#NoTrayIcon #include #include #include Global $cpy, $s Dim $main_w = 320, $main_h = 40, $colo[2] = [0x8899CC,0x7788BB] HotKeySet('^`','Copy') $main = GUICreate('Tag Master - By MadFlame991',$main_w,$main_h,@DesktopWidth-$main_w,@DesktopHeight-30-$main_h,$WS_POPUP) GUISetBkColor($colo[0]) GUICtrlCreateLabel('',0,0,320,8,-1,$GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,$colo[1]) $cmb_s = GUICtrlCreateCombo('#_sel#',10,14,200) GUICtrlSetData($cmb_s,'


|#_sel#|#_sel#|#_sel#|#_sel#|#@Alt#') $but_set = GUICtrlCreateButton('Set',220,14,40,21) $but_help = GUICtrlCreateButton('Help',270,14,40,21) GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $but_set $s = GUICtrlRead($cmb_s) Case $but_help MsgBox(0,'Tag Master - About','Tag Master v0.2 by MadFlame991'&@CRLF&@CRLF& _ 'Select the tag desired then hit Ctrl+` to paste it'&@CRLF& _ '#_sel# will paste the the current selection'&@CRLF& _ '#@Question goes here# will prompt for an input'&@CRLF& _ 'To exit Tag Master hit Esc while it''s active'&@CRLF&@CRLF& _ 'For further details visit http://madflame991.blogspot.com') Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($main) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd ;======== Main program end ========================================================================= Func Copy() Sleep(100) Send('^c') $cpy = ClipGet() If @error = 0 Then $cpy = PharseStr() ;$cpy = '' & $cpy & '' ;old proof of concept ClipPut($cpy) Send('^v') EndIf EndFunc ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func PharseStr() Local $ret $bucati = StringSplit($s,'#') For $i = 1 To $bucati[0] If $bucati[$i] = '_sel' Then $bucati[$i] = $cpy ElseIf StringInStr($bucati[$i],'@') = 1 Then $bucati[$i] = InputBox('Input',StringTrimLeft($bucati[$i],1),'','',-1,70) EndIf Next $ret = _ArrayToString($bucati,'',1,$bucati[0]) Return $ret EndFunc