else Insert] Return $ar_CountLines; EndFunc ;==>_FileInsertLineAPI ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CharInsertByByte() ; Description: Replace Line API write; option of fast write by padding/ trimming line to fit! ; Parameter(s): $s_File - Complete path to file to count ; $i_LineNumber - Optional: Line number to write (Default) -1; writes to last line ; ** Negative numbers count lines from Tail ** ; $s_ReplaceLine - Optional: Line to write (Default) "" ; $s_PaddingChar - Optional: Padding character (Default) " " -blank space ; $i_Beginning - Optional: Indicates (for speed) if known whether to start buffer reads at end, middle, or start ; 0 = start at tail ; 1 = (Default) start at beginning ; 2 = start at middle ; $i_IfLonger - Optional: Read only line number ;or reads to the last line ; 0 = trim to same length as original line, , so fast write ; 1 = (Default) no trimming; so must shift rest of file down [slower] ; $i_IfShorter - Optional: Read only line number ;or reads to the last line ; 0 = (Default) Pad with $s_PaddingChar, so fast write ; 1 = no padding; so must shift rest of file up ; $i_BufferSize - Optional: BufferSize to use during count ; Requirement(s): Requires AutoIT 3.2 minimum ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Array of values for original positions of line in file; ; Array[0] - Line Count [number of @LF in file] ; Array[1] - Byte position of end of line in file ; Array[2] - Byte position of end of previous line in file ; Array[3] - Number bytes in string on line ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets the @error flag in the following fashion: ; @error = 1 - Wrong version of AutoIT (minimum = 3.2) ; @error = 2 - ; the files doesn't exist ; @error = 3 - ; file size <0 (duh!) ; @error = 4 - Bad buffer size ; @error = 5 - Cannot compare complete file (increase BufferSize) ; @error = 6 - Cannot open file for read ; @error = 7 - Content doesn't match (compare fail) ; < xx@extended = ? **? ; Remarks: Low buffer values result in poor performance ; Author(s): Randall Clapp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CharInsertByByte($s_FileRead, $textInsertF, $i_StartByte, $i_Replace = 1, $i_Tail = 0, $i_Buff = 50000000);, $i_Hex = 0) Local $s_FileCopy, $h_File, $s_TextReadBin, $timerc, $h_Copy, $i_StringLen, $timerm If $i_Replace < 0 Then $i_Replace = 0 $s_FileCopy = @ScriptDir & "\APIwwritecopy.txt" If $i_Replace = 1 Then ; $i_Replace gives number of bytes along to end of current string $h_File = _FileOpenAPI($s_FileRead) _FileWriteAPI($h_File, $textInsertF, $i_StartByte - 1) _FileCloseAPI($h_File) ElseIf $i_Tail <> 0 Then ; and therefore $i_Replace =0 or >1 $h_File = _FileOpenAPI($s_FileRead);1 $s_TextReadBin = _FileReadAPI($h_File, $i_Buff, $i_StartByte - 1 + $i_Replace);6 ;~ $s_TextReadBin = _FileReadAPI($h_File, $i_Tail, $i_StartByte - 1 + $i_Replace);6 _FileWriteAPI($h_File, $textInsertF, $i_StartByte - 1);3 _FileSetEndAPI($h_File);4 _FileWriteAPI($h_File, $s_TextReadBin);8 _FileCloseAPI($h_File) Else ; $i_Replace gives number of bytes along to end of current string $timerc = TimerInit() FileCopy($s_FileRead, $s_FileCopy, 1) ConsoleWrite("FileCopy time=" & TimerDiff($timerc) & @LF) $h_File = _FileOpenAPI($s_FileRead);1 $h_Copy = _FileOpenAPI($s_FileCopy) _FileWriteAPI($h_Copy, $textInsertF, $i_StartByte - 1);3 _FileSetEndAPI($h_Copy);4 $i_StringLen = StringLen($textInsertF) For $a = 0 To FileGetSize($s_FileRead) / $i_Buff If ($i_StartByte - 1 + $a * $i_Buff + $i_Replace) < FileGetSize($s_FileRead) - 2 Then ;don't read if within 1 of eof $s_TextReadBin = _FileReadAPI($h_File, $i_Buff, $i_StartByte - 1 + $a * $i_Buff + $i_Replace);6 _FileWriteAPI($h_Copy, $s_TextReadBin, $i_StartByte - 1 + $i_StringLen + $a * $i_Buff);8 EndIf Next _FileCloseAPI($h_Copy) _FileCloseAPI($h_File) $timerm = TimerInit() FileMove($s_FileCopy, $s_FileRead, 1) ConsoleWrite("FileMove time=" & TimerDiff($timerm) & @LF) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CharInsertByByte Func _APIGetFileSize($szFile) Local $ret = 0 Local $hFile = _FileOpenAPI($szFile) $AFR_r = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetFileSize", _ "hwnd", $hFile, _ "ptr", 0) _FileCloseAPI($hFile) Return $AFR_r[0] EndFunc ;==>_APIGetFileSize