; FileName = The file to read the image filenames from (Default show.txt) ; Width =Max Width of the image (Default desktop width) ; Height=Max Height of the image (Default desktop height) ; Top = pixels from the top of the screen to display the widget (Default 0) ; Right = Pixels spacing to the Right of the image (Default 0) ; Delay = the delay in seconds between file changes (Default 5000) ; Random = 0 the we want the files in sequence (Default 1) ; Encrypted = 1 if we are using an encrypted file (Default 0) ; HideOnClick = 1 to hide the show if clicking on an image (Default 0) ; ; The image is scaled to fit and then centred verticall & horizontally in the ; viewport defined by the widh and height above ; ; use the Statusbar Icon to toggle the viewstate or exit the program ; [Defaults] FileName=show.txt Width=48 Height=48 Top=105 Right=18 Delay=300 Random=1 Encrypted=4 HideOnClick=1 Background=0xFF006B9F